Holy balls! I am loving the MP so far. I'm having way more fun with it than I expected. I did notice a few things which are annoying though (no doubt noticed by others as well).
It's irritating when there are three of you ready to game and whatnot and one other person is either idle, or left their game running and you can't continue further on. There's no way to kick, or message that random dude to get on with his shit. Of course, I can get his name and then type it in to message him, but it should be easier, no?
Also, I noticed that I'm rarely, if ever, can join a game that's already underway. Shouldn't there be an option? I don't want to wait 10 minutes just to play damnit!
Menus can do with a little more pizzaz and added description, etc on items and whatnot. I can see this being confusing for non-Mass Effect players who will try the MP for the first time.
Also, there should be a score for doing objectives! If there is, make it more obvious. I've played in games where no one took to the objective and just wanted to kill goons. I attribute that to them wanting to get EXP and cash - which, I can't really blame them for.
Is there a medal list where we can see what we got and whatnot? I fiddled around and didn't see anything. Unless it's in the leaderboards?
Aside from those few niggles, I can't complain much. Heck, I think I like this even more than GoW's Horde mode...not saying I do, but it's close. I can't wait to play the MP with other maps, enemies and whatnot.
If anyone here wants to play with my bad-ass Infiltrator named Shepardess, give me a message! Oh, and I play on PS3!