I'll also join in the race with you guys tonight. Gonna check the OP real quick to see how to join the lobby, but if it's not there, can someone guide me through the steps?
I don't care what people say about the WiiU or Nintendo.
Right now Nintendo is in a beast mode with their 1st party titles and just released the best dlc ever =D (imo)
All of these are the lead versions though, with the extra beat. Any chance you can get the non lead lap version?
Right, I've now got all the new DLC music that's been directly ripped from the software, converted and uploaded:
mute city: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-mutecity-n
dragon: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-dragonroad-n
mute city results: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/fzero-reslut-wuaa32dspadpcm
rainbow road: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-sfc-rainbowroad-n
hyrule: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/hyrule-track-mario-kart-8
ice ice track: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-icepark-n
excitebike: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/excite (FIXED IT)
again, these are ripped and converted from the files inside the DLC itself. It's far superior to what you were all listening to on youtube as it's not a shitty line out recording.
my stuff is the real deal, yo. just listen to that quality.
You talkin' about Excite Bike Arena? 'Cause when I played WWs earlier, I've had times where the vote for that track was unanimous.Yep, exactly this.
Is fun, is frantic and the music is amazing. Nailing the jumps is so freaking fun!
But then you see half of the group choosing random isntead of it, wtf guys, I chose your shitty dragon circuit that you love so much becuase i know you would like to play it, dont be dicks.
It's rather easy, just quote the OP and find the codes hidden under the "Tournaments" section.I'll also join in the race with you guys tonight. Gonna check the OP real quick to see how to join the lobby, but if it's not there, can someone guide me through the steps?
Right, I've now got all the new DLC music that's been directly ripped from the software, converted and uploaded:
mute city: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-mutecity-n
dragon: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-dragonroad-n
mute city results: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/fzero-reslut-wuaa32dspadpcm
rainbow road: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-sfc-rainbowroad-n
hyrule: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/hyrule-track-mario-kart-8
ice ice track: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/pbgm-wu-icepark-n
excitebike: https://soundcloud.com/richisawesome/excite (FIXED IT)
again, these are ripped and converted from the files inside the DLC itself. It's far superior to what you were all listening to on youtube as it's not a shitty line out recording.
my stuff is the real deal, yo. just listen to that quality.
Amen to that. Nintendo may be lttp when it comes to online, but god do they put to shame all the industry when they arrive.
I've been smiling all day playing this dlc.
You're welcome.fuck whoever threw that green shell backwards in between the blocks on RR
Haha, or not :3 Who chose Dry Dry desert aka worst level in the game?
How do I play online with DLC tracks?
Edit: the new tracks just show up sometimes. Wonder if for people who didnt buy too.
$12 for 50% more tracks in a $60 game is a solid deal, despite my dislike of the fact the DLC cannot be resold.
why do you adddrums to it?shitty
Cause it ain't Toad's Turnpike or Yoshi's Circuit.Haha, or not :3 Who chose Dry Dry desert aka worst level in the game?
It's rather easy, just quote the OP and find the codes hidden under the "Tournaments" section.
There are 4 tournaments, right now we're playing in the first two.
uh, I didn't. they're in the files (when you're in first, they play).
so blame nintendo, yeah? I would go through and fix it, but I can't be fucked.
How come the rooms I join are always empty?
uh, I didn't. they're in the files (when you're in first, they play).
so blame nintendo, yeah? I would go through and fix it, but I can't be fucked.
for /F "tokens=* delims=." %%i in ('dir /B *.wav') do (
ffmpeg -i "%%i" -map_channel 0.0.0 -map_channel 0.0.1 -aq 1 -channel_layout stereo "%%i.mp3"
Are you joining the DLC rooms?
Yeah. Finally got into Frantic but there's only 2 other people here.
After you converted the original files to .wav you have to extract the first two audio channels only. I don't have the original files of the dlc so I cant test that, but that worked well for the "normal" MK8 Soundtrack. My script:
Code:for /F "tokens=* delims=." %%i in ('dir /B *.wav') do ( ffmpeg -i "%%i" -map_channel 0.0.0 -map_channel 0.0.1 -aq 1 -channel_layout stereo "%%i.mp3" ) pause exit
yeah, I'll reup them later on. audacity is the easiest way to do it.
There's a bunch of us in normal, but the room isn't full so there's room for you too!
Not really. Put that code into a batch file, put the batch file in the folder with all .wav and start it. After a few moments all songs are "corrected". Should go faster as to do that with every single track in audacity![]()
attempting to take the shortcut at the end of Ice Ice Outpost is my doom.