Just got my platinum.. Gotta say, insanity was pretty rough (The end boss was actually tough.. I'm sure I wasnt doing it right or whatever, but it took me about an hour and a half, and like 20 reloads) but it was worth it. This is definitely my game of the year (even though it came out last year for everyone else) I dont think I've been so blown away by a game before. I dabbled abit in ME1, and while I enjoyed it, it didnt grab me. I picked up ME2 when it launched, and instantly fell in love. I couldnt put it down, played through twice, then saw I was only one trophy away (Insanity) from plat!
So, weeks later, here I am, and thoroughly enjoyed. Also, going through again to make a male shep that gets with Ashley =).
After being so disappointed with DA2, I worry about whats in store for the third installment, but I think they treat the ME games differently (hopefully)
Sorry for my wall, TL

R = loved the shit out of the game, got my plat and I'm still playing it. Good job Bioware/ME team! Cant wait for more ME!