It is true.
I really hate how Nintendo does their online updates/DLC downloads... how do I get the patch on my MK8? I opened the game which would usually prompt a patch, but nothing happened and I still don't have 200cc nor the DLC downloaded? I went into the downloads thing and did a software check and nothing. (I live in the US)
Software check is useless as it only checks you can download software. I hate the Wii U OS with how bad it is when it comes to this (there is no manual way for to pick patches off the eShop). I was able to get the 970mb DLC to start by going onto the eShop but the v4.0 patch to actually use it was another matter...
Finally started the DLC download... I had to go into the Eshop and the downloads section and it found there was an update. DLC is 970mb right?
You'll also need the v4.0 patch after that which starting up MK8 and trying to connect to online should make it kick in (as you'll fail to connect due to having an outdated version of the game)
Is that even faster? Sure, it's a straighter route, but you have more speed along the water than in the air.
All the top times in time trials for Big Blue use that route. They spend a lot less time in the air than Gamexplain does and and they're playing as Morton in the Blue Falcon which it would seem is the only thing available in time trial. Strange oversight that, Nintendo should look into it.
I'm in!
Jesus, 200 cc is freaking awesome! I feel like I'm playing F-Zero -- which means I lose everytime!
It is like I'm playing F-Zero GX as Black Bull or Wild Goose. I can't take corners. Hit the brakes they say, they don't help, I take too much speed into the corner to start with and still bang into a wall. It seems having the racing line is way more important as you need that to take turns well.