Blue Ninja
Part way through that I was thinking "Wait he said 83 right? Not 183?" Couldn't bring myself to stop when I reached 100...
Left trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Left Trigger....
I stopped at 50.
Part way through that I was thinking "Wait he said 83 right? Not 183?" Couldn't bring myself to stop when I reached 100...
Left trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Left Trigger....
For my third question, I heard I need a certain amount of war assets to get the best ending? So SP only gives a specific amount, and you need to play mp to get the rest. Playing the DLC means I don't have to play MP. to get the necessary war assets. Or how does it work?
I did all of themPart way through that I was thinking "Wait he said 83 right? Not 183?" Couldn't bring myself to stop when I reached 100...
Left trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Right Trigger. Left Trigger....
For my third question, I heard I need a certain amount of war assets to get the best ending? So SP only gives a specific amount, and you need to play mp to get the rest. Playing the DLC means I don't have to play MP to get the necessary war assets. Or how does it work?
Yup can't let Vega show up Shepard!I did all of them![]()
Finally uploaded the "Wrex/Grunt/Shepard" video. Sure took a while, but it was worth it :
I just got ME3 for free from PS+, any DLC that I should get before playing? I know about the directors cut.
I enjoyed all of the SP DLC. But then again, I love all things Mass Effect.I just got ME3 for free from PS+, any DLC that I should get before playing? I know about the directors cut.
From Ashes and Leviathan 100%, I am replaying through one last time with all the DLC myself, Omega can probably be skipped.I just got ME3 for free from PS+, any DLC that I should get before playing? I know about the directors cut.
Eurogamer said:"Citadel is not just the last expansion for the game but a send-off for the entire trilogy, filled with lore, old faces, in-jokes and cameos. It's a witty and touching goodbye to the series' characters and a love letter to the game's hardcore fans."
The plot is so ridiculous that it too it's really just serving as a sendoff (spoilers):Citadel isn't a homage to Mass Effect the story, it's a sendoff to the franchise entire.The Shepard clone was just a catalyst for a fight against yourself. Not Shepard, you. Your Shepard, with your looks, your weapons, your class, and your skills that you spent three games tailoring. In your skip. The whole "shore leave" thing is just another observation of the franchise. The characters note they've finally earned time to relax. That's the Shepard trilogy. It's over. Time to retire.
Which would make sense since they have no way to continue the franchise. Looking forward to what Bioware does next after DA3.
Which would make sense since they have no way to continue the franchise.
The NPC's bitching about.multiplayer scrubs are great, especially elitist Vorcha
Also loved that it took into account Shepard's background. It finally acknowledged I was biotic andI finally got to speak with Mom again. I finally know where my Shepard got his "I should go" now, lol
Could this be seen as a positive step towards the next Mass Effecf game or is it a different team working on it that worked on Citadel?
The NPC's bitching about.multiplayer scrubs are great, especially elitist Vorcha
Also loved that it took into account Shepard's background. It finally acknowledged I was biotic andI finally got to speak with Mom again. I finally know where my Shepard got his "I should go" now, lol
Has anyone found anything relating toLegion? His absence was glaring, especially since I got messages from my other dead crewmates, Mordin and Thane.
Different team. Citadel was handled by the core Mass Effect trilogy team (a lot of the series long writers), Omega was done by Montreal, who are headlining Mass Effect 4.
And honestly, Citadel doesn't really have the chops for anything special as a stand alone product. It's not like the gameplay is astounding, and I don't even think the main mission (as fun as it is) ranks as one of the series best. Citadel works because of the legacy backing it. It's a very self aware, deliberate, yet fun homage to the series as we know it. It wouldn't work as well as it does without the series itself.
They already confirmed another Mass Effect is in the works. Unless you meant no way to continue the franchise with the characters we know.
Yeah, I was planning on elaborating but I'm on my phone so....That quote is about on the mark.
The best way I can explain Citadel is this: What has been the one enduring quality of the series for majority of players who have stuck with all three games? And what were the most memorable moments from Mass Effect 3?
Mass Effect the trilogy is the sum total of a lot of parts. But the most enduring qualities have almost always been the characters. It's Shepard. It's Wrex, Garrus, Liara, and Tali. And every other squadmate. And side characters. The Normandy. The running themes, on lore and joke. It's these staples, familiar elements, that acted as rocks no matter how bad the series got.
When people think about their favourite Mass Effect 3 moments, most will recite shit like. The ending was shit. The gameplay was mixed. But these parts were great, and are reflected upon positively.shooting bottles with Garrus, watching Tali get drunk, Liara's time capsule, saving the Krogan with Wrex, Mordan's sacrifice, and so on
Citadel is a DLC package made up entirely, if not exclusively of these parts.
There's already going to be Mass Effect 4, if you didn't know. BioWare Montreal is doing it: new writing team, new gameplay team, etc. They've made a big deal about the fact there's no Shepard what-so-ever and keeping what they're doing with the story and gameplay vague, though noting they want to distance themselves from Mass Effect 1 - 3 and not be tied down by series precedents. I think that's part of the point though. Whatever happens with Mass Effect 4 onwards is likely to be a new experience entire. The one fans got to know (and in some cases hate) with Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 is now done and dusted forever.
It's more character/dialogue driven than the likes of Omega though isn't it? I mean given the high score reviews and the vibe amongst those who have played it, surely it could be seen as a better template than following Omega which is more action than dialogue/ character driven. I understand your point though![]()
Do we know if its going to be an RPG like everything else bioware with dialogue and "branching" story or are they going straight up shooter?
To call the next game Mass Effect 4 or ME4 is doing it a disservice and seems to cause a lot of confusion here. We have already said that the Commander Shepard trilogy is over and that the next game will not feature him/her. That is the only detail you have on the game.
I see people saying 'well, they'll have to pick a canon ending'. No, because the game does not have to come after. Or before. Or off to the side. Or with characters you know. Or yaddayaddayadda.
Thinking of the next Mass Effect game as Mass Effect 4 would imply a certain linearity, a straight evolution of the gameplay and story of the first three games. That doesn't mean that events of the first three games and the choices you made won't get recognised, but they likely won't be what this new story will focus on.
If you had three games centred around a group of key soldiers in the US army during World War I and then decided to make a game about another group of people during the Second World War, the games could have many points in common and feel true to one another.
You likely would have to recognise how the events of the first war influenced the ones of the second, but you would not necessarily think of it as a sequel
Do the DLCs on PC ever go on rebate? I feel like maybe doing Leviathan and Citadel but not sure I want to pay 25$.
If that's what people are into, then sure. I like Omega more than most, but it's problems I think had less to do with character elements and more the narrative itself. It never settled and was over far too quickly. Plus the BioWare hype machine made a big deal out of months before it launched. A victim of overhyping, in my opinion.
Nada. We know nothing. The only quotes we have are from Chris Priestly:
And then Yanick Roy, director of BioWare Montreal:
I didn't like Omega much but I know many did enjoy it including your good self. I'm excited for a next gen Mass Effect although I'm praying they don't turn it into a FPS. Doubt we will hear anything for a long while anyway, argh.
Yeah, it's going to be a long way off. If BioWare/EA is sticking to the bi-annual cycle of Dragon Age and Mass Effect, best case scenario is Mass Effect 4 is 2014. If Dragon Age 3 doesn't make this year, Mass Effect 4 probably won't come about until 2015. Many moons to wait!
Yeah, it's going to be a long way off. If BioWare/EA is sticking to the bi-annual cycle of Dragon Age and Mass Effect, best case scenario is Mass Effect 4 is 2014. If Dragon Age 3 doesn't make this year, Mass Effect 4 probably won't come about until 2015. Many moons to wait!
Where is Thane's message?
Has anyone found anything relating toLegion? His absence was glaring, especially since I got messages from my other dead crewmates, Mordin and Thane.
I smell a reboot.If that's what people are into, then sure. I like Omega more than most, but it's problems I think had less to do with character elements and more the narrative itself. It never settled and was over far too quickly. Plus the BioWare hype machine made a big deal out of months before it launched. A victim of overhyping, in my opinion.
Nada. We know nothing. The only quotes we have are from Chris Priestly:
And then Yanick Roy, director of BioWare Montreal:
I smell a reboot.