Davidion said:Right now I'm about level 23 on, having completedFeros.Noveria, Bring Down the Sky, and a couple of side missions.
Since you already started that route I'd recommend you do the
planet in the Artemis Tau cluster last
Davidion said:Right now I'm about level 23 on, having completedFeros.Noveria, Bring Down the Sky, and a couple of side missions.
Uncle said:Since you already started that route I'd recommend you do the. :lolplanet in the Artemis Tau cluster last
Uncle said:Since you already started that route I'd recommend you do the. :lolplanet in the Artemis Tau cluster last
lorddarkflare said:what? Why?
Davidion said:Oh dear. :lol
Is there a non-spoiler explanation as to why that is?
Zeouterlimits said:Huh, I feel completely the opposite.
Think Ascension is really poor in comparison to the first.
Lucius86 said:You cannot deny it sets things up interestingly for ME2!
Jinjo said:Still no response from Bioware eh?
From what I've read so far about the new DLC it seems it's only going to set up for disappointment. We waited more than a year for 2 hours of combat oriented DLC? Really?
Asmodai said:I can! I thought both ME books were poorly written, cliche ridden sci fi drivel, despite absolutely loving the game.
Can't wait for the new DLC, either. I have 300 MS points ready....how can I get an extra 100 easily? :lol
Lucius86 said:I'm not a massive book person, so I cannot comment too much in comparison to other works, but I do think it set things up interestingly for ME2 with certain key story elements.
randomlyrossy said:I plan to, thoroughly enjoyed the first one and I'm definetly going to need more Mass Effect fix before ME2 comes out :lol
Blast Processing said:Random question about SovereignIt's just one Reaver of millions/billions, right? I take it every member of the Reaver species is a big ship or machine of some sort... or is it just that they prefer to use machines (the geth) to do their bidding?
Blast Processing said:Random question about SovereignIt's just one Reaver of millions/billions, right? I take it every member of the Reaver species is a big ship or machine of some sort... or is it just that they prefer to use machines (the geth) to do their bidding?
RTS83 said:eh, they are knee deep in 2...DLC, while nice no doubt, is kind of lost on me atm.
Mindlog said:Do we really have to spoiler still?
Jinjo said:Also; there's an N7 avatar costume available on Avatar Marketplace. Beware: as it is for male avatars only.
nice but ...Jinjo said:Also; there's an N7 avatar costume available on Avatar Marketplace. Beware: as it is for male avatars only.
Jinjo said:Small "update" about the DLC announcement (announcement of announcement!) from Jack Lamden (QA)
Also; there's an N7 avatar costume available on Avatar Marketplace. Beware: as it is for male avatars only.
Mass Effect:
Alliance Armor
Released: 8/25/2009
Mass Effect:
Ashley's Armor
Released: 8/25/2009
Mass Effect:
Ashley's Helmet
Released: 8/25/2009
MrTroubleMaker said:Pinnacle Station is up on marketplace 246MB
Update 1.02
* The player will no longer become stuck in the Feros elevator
* Quickslot abilities are now disabled in elevators
* The pixilated bloom and DoF on Radeon x1650 and x1950 cards has been addressed
* GPF crashes when playing Quasar have been addressed
* The player's weapon will not auto fire if the fire button is released as an active loading screen appears
* Low LOD on Garrus' face has been addressed
* Reconfiguring the PRIMARY INTERACT key (Default set to E) to any other key will no longer make the ENTER key interact TWICE when used.
* Player will not become stuck in his action station in elevators (primarily occurred in the Peak 15 elevators)
* Occasional crash when encountering Rachni on UNC_73 has been addressed
* Using the enter key to add and remove talent points will function properly
* GUI: Pressing U when first getting control of Shepard and then pressing ESC to close it will not cause the player to lose all input functionality
* Romance confrontation conversation will fire after 3rd planet complete
* The player will no longer become stuck when using the Enter key rather than the primary interact key to initiate conversation with certain followers on the Normandy
* Audio skipping during conversations has been addressed
* Addressed cases where Realtec HD audio users were experiencing issues with cut off / crackling audio after patching the game to version 1.01
* The issue regarding dynamic character shadows appearing grainy has been resolved.
* Nihilus and all Turians are no longer missing their face markings
* The issue of Garrus having no lighting on his face until a save is loaded has been addressed
* The game will now create save files when "My Documents" is set to the root of a drive
SpacePirate Ridley said:YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fixing the PC version.
Thats what I wanted, now lets see when the DC for PC arrives.
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Finally that elevator glitch was sooo annoying!Ogs said:
Kureishima said:Hm, I loved combat in Mass Effect and am not extremely far on my hardest diffiuclty palythrough. Imight load that up today, it's the perfect day for it. Hmm...