At least Carnage would make sense as a unique character. Kaine does not.
He's more different than X-23 from Wolverine. Or even Carnage from Venom.
In what way?
X-23 and Carnage have the same powers as their counterparts already in the game, they just use them differently. Kaine uses the powers he shares differently as well, but he also just straight up has a bunch of other weird shit he can do.
Spider-Man doesn't turn into an enormous rage monster.
What is happening in here guys? Do I have to come and put some order?
He can Hulk-out? Why have I never seen or heard about this?
wonder why theres no advance pack 3. Not to speculate on the state of the game...
...but it totally makes me speculate on the state of the game >_>
They probably can't keep pumping heroes out at this pace or something.
thye have subsidized now. more people wil buy the packs that are 3 heroes than the intital 12. as much as the 12pack you save money in long run many people see the cheaper pack and go hell yea.
so for gazillion to maximise cost/profit thats clearly their best option
think of it like a phone contract, many people get them cos the cost is cheap per month but at the end of it they have paid nearly double the cost of phone
thye have subsidized now. more people wil buy the packs that are 3 heroes than the intital 12. as much as the 12pack you save money in long run many people see the cheaper pack and go hell yea.
so for gazillion to maximise cost/profit thats clearly their best option
think of it like a phone contract, many people get them cos the cost is cheap per month but at the end of it they have paid nearly double the cost of phone
We've talked about this. Those three character packs exist already, so this doesn't change anything on that front. Furthermore, there are actually a handful of reasons why offering only the three character packs is worse than also having cheaper full Advance Pack. Money is NOT the reason they'd drop the AP.
Is is possible to clear the Cosmic Trial with all characters?
I tried with Emma the other night, but the best I could do was get Madam Hydra to about half-health.
Is is possible to clear the Cosmic Trial with all characters?
I tried with Emma the other night, but the best I could do was get Madam Hydra to about half-health.
We are in the process of finalizing rewards from the completion chest awarded at the end of a Danger Room scenario. While these are not live in today's build, this is the design we have for them.
Let us know your constructive feedback on the contents and any suggestions you might have.
Disclaimer: These are not final and will continue to be iterated on based on feedback.
Each chest is guaranteed to drop the below items upon completion of the scenario.
2 random pure elements
10 Merits
Bonus Merits
2 Uncommon Insignias
2 random pure elements
Green Ring
1 4 stat core
20 Merits
Bonus Merits
Uncommon or below scenario
2 random pure elements
2 Rare insignias
Blue Ring
1 4 stat core
30 Merits
Bonus Merits
Rare or below scenario
2 random pure elements
1 Unique
2 Epic Insignias
Purple Ring
1 4 stat core
50 Merits
Bonus Merits
Epic or below scenario
4 random pure elements
Cosmic Insignia
Cosmic Ring
2 4 stat cores
2 Uniques
Unstable Molecule
Small chance of a Danger Room Black Box
90 Merits
Bonus Merits
Elements are cosmic rewards?
Is there any exciting loot in this game anymore other than half a dozen artifacts that will probably have shit rolls anyway?
Active Team-Ups - now absorb 5% of player damage instead of 10%, which should help bridge the gap between passive and active Team-ups. Mob damage has been adjusted to factor in this extra damage, and Team-Ups should be slightly tankier due to not absorbing that damage.
Boss & Enemy damage globally reduced 5% (game-wide).
Yeah, I just did it. I had a minute left on each boss. About 2800 omega points, health and spirit medkit (no invul), and used my ult on Skull. Mental build obv. If you mean that you're getting to Hydra and running out of time, then you probably just need better stuff. Also, make sure your snapshotting Unlock Potential when you can, especially against the bosses. It's an extra 5% to your overall damage with just a single value point.
I don't think luck has much to do with it, just have good stuff and dodge a lot of the stronger abilities and you're fine.
the defence changes are looking pretty ugly right now to be honest
typical gaz fashion
this means we take 5% more dmg
but then
so those changes completey out weigh each other and are a pointless change lol (to the player not team up)
Each boss? I assumed Madam Hydra was the only one. lol. This may be beyond me.
I have never really had a build for dps before, just style. Normally I use Mind Crush<Psychic Blast<Kneel Before Me and Unlock Potential. My gear is solid, but not top tier (gok, ESP Box, ), good roll uniques. I only have levelled the boots to 64 (or something else expensive you could do to them?), because I wanted to find perfect uniques before investing in them.
Hydra Hulkbusters are tough. They one shot me, on a 300 ping.
Brevik. It's always Brevik.
Cosmic FCs are coming. Time to pray something you want isn't exclusive in there.