Uno Venova
Damn, I thought the comic was coming to the 360 and PS3 version? I want to do a female Shep paragon playthrough so bad, but I don't feel like re-playing ME1 to get the save file.
ukresistance said:Given that the Jan NPD results are in and EA/Sony have not mentioned it. It's safe to say that the cost of developing a PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 isn't exactly paying off. How many people do they expect to rush out and buy Mass Effect 3 for PS3 if they don't have the second, let alone the first game?
I guess you dont even need to go into coalesced.ini, you can override that 62 fps cap in the user settings menu with Notepad ++. I wish the game gave us a simple tab to disable v-sync (and unlock the framerate) like every other game. Also, I wish it had gamepad support.Salaadin said:Are you using d3doverrider by any chance? Maybe put the ME2 exe as an exception. Other than that, I dont know.
RoboPlato said:Are there patch notes for the PS3 patch? One of my friends is holding out on buying it until some of the issues are addressed.
Yup.Patch Notes
-Fixed a crash related to memory fragmentation. This fix will also resolve the crashing that corrupted Save Games.
-Slightly improved load times and level streaming.
-Added some telemetry to better improve future titles.
-Updated some strings to fix spelling mistakes (Sorry Kaidan!)
-Fixed the picture frame in Shepards Cabin to accurately reflect your love interest choices in Mass Effect: Genesis.
-Fixed a rare crash in the PSN version in Shepards Cabin.
Melchiah said:Playing the game for the first time (and loving it), and I'd have some questions, if someone is kind enough to answer them.
Firstly, at what point/location will? I'm currently on a mission tothe crew be abducted by Collectors, which then leads to the "suicide mission" beyond the Omega 4 Relay. I ask because, I want to avoid that as long as possible, as I'm building a romance with Kelly Chambers, and according to the romance guide I've been reading, I've got some things to do before that point in game, if I'm understanding the guide correctly. Plus, I've still got a few members to recruit for my team.investigate the Collector's ship
Which leads me to another question; does a romance with Kelly exclude one with Liara T'soni, or any other team member for that matter?
And the last one; does the game end when the main plot is done, or can you still go through the sidequests after that?
AvidNobody said:You will have the option to go through the Omega 4 Relay yourself. The game lets you decide when you want to start the final mission, so you don't have to worry about that.
I'm pretty sure you can still get together with others while being interested in Kelly... Not 100% though
And yes, you can still play after you beat the game. Play through Shadow Broker then!
Melchiah said:But according to the guide, if you don't go through the Omega 4 Relay immediately after. When and where doesthe abduction, some of the crew, including Kelly, will be losthappen? Just to know, which mission to avoid until I've had my way with Kelly.the abduction
So, getting the Paramour trophy would be possible even when romancing with Kelly?
Is it the best option to play Shadow Broker (and Overlord) after completing the game?
Thanks for the advice. =)
kitzkozan said:This is why you don't see more sci-fi rpgs,especially considering that HD gaming demand more time,effort and money.Pulling off this feeling of exploration in space is noble,but incredibly hard to pull off.It's much easier to do so if you focus on a given area like in Fallout or the Elder's scroll (or the upcoming Dark soul).Imagine the numerous art asset when creating numerous planets with specific climate,fauna,etc.
Woo-Fu said:I finally got around to playing Mass Effect 2 and I have to say I'm dismayed at how dumbed down it is compared to Mass Effect. The combat is still clunky compared to other 3rd person shooters and now many/most of the RPG elements have been dumbed down or entirely removed. You end up with a crappy RPG melded to a crappy 3rd person shooter, albeit with wonderful voice work. Seems like they should pick one or the other and make it great instead of gimping both.
samdavis said:Indeed, EA seems to have gotten its hands all over the game. I was particularly annoyed at the fact that they set up what felt like it was going to be this story of discovery and 2001: A Space Odyssey type wonder and revelations about the origins of the universe when they introduced the mythical Protheans...and then with Mass Effect 2 they just said "oh, well those fools got killed and the Reapers turned them into Collectors."
Once they introduced the all-powerful, universe-ending Reapers, the game was pretty much going to be a race to finish line and I don't see that changing with ME3. Unless Bioware decide to surprise the crap out of us I don't expect to see any amazing cosmic revelations at the end of the story. A bit disappointing considering how closely ME1 hearkened back to classic Sci-fi.
EatChildren said:Mass Effect 2 was never, ever going to match the original game in terms of wonder and revelation. It could have done a better job, but it was impossible to hit the same highs. The first game had the benefit of of every single little thing about the game universe being available for discovery. Everything. Every race, every planet, the history, the creatures, the technology; everything. That is the reason Mass Effect envoked such strong feelings of discovery; the whole game was an act of discovery.
Mass Effect 2 had the disadvantage of the entire universe now being established canon. Mass Effect 3 will too suffer thsi disadvantage. There's really no way around it.
EatChildren said:I'm just saying that people hoping for the same level of revelation and mystery as the first game were doomed to be disappointed. It was impossible. ME1 established canon, ME2 built off it.
Deathcraze said:With as few spoilers as possible,The Illusive Man will eventually ask you to get an IFF in order to get through the Omega 4 relay. Do everything you want to do before doing this mission and you will be fine.
That said, I thought Kelly didn't technically count as a full on romance and thus you don't get an achievement for it. I don't know if this has changed with the PS3 version and its trophy system.
As for when to play Shadow Broker, I would recommend doing it after you have finished the main plotline but it's not of huge consequence if you don't. It doesn't matter at all when you play Overlord.
EatChildren said:I agree with you. ME2's plot revelations had a ton of problems (you might want to make sure you spoiler tag stuff about the Collectors and the like though in your original post).
I'm just saying that people hoping for the same level of revelation and mystery as the first game were doomed to be disappointed. It was impossible. ME1 established canon, ME2 built off it.
But even the narrative it self isn't as well done. My reaction to the two games is still coloring my opinions but the way the game flowed and its story in general was not of the same quality as the first game.EatChildren said:I'm just saying that people hoping for the same level of revelation and mystery as the first game were doomed to be disappointed. It was impossible. ME1 established canon, ME2 built off it.
Lostconfused said:But even the narrative it self isn't as well done. My reaction to the two games is still coloring my opinions but the way the game flowed and its story in general was not of the same quality as the first game.
Melchiah said:I was wondering, can you explore any other locations in Citadel than the Zakera Ward?
Lakitu said:Nope, but you'll get to go other places in the Citadel through some missions.
I was really disappointed with how limited the Citadel was, but I think that was intentional.Melchiah said:Bummer. =( I was expecting to see again the familiar places that I visited when I played ME1 on my friend's Xbox. Hopefully the rumored DLC will allow that.
Mithos said:Loyalty question.
I'm currently at the point where I can pick up: Miranda's, Jake's, and Jacob's loyalty quest.
I know that:
Miranda and Jake will get in to an argument if I finish both loyalty quests, and that if I don't have enough renegae/paragon I will loose one of their loyalties.
HOWEVER, can I still PICK up both quest to my log, but just ignore doing one of them or do I have to skip one and pick it up at a later time?
Melchiah said:But according to the guide, if you don't go through the Omega 4 Relay immediately after. When and where doesthe abduction, some of the crew, including Kelly, will be losthappen? Just to know, which mission to avoid until I've had my way with Kelly.the abduction
So, getting the Paramour trophy would be possible even when romancing with Kelly?
Is it the best option to play Shadow Broker (and Overlord) after completing the game?
Thanks for the advice. =)
TheYanger said:You can't actually do anything wtih Kelly until after Omega 4. And she doesn't give you paramour afaik. She's like a little side fling you can have![]()
ameratsu said:How does everyone think they handled the insanity difficulty in me2?
It's my third playthrough of me2 but some parts just feel tedious. It's not even really 'difficult' persay, just that the number of enemies takes so long to defeat. I'm playing as an adept, about 1/2 done the main campaign. I think some of it has to do with the class I'm playing; my vanguard playthrough on hardcore seemed so much easier it wasn't even funny.
I wonder how they could have handled this without making you kill enemies who always seem to come in predictable but never-ending waves.
geth shield because of the +10% weapon damage.lucius said:What's a better defensive power to learn Barrier, Fortification or Geth Sheild Boost?
abcderik said:Regarding the ps3-verson, I think the game has surprisingly many bugs. I've had numerous freezes, my character has been stuck in the wall more than once (which forced me to restart) screen has gone completely black once and another time purple, weird textures during the Overlord mission, and one time I couldn't progress a mission because the last enemy that needed to be killed "sunk" into the floor/ground. At least Bioware fixed the more critical bugs in the patch...
Melchiah said:I agree. Along with Heavy Rain, ME2 is the most bug-ridden game I've played so far. Had one complete system freeze when playing both. Plus, there are quite a few graphical glitches in ME2; f.ex. a face of the guy I talked with became a see-through all of a sudden (I don't remember the scene where or when it took place).
Melchiah said:I agree. Along with Heavy Rain, ME2 is the most bug-ridden game I've played so far. Had one complete system freeze when playing both. Plus, there are quite a few graphical glitches in ME2; f.ex. a face of the guy I talked with became a see-through all of a sudden (I don't remember the scene where or when it took place).
Shinjitsu said:You don't play many games then.
Arjen said:Don't ever try Bethesda games then.
sam27368 said:Just saw this on the Steam store, I'm glad they went for a more masculine physique for shepard in ME2. He looks like a female with a mans head on in this picture.