I am Aphiel in-game. I am from Europe so I do hope we can get a right time for both of us.
I'll be on later this evening my time, but I'm seven hours behind the UK. This game needs a mailbox option to send stuff to people! I'll check and see if you are online.
Raids tonight? Kepow isn't available, so I'm predicted the smoothest run to date. I'm ~10 eyes away from my fourth level 66 upgrade, so I need to get my grind on.
Regarding the Punisher: Frank was my first level 60 in game and is tied as my favorite Marvel character. Ennis Punisher Max is my catnip. But I'm not blinded by my love for the character. Frank is not in a great place in game. He is quite survivable and very easy to level, but his mechanics are insanely boring (pick one basic, one grenade, one AOE, and passives). His damage is Invisible Woman tier, aka garbage. His skills are janky. Gaz took all of his abilities and gave Star-Lord an improved version of them, right down to his Deadly Barrage. I can't recommend him in his current state. Sorry, Frank!
He's so unpopular in game, that Gaz has little incentive to push his review. He'll be dead last in the review realm, I'm positive. He's so unpopular that in my dozens of raids, I've seen him one time. It didn't help that the person playing him was a complete douchebag who was yelling at everyone in the raid, bitching the whole time, and screaming that we should wipe on two consecutive bosses that we one-shot. If the character you choose to play in game is pure shit and contributing little to nothing to the team's success, don't come with a garbage attitude and scream at people. If we weren't in mid-fight on Surtur when he went on his spree, I would've kicked his ass to the curb.
On that note: life is too short to put up with people's attitudes in game, especially when we're pugging in 2-3 people per run. Nobody's in game performance warrants them to cope a diva attitude. Yes, I'm glad that you've chosen to main Overpowered Hero A. Yes, you pull more than your fair share of weight in a raid. No, we won't put up with your attitude. Last week, a Deadpool player started getting wordy with me in whisper about why we were taking so long to start. We had one of our members pop on and ask for a spot. I kicked Deadpool to the curb without so much as a response. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Luckily, we're mostly easy going folks in our group. I even like Kepow!