You are moving goalposts. How much a platform holder charges for their new games in their digital store and whether they have huge sales and other offers are two different things. Nintendo also had free games offers with MK8 on the Wii U and with certain 3DS games. Nintendo also had the customer loyalty program a.ka. exclusive Club Nintendo items. They all had their own offers and promotions. They just do it differently. I doubt you remember all that, maybe because you are biased...tsk tsk /s.
No, doing it differently may also mean doing it worse and promotions for Wii U and the occasional rare promotions Nintendo makes are not really comparable to how both MS and Sony and Apple and Valve and Google and Amazon... handle their digital marketplace. There is not even a cart option for the eShop yet, but that is not exactly the place but Inconcede you as much.
The way they price content and the sales and promotions they offer factor in their customer experience and average lifetime player value and how to retain their consumers... else they are making dumb not data and value driven decisions, simple as that. Still, if it makes you feel better to think we could all end up getting screwed by all digital marketplaces more and more as they become the only way to access games (some more and some less) and we lose consumer rights... well...

I do remember their promotions as I remember me being a 3DS ambassador, getting the Metrod demo at DS's launch (and enjoying the non gaming features of DS and 3DS immmensely), etc... you are right, I have been keeping up an expensive charade for all theee years just for the proviledge of defending my obvious bias and criticise Nintendo. I need to remember that I can either buy their games and liking whatever they decide or just not post in anything Nintendo related... /s.