Played for another 6 hours straight today
I love this game
The game is really charming, especially everything involving Luigi and his relationship with Mario but man does it have terrible pacing. It feels like every single time there is a new mechanic the game screeches to a halt so an NPC can tell you the obvious. Going out of order in Driftwood Shore and not having the prince slowly explain the rotating mechanic really shows how pointless the tutorials are for the most part.
The combat is okay, they certainly have a lot of variety but it can drag on sometimes. With the weird load times and transition time I often avoid battles.
So, if I loved Mario RPG and the Paper Mario games, but didn't really care for the first Paper Mario game (and didn't play the later ones) since it was too Actiony and not RPGy enough, am I going to like this game?...
So, if I loved Mario RPG and the Paper Mario games, but didn't really care for the first Paper Mario game (and didn't play the later ones) since it was too Actiony and not RPGy enough, am I going to like this game?...
I can understand he avoided SS.
I love the 3D effects in this game. But they do hurt my eyes after a while, seemingly moreso than other 3DS games. Am I alone in this?
The soundtrack is probably the best in the series, eclipsing even SMRPG. Shimomura at her best!
I can't play this game without sound, the music is so good.
I don't understand why Nintendo isn't getting more praise for the visuals on the 3DS. This game is really pretty and a HUGE leap over the previous games in the series.
Paper Mario, SM3DL, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Luigi's Mansion all also have gorgeous presentation, and if you compare it to the stuff on the DS it's a massive leap. Most of the first party games feel like they are getting console quality treatment on par with a Wii or Gamecube game whereas most stuff on the DS and GBA felt like ports, or B-team level execution.
Dreambert and Bedsmith OTP
Yeah but he didn't care for the first one. I guess TTYD is the only one he really liked?
There, went back and edited. That should make much more sense now.
I don't understand why Nintendo isn't getting more praise for the visuals on the 3DS. This game is really pretty and a HUGE leap over the previous games in the series.
Paper Mario, SM3DL, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Luigi's Mansion all also have gorgeous presentation, and if you compare it to the stuff on the DS it's a massive leap. Most of the first party games feel like they are getting console quality treatment on par with a Wii or Gamecube game whereas most stuff on the DS and GBA felt like ports, or B-team level execution.
Yep. 3DS should have been at least 360pIt's mostly the low resolution that hurts the 3DS. Hopefully their next handheld has at least 800x480 screen resolution.
Yep. 3DS should have been at least 360p
Is it just me, or does the Mad Skillathon seem a bit unbalanced? I just tried the one for the Dropchopper and man, I only made it to 275, but it felt like it took longer than getting almost 700 in the Fire Flower one. Some of them, I don't feel like re-attempting because it feels like a grind just getting the high score.
On the plus side, DT has a far superior overworld to BIS. Harkens back to the Superstar Saga days, but with better visuals and the best soundtrack the series has ever seen. It's great fun traversing, exploring, and battling in the real world. The Woods and Mt. Pajamaja are particular stand-outs, some of my favorite areas in the entire series. I also really like most of the Dream sections, more visually interesting than inside Bowser, and I love the Luiginary attacks, even the gyro controlled one surprisingly enough. It's a stuffed game with a LOT of variety, but a lot of it can't help but come off like filler or errands to extend the game time. Very easy to get burnt out of it by the end. It's a solid 8/10, when some serious trimming could've been a 9/10, possibly.
At the rate things are progressing with this game, I have to day I'd probably put this as my second-favorite in the M&L series, with only Superstar Saga ahead of it.
Speaking of Bros. Attacks, I didn't get Mario's last Bros. Attack. Where do I get it?
You have to save all the Pi'illows on the island, which means you can get it the moment you enter New Bowser Castle if you're neurotic and want to save all of them like I did. Once you save all 52 Pi'illows, talk to Eldream and he'll give you 10 Bros Attack pieces for Zee Egg. Zee Egg is basically M&L's version of a Bahamut summon using the Zeekeeper and does quite a lot of damage.
Weird thing: According to my savegame I've been playing for 27h39, but 3DS diary has it at only 23h58? Anyone have any idea on how this is possible?
The other way around can be explained by dying and trying again using a savegame.
Weird thing: According to my savegame I've been playing for 27h39, but 3DS diary has it at only 23h58? Anyone have any idea on how this is possible?
The other way around can be explained by dying and trying again using a savegame.
Bit of advice: SAVE ALL 52 PILLOS.