Hey guys just a quick update, my PS3 copy arrived today and I went ahead and opened it. The Cerberus code still works, so yay![]()
Same here. I was worried when I saw the code was supposed to expire on the 1st, but it still worked for me (PS3 / US).
Hey guys just a quick update, my PS3 copy arrived today and I went ahead and opened it. The Cerberus code still works, so yay![]()
I purchased The Arrival DLC in the recent sale, and fired it up last night.
After getting halfway through it, I looked at the acheivements and realised I'd missed the first one. Is there any way to start the DLC mission again? Or would I have to start a new game?
I'm assuming if I do have to start a new game I can just go straight to the DLC missions first?
I purchased The Arrival DLC in the recent sale, and fired it up last night.
After getting halfway through it, I looked at the acheivements and realised I'd missed the first one. Is there any way to start the DLC mission again? Or would I have to start a new game?
I'm assuming if I do have to start a new game I can just go straight to the DLC missions first?
Is The arrival any good? I'm not sure if it's worth the 7 or so euros (EU PSN). (Been waiting for a discount tbh.)
You're not really missing anything from a gameplay perspective, if you skip it.Is The arrival any good? I'm not sure if it's worth the 7 or so euros (EU PSN). (Been waiting for a discount tbh.)
There should be an EA sale on PSN this month.
You're not really missing anything from a gameplay perspective, if you skip it.
The DLC sets up the start of ME3, but they've said that they'll cover it when you fire up ME3, so it's really up to you.
Put me in the camp that thinks ME2 is way way way better than ME1.
What exactly is the deal about the story complaints? The only real major complaint I have is the sequel hook non-ending. Other than that the story seemed better than the story in ME1.
Combat is also much more fun this time around. Vanguard 4 life.
Put me in the camp that thinks ME2 is way way way better than ME1.
What exactly is the deal about the story complaints? The only real major complaint I have is the sequel hook non-ending. Other than that the story seemed better than the story in ME1.
Combat is also much more fun this time around. Vanguard 4 life.
People were just disappointed that basically nothing happened in ME2. Shepard died but came back to life and it seems to have little impact in the overall trilogy other than Shepard being "friend" with Cerberus only to save humans that will otherwise probably get killed by Reapers in ME3 anyway. Then Shepard said "Fuck you Illusive Man" and leave him at the end, making them enemies again. So like, what was the point of ME2 other than introducing new characters and maybe making Cerberus more important and dangerous if you gave them the Collector base?
But still... i enjoyed replaying ME2 more than ME1, but its because the game was fun to play again, ME1 was not with its terrible inventory and worse combat/controls.
Then let me ask you a question: What was ME2's main story? I'm not talking about loyalty stuff here. I'm just talking the basic backbone.
The general argument comes down to those who feel that loyalty quests are part of the "main story" and those who argue those are sidequests.
There's also the lack of a clear antagonist in the Saren role. Well, that, and the stupendous amounts of stuff that doesn't make a lick of sense if you think about it. Things like:
A sole survivor Shepard working with an organization that killed her squad and tried to kill her multiple times.
The Collectors being taken down by one ship that's equipped with modern hardware, thus proving that they could have never threatened Earth, thus there not really being any danger.
The inexplicable way that EDI is immediately able to discern that they're growing a new Reaper despite there being no conceivable reason she should be able to know that based on a quick glance.
The facepalm moment when the entire squad randomly decides to conveniently leave the ship, allowing it to be attacked.
The continual ass-kissing of humanity and placing them on a pedestal.
The complete non-inspection of Shepard dying. It's basically treated as an afterthought.
The inability to explain that you were DEAD to Ashley/Kaiden, and their reaction to your return. See also their inexplicable escape from being frozen.
Yeah, nothing really happened with the main story. I did enjoy all the loyalty missions though. I hated the main story in ME1.
ME2's main story was just setting up ME3. Nothing really went on. When I say "I liked the story in ME2" I am talking almost entirely about the loyalty missions.
ME1 had more going on in the main story, but I just couldn't stomach stupid shit like Shepard getting mad at the council for not accepting "I had a vision!" into evidence, and the game painting the council in the wrong for that decision.
And yes, that is an awful lot of fridge logic you pointed out. I'm sure ME1 had a similar amount of boneheaded stuff. I tend not to dwell on video game stories because there are almost always instances of fridge logic.
The only time I couldn't ignore the stupid was during ME1's council scene. Ruined the game for me.
Well the kicker to all this is (super mild possible ME3 spoilers, and nothing from the script spoilers which I haven't read)the ME2 squad barely factors into ME3. ME3 is basically Shep reuniting with his old ME1 squad, plus Vega, and saving the galaxy. In fact, barring Tali and Garrus who were in ME1, there's not been a confirmed ME2 squad member being on your ME3 squad yet. So, if ME2 wasn't about assembling a squad for ME3, what was it about?
Well the kicker to all this is (super mild possible ME3 spoilers, and nothing from the script spoilers which I haven't read)the ME2 squad barely factors into ME3. ME3 is basically Shep reuniting with his old ME1 squad, plus Vega, and saving the galaxy. In fact, barring Tali and Garrus who were in ME1, there's not been a confirmed ME2 squad member being on your ME3 squad yet. So, if ME2 wasn't about assembling a squad for ME3, what was it about?
This is a shame , really..i really hope those scripts were early because wasting all this cast is the most stupid thing they can do for their fans
Really odd. At the end of the game I had tochoose a tech specialist to go into the vents. I knew to choose either Tali or Legion. I chose Legion, and he died. But looking online, he isn't supposed to die if he is loyal. What gives?
Anyone know if and when there's a new book coming out? I'm afraid if i try to find some info i'll end up on the Bioware forums.
Who did you pick as your fire team leader? If you pick a shitty leader, your tech specialist dies, too.
bahahaA sole survivor Shepard working with an organization that killed her squad and tried to kill her multiple times.
I pickedMiranda. But she wasn't loyal because I told her to not be such a colossal bitch towards Jack. So that might have been the issue.
Regarding Shepard working for Cerberus I dont see the issue. They seem to be the only organization willing to do something so He/She accepts to work with them for the greater good. Granted it could have been done more convincingly and at least have him try to get Alliance help instead of assuming they wont.There's also the lack of a clear antagonist in the Saren role. Well, that, and the stupendous amounts of stuff that doesn't make a lick of sense if you think about it. Things like:
A sole survivor Shepard working with an organization that killed her squad and tried to kill her multiple times.
The Collectors being taken down by one ship that's equipped with modern hardware, thus proving that they could have never threatened Earth, thus there not really being any danger.
The inexplicable way that EDI is immediately able to discern that they're growing a new Reaper despite there being no conceivable reason she should be able to know that based on a quick glance.
The facepalm moment when the entire squad randomly decides to conveniently leave the ship, allowing it to be attacked.
The continual ass-kissing of humanity and placing them on a pedestal.
The complete non-inspection of Shepard dying. It's basically treated as an afterthought.
The inability to explain that you were DEAD to Ashley/Kaiden, and their reaction to your return. See also their inexplicable escape from being frozen.
Regarding Shepard working for Cerberus I dont see the issue. They seem to be the only organization willing to do something so He/She accepts to work with them for the greater good. Granted it could have been done more convincingly and at least have him try to get Alliance help instead of assuming they wont.
Also they never said humans were special "per se" just more genetically diverse which seems true enough (varied skin tones, hair, shapes, lengths) plus Shepard being a thorn on the Reapers side made humans the main target. Perhaps in spite of all their technology they are just like animals and regard the humans superior just because we are the only ones that have hurt them. Similar to how they seemed to single out the Protheans.
All the rest I agree though it is possible that Kaiden/Ashley didnt escape and are indoctrined.
Also they never said humans were special "per se" just more genetically diverse which seems true enough (varied skin tones, hair, shapes, lengths) plus Shepard being a thorn on the Reapers side made humans the main target.
I did. The point is that what is the alternative allow the collectors to be unopposed? The games gives reasons (even if weak) as to why the Council and Alliance wont help. Even if the Alliance would accept him back they would probably not trust him before doing an extensive physical to determine him not being controlled somehow by Cerberus. There is no time to waste. Many hero stories have this scenario of having to work with your enemy for the greater good. It just shows that the hero will not allow personal issues get in the way of saving people.Did you do the full Cerberus sidequests in ME1 as a sole survivor? A paragon sole survivor Shepard who did would never in a million years work for Cerberus.
Yes they all have differences but not to the extreme that humans do. I mean nothing like black and white in the human race or slanted eyes etc. Difference in horns, spots etc would be similar to hair color difference but not like height difference or a facial hair equivalent difference. Also though there is not much to work with I havent seen a skinny Turian or a bulky Salarian. Whether by design or lack of creativity all the Aliens have less variability compared to humans.Salarians look different and have different skin tones and horn shapes, Turians don't all look the same, neither do Krogans, Asari have plenty of visual differences with their faces..
Except for the Asari and Turian comments the others seem accurate enough. I mean if what he wants is the best genetic pool then he needs a strong enough race (physically and technologically) in sufficient numbers. He gives good reasons why the rest are not good enough except for the Asari and Turian which like you said make no sense.Quarian; considered due to cybernetic augmentation, weakened immune system too debilitating.
Drell; useless, insufficient numbers.
Human; viable possibility, aggression factor useful if controlled.
Asari; reliance upon alien species for reproduction shows genetic weakness.
Salarian; insufficient lifespan, fragile genetic structure.
Human; viable possibility, impressive genetic malleability.
Geth; an annoyance, limited utility.
Human; viable possibility, impressive technical potential.
Human; viable possibility, if emotional drives are subjugated.
Human; viable possibility, great biotic potential.
Krogan; sterilised race, potential wasted.
Turian; you are considered...too primitive.
Everything Harbinger says is bullshit.
I will not succumb! Wiki summaries shall suffice.http://www.abload.de/img/12fkhc.jpghttp://www.abload.de/img/2ifk5s.jpg
I don't know why you bother with those comics, but the art book, yeah, I'm getting that too.OH LOOK AT ALL THE USELESS SHIT I ORDERED
Did you do the full Cerberus sidequests in ME1 as a sole survivor? A paragon sole survivor Shepard who did would never in a million years work for Cerberus.
Where does Arrival stack against the other DLC? For reference, I enjoyed Shadow Broker, but Kasumi, and Overlord I found pretty forgettable, if not tedious at times (especially Overlord).
I have to echo EatChildren- probably the worst.Where does Arrival stack against the other DLC? For reference, I enjoyed Shadow Broker, but Kasumi, and Overlord I found pretty forgettable, if not tedious at times (especially Overlord).
Really? Never in a million years? Paragon Shepard would let the Reapers destroy all life out of principle? I don't buy it.
I finished my ME2 female Shepard playthrough going full Paragon. I want to import her and go full Renegade this time. However, I'm afraid that if I do that when ME3 comes around I won't be able to import my Paragon Shepard. Do these Shepards exist as two separate careers, or will my renegade playthrough overwrite the paragon playthrough?
I don't buy that Cerberus was the only solution.
The writers bent over backwards to put Shepard in a position where she had to turn to Cerberus.
It also doesn't help thatthe upgraded Normandy tore the shit out of the Collectors, thus showing that they were never a threat in the first place. Keep in mind that it was one ship that did that, and if the Collectors had gone after Earth, they would have faced an armada. It was an empty threat.
So, no, I don't buy that Shepard refusing to work with Cerberus would have doomed the galaxy.
EA support said:I would like to inform that I have issued a code ( lol I'll give this away to someone that needs it) for you. I would tell you that it is not possible to generate code for everyone but as you are our valuable customer that's why I have done it for you as an exception.
Point taken.
Also what is all this I'm hearing about Sole Survivor Shepard? Does picking that background unlock several new dialogue options?
On a side note, I just tried a Renegade playthrough. What the fuck. It is like Renegade means being mean just to be mean. I don't get how any of my crewmates could possibly be loyal to a Renegade Shepard.
I sometimes really dislike the Renegade/Paragon system in this game.
Well, I guess you do get an e-mail from a former squadmate calling you a traitor and making you feel guilty for a choice the player can't make. You also get called out on working with Cerberus in Lair of the Shadowbroker. That's it in terms of extra dialogue.