Latest TTK tests posted in Subpoena's thread.
Rogue (Malekith Beam; nerf already announced) - 32 avg
Dr. Strange - 33 avg
Wolverine - 35 avg
Moon Knight - 35 avg
Iron Man (melee) - 37 avg
Black Panther - 38 avg
Rogue (melee) - 38 avg
Mr. Fantastic - 39 avg
Gambit (hybrid/melee) - 39 avg
Squirrel Girl - 42 avg
Human Torch (melee) - 43 avg
Ms. Marvel - 44 avg
Silver Surfer - 45 avg
Star-Lord - 45 avg
Gambit (ranged) - 46 avg
Jean Grey (Phoenix) - 48 avg
Spider-Man - 50 avg
Emma Frost (mental) - 50 avg
Rocket Raccoon (summoner) - 51 avg
Luke Cage - 52 avg
Black Widow (bomb build) - 53 avg
Cable - 54 avg
Emma Frost (physical) - 55 avg
Scarlet Witch - 55 avg
Storm - 57 avg
Thing - 57 avg
Taskmaster - 57 Avg
Hawkeye - 58 avg
Psylocke (hybrid/melee) - 58 avg
Nightcrawler - 60 avg
Deadpool (melee) - 60 avg
Rocket Raccoon (gunner) - 63 avg
Colossus - 63 avg
Ghost Rider (mental) - 70 avg
Black Widow (ranged/melee) - 75 avg
Captain America - 85 avg
Punisher - 94 avg
Biggest movers and shakers:
1) Rogue, to the top out of nowhere. Even with the beam nerf incoming, she's still near the very top as a melee build.
2) Black Panther. Yeah, better tester obliterated the test, but that was to be expected. BP is in such a great place right now.
3) Gambit. I'll tell you, I've been leveling him the past few days and he is a lot of fun. I'm playing pure ranged, but this will make me at least look into the hybrid/melee setup.
4) Silver Surfer. So post-nerf, he's still near the top of the list. That tells you how overpowered EMF made him.
5) Jean Grey (Phoenix). From the bottom of the barrel to a very respectable mid-tier position. Even more impressive in that almost 100% of that damage is AOE.
This list doesn't include the latest Black Widow buffs, so she may slide up the list some. Also, for the record, I must be drawn to the lowest damage characters in game. My first characters to 60 were Punisher, Jean Grey, Captain America, and Colossus, in that order. Now, I'm spending a bunch of time on Psylocke, so really looking forward to her mini-review.
One point that Subpoena makes is that this list will change significantly when the new test dummy comes out, since it will have five times the hit points. Characters like Dr. Strange rely heavily on his Eye signature to keep his damage that high, and the cooldown will certainly drop him on the list. Subpoena's theory is that Wolverine is actually the highest DPS character in a raid setting right now, and that will likely prove true in the coming weeks.