Starting the game in 5 mins, join before it's too late, 2 more slots!
GAF community!How do I join in?
Join the community that's at the top of the OP.How do I join in?
How does one enter the American Tournament the game itself is advertising?
I am nowhere near good enough at the game yet to consider playing the GAF tournament, but I do want to enter the one the game is advertising, so far I have only been able to find the Mario Cup tournament?
How does one enter the American Tournament the game itself is advertising?
I am nowhere near good enough at the game yet to consider playing the GAF tournament, but I do want to enter the one the game is advertising, so far I have only been able to find the Mario Cup tournament?
I am just not good yet at all with the trajectory and spin stuff. Are people using the stylus or just their fingers or just using the L Circle to aim? So far I cannot get comfortable with any of those options.
Too early on the first press and it will have less power, land shorter, but keep in mind adjusting the landing point to something shorter before charging the swing only puts the blue target spot earlier, so if you max out it'll go full distance. On the second press, if you are too early, it goes left, too late and it goes right. Also seems to not go as far if you are off by a lot. I think it is best to use the four buttons on the screen to choose top/back spin because you can adjust for bad presses.4. And finally, to combine a lot of questions I'm having into one, what are the consequences of changing the impact point of your swing? Will the ball travel less far because I'm not hitting it on it's center of mass? Will it get topspin/backspin once it lands on the grass? Does it affect anything else besides the shape of your trajectory?
Too early on the first press and it will have less power, land shorter, but keep in mind adjusting the landing point to something shorter before charging the swing only puts the blue target spot earlier, so if you max out it'll go full distance. On the second press, if you are too early, it goes left, too late and it goes right. Also seems to not go as far if you are off by a lot. I think it is best to use the four buttons on the screen to choose top/back spin because you can adjust for bad presses.
I think he's talking about the impact point on the ball (i.e. holding left or right during the shot process). You're talking about the impact point on the meter. But the same thing applies - holding left will fade, right will draw. You can control the amount by how far you hold the stick in a particular direction.
Also, your terms are mixed up. A shot curving towards the left then back to the right is a fade, a shot curving towards the right and back to left if a draw. A hook is an extreme draw (goes way left), a slice is an extreme fade (goes way right).
3. This doesnt actual effect the ball when it lands, only in flight, the top spin, super top spin, back spin, super back spin on the lower screen is what actually effects the ball when it lands
4. Hitting the ball 'early' will fade the ball (curve to the left) and hitting 'later' will hook the ball (curve to the right) and opposite if left handed player
Too early on the first press and it will have less power, land shorter, but keep in mind adjusting the landing point to something shorter before charging the swing only puts the blue target spot earlier, so if you max out it'll go full distance. On the second press, if you are too early, it goes left, too late and it goes right. Also seems to not go as far if you are off by a lot. I think it is best to use the four buttons on the screen to choose top/back spin because you can adjust for bad presses.
Just posted a -18 in first try on the Early Bird was -8 through 6 and then hit two pars and a tree trying to cut a corner on a par 5. Could probably do better but I had some ridiculous chip ins and a eagle on a par 4. Gonna play through the single player now need to unlock more stuff.
Edit: Where can I see the tourney leaderboard?
Link added to top of OP
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. For question 3, I ment choosing topspin/backspin with the A and B buttons. Does that also affect the ball's trajectory in the air or only it's path when it lands on the grass?
For question 4, I ment choosing the impact point of your swing with the circle pad. Will the ball travel less far because I'm not hitting it on it's center of mass? Will it get topspin/backspin once it lands on the grass? Does it affect anything else besides the shape of your trajectory?
For question 3, I don't believe that affects in-air trajectory.
For question 4, adjusting impact point does impart spin. Side spin for fades and draws (assuming you use a character that hits straight normally. If you're using a character that naturally draws for example, hitting a fade will usually result in either a small fade or even a straighter shot, while hitting a draw will be a more exaggerated draw).
Holding up/down will result in a low/high shot. Lower shots won't be as affected by the wind and will roll a bit more (not as much as if you put top spin on it) and a higher shot will be affected a lot more by the wind and will roll a bit less (but not as much as if you put backspin on it). So you can hit a high shot if you want a softer landing, but not want to put backspin on a shot (i.e. the pin may be at the front of the green and backspin may result in you rolling off). Just be sure to account for the wind...I often like to hit high shots in certain situations and ride the wind to a particular landing point.
The putting isn't as sensitive as Hot Shots vita. I find myself over-compensating on break and misjudging speeds. I'm still scoring fairly well. Looking forward to being able to hit the ball further so I can reach the par 5's.Weird because I also come from Hotshots and felt right at home.
We're at 3. Need one morevictimplayer.
EDIT: There we go.
The putting isn't as sensitive as Hot Shots vita. I find myself over-compensating on break and misjudging speeds. I'm still scoring fairly well. Looking forward to being able to hit the ball further so I can reach the par 5's.
Im about to hop back on to the GAF community for some matches if anyone wants to play!!
gg, I played the last hole like a donkey
Thanks, Birathen, for your Swedish gear!
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. For question 3, I ment choosing topspin/backspin with the A and B buttons. Does that also affect the ball's trajectory in the air or only it's path when it lands on the grass?
For question 4, I ment choosing the impact point of your swing with the circle pad. Will the ball travel less far because I'm not hitting it on it's center of mass? Will it get topspin/backspin once it lands on the grass? Does it affect anything else besides the shape of your trajectory?
OMG..those race heart...can't take it
How do I unlock new courses? I only have the forest one available to me right now...
Damn Jasc well done. I OBed and couldn't recover...