Yoshi circuit or yoshi valleyThat Yoshi race was SAVAGE. From second place to 9th like nbd.
Because fuck yoshi valley, that course is so bs it got me on fucking kotaku maaaan
Yoshi circuit or yoshi valleyThat Yoshi race was SAVAGE. From second place to 9th like nbd.
Not gonna lie, I was rolling in my bed laughing when I beat you on the finish line in Wario Stadium, TheGoreMagala.
Edit: Why am I not asleep yet
Holy shit that bob-omb on the fricken jump destroyed me!!
Good times! :-D
Just one more... Just one more...
Rapid load times make this that much more addictive
Edit: haha, you're forgiven! Accurate and efficient. Terrifying
Chucker it's just you and me man, where'd everyone go? ;_;
Chucker it's just you and me man, where'd everyone go? ;_;
I'm dropping out and back in.Psssst join me in 150
Right I'm out. Incite, that backward shell at the end there somehow seemed personal! Haha.
I don't suppose anyone has any further advice regarding Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the internet... other than buy a wired connection dongle?
I've tried the following:
Connecting to both 5ghz and 2.xghz, tried varying channels for them both.
changed the DNS, checked the firmware on my router (all updated)
i've done everything on this list.. even down to moving my router onto the floor in the middle of the room.. and sitting with the Switch right next to it...
i have no issues with Fast RMX, it just seems Mario Kart wants to disconnect me every 30 seconds - 1.5 minutes.
200cc is kicking my ass. I can't make turns.
Gotta hit dat brake now yo.
If youre using a kart and wanna be a rebel you can use multiple slides per sharp turn instead of braking; just dont make the drifts long enough to get a turbo and you are golden.I don't think I've ever even thought to use the break before 😂😂😂
If youre using a kart and wanna be a rebel you can use multiple slides per sharp turn instead of braking; just dont make the drifts long enough to get a turbo and you are golden.
Braking is way faster though lol
Dont use a bike to start off, it is hard mode for 200 bro. Go with an outside drifter for now, itll be way easier to learn. Then go back to bike once you get used to braking and shit,Using a bike and I always fly off the side.
Man, what a swing of emotions. Trying to 3 star all 150 cc cups. I'm on the lightning cup on the last race and get blasted feet from the finish line. Get there again and the same damn thing happens.
Try it one more time, in 2nd place at the very end and shoot off a super horn that barely reaches first place right before the finish line and win. Then I went on to 3 star two more cups while riding that high.
Side note - it's been 10 days now. What's everyone's play time at? I'm only at 5+ but I bet it's close to 10. Puyo Puyo has been taking up more of my time.
I keep getting Silver on the starting cup on 200cc. This is just insane, I'm using Tanooki Mario / biddybuggy / Azure rollers / Bowser Kite. This seems to just be a case of deciding if I break drift or can get away with a full one so far. I don't despise this yet, but this is against AI, so I'm afraid of this popping up online.
Now that the game has been out for a bit, have people figured out if all weight classes are pretty equal? I really want this to just be an issue of what feels comfortable / cool looking. If I understand correctly, heavies had a huge advantage in the Wii U version.
edit: How in the fuck did I get gold on Rainbow Road 64 and it's cup on the first try, when I can't break silver after 5 times on the first one? Isn't that version of Rainbow Road the hardest track in the series?
Can I just say, the auto acceleration and auto steering has been a nice surprise for my 4 year old daughter? I can put on 50cc and sit back and watch her have a blast playing. This was a really cool move by Nintendo so I can share my gaming with my children. My 20 month old was even "playing" (even though he was holding the controller upside down and every which way, but it made him laugh so he had a good time too). It's a good tool to teach them sharing as they switch back and forth after each race.
Yeah, my 6 year old coming in first in 50cc races made that auto accelerate/steer option a godsend.
I'm finding we can't play together though because the AI is trying to catch me and just goes brutal on her and she ends up in like 8th or 9 and is just DONE at that point. Need to find a happy medium.
No offense meant in any way, but is smart steering even needed in 50cc? It's so slow, seems like you could take most corners without even drifting? Maybe that's not true though, have only played a few races in 50.
No offense meant in any way, but is smart steering even needed in 50cc? It's so slow, seems like you could take most corners without even drifting? Maybe that's not true though, have only played a few races in 50.
Let the salt flow
Feel the salt
Become salt
Are you still friends?Was playing with a bunch of friends online tonight. I kept expecting to do mediocre in battle mode but on the final one I ended up in first in every single match we did. I'm impressed with myself.