you can'tK.Jack said:I need some info. Where do you go to buy more grenades?
funkmastergeneral said:So I finally bought the game because it came down in price at Gamestop. Definitely pretty rad so far, but I can't tell if the game is hard or I just suck. I always seem to get mowed down in the little firefights, and I can never hit the target. Also why can't I zoom with a sniper rifle? I think I chose the sniper class
gregor7777 said:The sniper rifle is useless garbage until you level it up. Then it becomes godly.
You won't be able to hit a damn thing until you put some points into that skill though.
Iced_Eagle said:Also, I really wish that the game had more frequent quick-saves! I lost ~30-45 mins of progress when II doubt that has to be spoilered, but just want to make sure...accidently drove the Mako off the road :lol
Agent Ironside said:Well the crackers cracked it
Problem is it wasnt by crackers, just random people on a message board.
funkmastergeneral said:So I finally bought the game because it came down in price at Gamestop. Definitely pretty rad so far, but I can't tell if the game is hard or I just suck. I always seem to get mowed down in the little firefights, and I can never hit the target. Also why can't I zoom with a sniper rifle? I think I chose the sniper class
Solideliquid said:Does the PC version have the long load times/elevator?
had to use a work around to get sound to work correctly
Hazaro said:Load times depend on your HDD, mine are around 3-8 seconds on average.
Elevator I heard is shortened but is still like 40 seconds. Was it really like 2 minutes? :lol
godhandiscen said:Settings, specs and fps please. This is the first time in years i wish I had an Intel rig around.
Agent Ironside said:What kind of sound problems where you having? I seem to have some popping in the background on rare occasions.
Well, that's it. Overall, this game deserves a 7/10 at most.
Agent Ironside said:I stopped there, but I was already at the end of your post anyways. :/
BeeDog said:Should be getting my PC copy today along with the new graphic card, can't wait.You guys who are playing this game in Vista x64, did you encounter any heavy issues?
Also, has that expansion (the 360 DLC) been released yet?
firehawk12 said:Just found out that Drew posted a Q&A about the next book that's coming out in July.
It's set 2 months after the end of ME1 but will not feature any of the game characters. It has a character from the first book, so it looks like the book "story" is going to run independent of the game.
He also says that the book should not be seen as an indicator of when ME2 will come out.
BeeDog said:Got the PC copy home today, and wanted to try out my new graphic card.
I installed Vista Business x64 today, and all the necessary drivers. After the game's splash screen opens up, I manage to set the settings in the config utility, but when I start the game, a Windows popup simply says "Mass Effect has stopped working". Nothing else! This is pissing me off.
My specs are:
Intel Quad-Core Q9450 (not overclocked)
ASUS Geforce 9800GTX with the latest drivers
X-Fi Fatal1ty soundcard with the latest beta drivers and the latest ALchemy version
What should I do?
I had the same problem, just start the game in admin mode from the game explorer.BeeDog said:Got the PC copy home today, and wanted to try out my new graphic card.
I installed Vista Business x64 today, and all the necessary drivers. After the game's splash screen opens up, I manage to set the settings in the config utility, but when I start the game, a Windows popup simply says "Mass Effect has stopped working". Nothing else! This is pissing me off.
My specs are:
Intel Quad-Core Q9450 (not overclocked)
ASUS Geforce 9800GTX with the latest drivers
X-Fi Fatal1ty soundcard with the latest beta drivers and the latest ALchemy version
What should I do?
I agree with almost everything. Still enjoying it, but it's definitely a disappointment.PhlegmMaster said:I finished the PC version earlier today. My feelings are that as far as the story, level design, and gameplay are concerned, this game is phenomenal at the beginning, pretty good at the end, and pure shit in between. Of course the sidequests were a complete waste of my time, Bioware must have spent about 30 minutes designing them all, and they must have been pretty drunk at the time. But even Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Liara's planet, and Ilos were poorly designed. They had a few good moments, but for the most part they were uninteresting and felt... empty.
While the level design astonished me with its low quality, what really made my jaw drop was the story. I say it made my jaw drop because I couldn't believe Bioware was responsible for it. It starts strong, the twist isn't bad, and the ending is all right, but when you get down to it it's unoriginal, predictable, boring shit. Baldur's Gate 1's story was vastly superior to this.
Well, it's not all bad. I actually enjoyed the combat once I put it at Hard (or whatever the difficulty level one step above Normal is called), except during the sidequests. I played a Vanguard, and I have to admit that casting crowd control spells on the baddies in order to charge up at them and blow them up with Carnage was pretty cool. However, this is not a squad based shooter. Controlling my teammates' movements was either impossible or pointless. Making them use their abilities worked all right, but that's hardly different from any other real time RPG like KOTOR. There were never any situations where using flanking or another strategy would have really helped.
Well, it's not ALL bad. Really, I mean it this time. The characters and the landscapes are absolutely breathtaking. Why Bioware would spend so much time on landscapes when they could have been designing halfway decent levels is beyond me. Also, I liked the dialogue and the moral choices, they were both a lot less campy than the usually Bioware fare. The NPCs were likable; Saren was awesome. And I LOVED the game universe. Despite my dislike for many aspects of Mass Effect, I will buy Mass Effect 2 if it looks like some of the problems are fixed, if only to experience the ME universe once again.
Well, that's it. Overall, this game deserves a 7/10 at most. Mask of the Betrayer beats the crap out of this game and then rubs its obsidian ass all over its face.
Metroidvania said:Ugh, Insanity is dumb.
Just give every non-geth enemy and their mothers immunity, which forces you to shoot at them for 45 seconds watching their health barely even move, and then stun them before they immediately reactivate said immunity. Not really harder tactics wise, just time-consuming....thank god it's over.
Anyways, does anyone have an actual number for the amount of missions needed for the asari ally achievement? I know it's almost every one after Eden Prime, but I was wondering if you could miss one or two and still get it.
brownqk said:Uh, warp is more damaging than immunity is protective. Just bring along characters with that skill and you'll be fine playing on insanity.
Domino Theory said:So the only achievements I have left to get are:
AI Hacking
Neutral Shock
Can anyone tell me which class/classes I have to play through to get these abilities and if there's an easier way to get them besides actually hitting 75 enemies? I know that you could hit the Mako for the Warp and Throw achievement.
EviLore said:I am so glad I played Renegade through the entire game, though. The Renegade dialog options and quest outcomes are so much better, and really push the limit of what I've seen for player choice in video games. Hardcore stuff, likeReally great, edgy stuff.betraying the internal affairs agent on Noveria and having her and the corporate exec kill each other while you wait patiently and take the access card from his corpse. Or on Feros, that asari woman who mind melds with you... "you've changed sides too often, I can't let you live," and she understands and turns around, goes down on her knees, and puts her hands behind her head...and you blow her away. Damn. And convincing Saren to SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD, wowow. And holding the alliance fleet back to let the council die, then asserting humanity's power over the galaxy.
Please shoot the person responsible for putting the Mako into the game. At this point I'd rather play E.T. 2600 than ever touch the Mako again. That's some fucking terrible, repetitive gameplay, with the most awful mountain climbing garbage and 5 mile long hallways on story planets.
Skill system sucks, there's very little uniqueness to each class, so much overlap. Force powers are pretty lame and I rarely used them despite being a Vanguard.
Level design is awful.
Domino Theory said:Can anyone tell me which class/classes I have to play through to get these abilities and if there's an easier way to get them besides actually hitting 75 enemies? I know that you could hit the Mako for the Warp and Throw achievement.