The Xtortionist
Honest question someone posted this screen on Miiverse, but I'm not sure how to reach this screen in the game:
Shiekah Stone, I think.
Honest question someone posted this screen on Miiverse, but I'm not sure how to reach this screen in the game:
Go back to the room the Happy Mask Salesman is in and enter the giant, glowing Sheikah Stone (if that's what it's called).Honest question someone posted this screen on Miiverse, but I'm not sure how to reach this screen in the game:
Oooh! I bet you're right.Shiekah Stone, I think.
Shiekah Stone, I think.
LOL, I just discovered that if you run up to King Ikana while still fighting his henchman, he'll just kick you in the face from his throne
Yeah, I knew about that lil' Easter eggHave you triedwhile fighting King Ikana yet?wearing the Captain's Hat
I actually have a story of how two of the changes collided to make a really annoying experience. When heading back to the pirates fortress for the stone mask, the new swimming cause me to lose all my magic meter, so then when I got to Shiro I couldn't give him a red potion (no magic = no lens of truth) so I had to warp out of there for some green potion first.
... I want this as a wallpaper lolIt appears to be way faster on the N3DS. I'm taking shots like every two minutes.
Like this one!
So good, King Ikana is just the best.Moving on, here are some more screens!
So I'm reading about the upgraded kokiri sword and I'm going to have to do the second dungeon again. Will it be more or less cleared already or is there a shortcut to the boss?
How are you taking pics like that? Are you uploading them to miiverse or something?Moving on, here are some more screens!
^^^ dem muscles
Once you complete a dungeon once (or rather, once you have its key mask that you get from beating the dungeon), a portal appears at the start of the dungeon every subsequent cycle which takes you to the boss room.![]()
Explore Clock Town to see what you can find! There's plenty of people to talk to who will open up quests and such for you, plus there's mini-games with good heart pieces as rewards.Hey guys,
I just finished Woodfall Temple and I'm only rocking four heart containers so far (only collected one piece; the one on the clock tower from the deku saleman).
Before I start making my way over to Snowhead and the Gorons, how many heart pieces and heart containers should I be able to grab before moving on to the next dungeon? Is it a good idea to build up my heart containers before I press on?
Sorry, I never finished MM on the N64 (despite owning it) so I'm curious.
Hey guys,
I just finished Woodfall Temple and I'm only rocking four heart containers so far (only collected one piece; the one on the clock tower from the deku saleman).
Before I start making my way over to Snowhead and the Gorons, how many heart pieces and heart containers should I be able to grab before moving on to the next dungeon? Is it a good idea to build up my heart containers before I press on?
Sorry, I never finished MM on the N64 (despite owning it) so I'm curious.
Before going up to the final boss, I decided to do a single (slowed down) cycle and see how much I could do, I'm sure I could have squeezed in some mini-games, but this was my best result (and even then I had a ton of wasted time on Day 3). My goal was to try and have the events shown in the credits match the events of the final cycle (besides the old lady who needs to be mugged in order to for the Kafei/Anju sidequest to work, as well as the stray fairies)
Day 1
-Feed the hungry Goron
-Defeat Goht
-Bow practise/ promise to save ranch from aliens
-Make all the Chickens grow up
-Save Pamela's father from being a zombie (This happens just by beating the temple, but doing it manually means Pamela isn't rude to you afterwards)
-Beat the King of Ikana
-Beat Skull Keeta
-Give Tingle's Father a picture of his son
-Give the witch a red potion
-Defeat Odolwa
-Return the Deku Princess and save the monkey
-Race the Deku Butlet
-Make promise to Anju to see her at night
-Solve the mayor's meeting with the couple mask
-Get the Moon's Tear (all Deku Business stuff is done as well, but spread over several days)
-Beat the Swamp Skulltula House
-Beat the Ocean Skulltula House
-Listen to Guru-guru's problems
-Teach the Rosa Sisters how to dance
-Free Kamaro's soul
-Get Letter from Anju and post it
-Save the ranch from aliens
Day 2
-Promise Gorman to get him milk
-Get all the Zora eggs
-Heal Shiro with a red potion
-Get the fisherman a picture of a pirate
-Reunite the seahorses
-Deliver Gorman his milk
-Teach Evan the song the band will play over the credits
-Enter the Great Bay temple and beat the frog mini boss (no Gyorg yet)
-Listen to Anju's Grandmother (short story)
-Find out about Kafei and give pendant to Anju
-Save the milk delivery
-Play the ballad of the wind fish (fun fact: Gorman's dialog is different if he had his special milk)
-Conduct the frog choir
-Win the Goron Races
-Get Celebrated as the new leader of the Gorons (I didn't even know about this cut scene when I played the game 15 years ago!)
Day 3
-Get Letter to Kafei's mother
-Defeat Gyorg
-Practise with the Zora Band
-Defeat Twinmold
-Let postman deliver Kafei's letter
-Reunite the Clock Town Fairy (Doing the temple ones would be way too much work)
-Get the sun mask back
-Watch Kafei and Anju reunite
-Stop the moon from falling
It was super satisfying and I'd highly recommend it. I'll probably try to redo it later, but shuffling some things around to get more mini games done. I wonder if you could also do the 3 archery challenges, the treasure game and Honey & Darling / Deku Jumping on all three days. THAT would be a fun challenge.
BTW, can anyone think of anything that I missed?
You know what my only complaint about this remake is?
How empty Clock Town is. I realize that this is partially a limitation of how many characters the N64 could have on the screen at a time, and the fact that Nintendo tried to give every character a story, but in 2015, Clock Town is just bizarrely deserted, even on the first two days, for a town that is supposed to be bustling in preparation for a festival.
It would have been nice if they added some Dekus, Gorons, or Zoras to the town after you cleared their areas, even if they said nothing else than "We've came for the festival!!" or something.
How are you taking pics like that? Are you uploading them to miiverse or something?
It's NOT supposed to be bustling with people. That's the whole point. Go to the mayor's office, listen to the argument there. They bring up the lack of people this year.
Yes, he's using Miiverse like everyone else.
^ This. Also, by the time Link gets to Termina, a whole bunch of people have already panicked at the sight of an angry moon getting bigger and bigger, and fled to the corners of the Termina world/dimension.
By the day of the festival, the only people remaining in the town are a few shopowners, orphan children with nowhere else to go, and city workers (civil servants, construction workers, postmen)
Oh neat, I was wondering what heart piece I missed.Shiekah Stone, I think.
The game clearly establishes that many people have already fled Clock Town. It's supposed to look abandoned by the time you arrive. Nearly everyone has already left because they're afraid of the falling moon.You know what my only complaint about this remake is?
How empty Clock Town is. I realize that this is partially a limitation of how many characters the N64 could have on the screen at a time, and the fact that Nintendo tried to give every character a story, but in 2015, Clock Town is just bizarrely deserted, even on the first two days, for a town that is supposed to be bustling in preparation for a festival.
It would have been nice if they added some Dekus, Gorons, or Zoras to the town after you cleared their areas, even if they said nothing else than "We've came for the festival!!" or something.
Miiverse. When you see something onscreen you want to capture, just hit Home, then Miiverse (takes only a couple seconds to boot up on N3DS), then tap Post, and tap the Screenshot icon. From there, just pull up Miiverse on your PC, log in, and copy/paste the link. I usually upload to since I'm not sure how long images last on Miiverse. (Although they appear to last forever...)How are you taking pics like that? Are you uploading them to miiverse or something?
I don't fish in real life because I don't want to possibly hurt fish or worms.
Question about the final area and game saves.When I get all the heart pieces on The Moon and the Fierce Deity Mask will I have to go and save before fighting Majora or will it save automatically in the ending?
The game asks you to save after the credit roll.
If you change your mind and decide to give fishing a go, see the very last line in the OP of the fishing thread -- we cracked the code for finding rare fish. I even caught three of the Swamp Fishing Hole's boss fish (complete with boss music) in the same three-day cycle. So much fun! <3What a ride.
Cleared it 100% (minus the fishes) today.
Probably won't do the fishing. But still what an amazing game.
is the fishing game required for all the heart pieces?
No, just 100% by completing the fishing catalog. It's great fun!is the fishing game required for all the heart pieces?
Very last area of the game has four Heart Pieces. So the area right before you go to fight the final boss.Who do I give a picture of Lulu to? I thought it was that guy who's creepin' outside of her room, but he just tells me to go away.
EDIT: Oh, it's the other guy. Nevermind.
Only one rumoured event left in my notebook right now. Are there still four heart pieces in the last area?
Very last area of the game has four Heart Pieces. So the area right before you go to fight the final boss.
Fishing is the deepest and most nuanced attraction in the game. Also the game's greatest challenge. So it's not for everyone, but that's OK. If you're just aiming to complete the story, it's still a perfectly good time.So assuming the heart piece in Ikana Castle is still there, I'm on my way to 100% completing the game.
Aside from fishing. Which sucks.
Fishing is the deepest and most nuanced attraction in the game. Also the game's greatest challenge. So it's not for everyone, but that's OK. If you're just aiming to complete the story, it's still a perfectly good time.
And yes, that Heart Piece is still in Ikana Castle. Although that's not the "final area" to which I refer, just to be clear.
I haven't played that game, although I was briefly researching it the other day when I saw people recommending it in the other fishing thread.How would you say it compares to Fishing Resort on the Wii? After playing that I have trouble enjoying fishing in other games.
I haven't played that game, though I was researching it the other day when I saw people recommending it in the other fishing thread. Speaking of game's with that style, there's another game I saw Josh Thomas play on The Fold (part of the BitBlock), a skiing and snowboarding game on the Wii that looked fantastic. It had similarly cutesy characters and a split-screen co-op mode in a huge open world with all kinds of events and activities, and you and a friend could freely explore the map together. I wish I could remember what it was called, though.