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Masterpieces are being ignored, unfairly attacked or underrated


Alan Wake 2: aside from EGS exclusivity, lack of physical release and absurd hardware requirements on release, you dont even play as Alan Wake for half of the game. Also super expensive budget for what was essentially a niche title.

The Order 1886: Ultra short game completely on rails with basic gameplay, with devs clearly running out of budget 1/3 through dev.

Hellblade 2: "cinematic", "story driven" game with a story no one gives a shit about. Really, a sequel to super niche game and people get shocked it didn't sell gangbusters?

Death Stranding: Dunno why this one is brought up. Did decently well in the public court of opinion for whats essentially a new concept and IP. All criticism i've seen of it is also fair.

Days Gone: People forget but this came out completely broken, also announced in a time when everyone was fed up with zombie games. No hype + poor release means death.

TLOU 2: Questionable narrative decisions and you wanted people not to argue about it?
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No, its just that real masterpieces are getting bad reputation and other games like AstroBot (not taking anything away from it but…) and Call of Duty #4772848 are getting praise and GOTY. Bad trend for the industry…

"The games I like are masterpieces, the ones I don't arent"

I still don't see which bad reputation you are talking about. Those games have been praised by most people, it's the media that trashed Days Gone or The Order.

Anyway, not the worst take in this thread. As ever, it's the guy who called Joel a psycho the one taking the price.
Best damn thread on this website (aside from the "Graphics Fidelity I Expect" thread, which was also created by you I presume lol), and I know, before we turn this thread into "person angry because different opinions exist" drivel drive-by posts, I do think games as an artform is subjective, there are differing opinions, they will always exist, I'm not against that, I am against this new "hate" trend that have started by many big YouTubers especially and then it trickled down to normal every day people which has bolstered this constant negativity & being "aware of the system" somehow & increased this self-refuting "critical thinking" mindset that has actually done more harm than good, many gamers think they are "smart" or "critical" because they managed to say "something bad" in video game.

I'm not talking about criticizing companies for their bad practices, I am talking about this destructive criticism that even the greatest games of our time are going through...

I'll downsize my comment topic exclusively to Elden Ring, because it's my favorite game of all time, look at just how many hit-piece YouTube videos this game is getting, "controversial" YouTuber "critique" videos, like it's somehow the worst game of all time, this "critique" drivel has started around I'd say 2017/2018, and now it has gotten way out of control, it poisons the discussions, and especially around games that are extremely deep & require of 100s of hours to fully understand their mechanics & combat systems, games like Elden Ring, it almost feels like people just wanting to jump on the bandwagon against any game & exploit those for clicks "See? I'm different, I say masterpiece game is bad", it's disgusting actually.

I implore you people to watch this video by Gred Glintstone, it's pretty amazing, encapsulates all the disdain I have harbored against these YouTube grifting fucks.

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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
OP has terrible taste and none of the games he talks about are masterpieces at all.

If you want to support those games then go ahead, but don't go around telling people what they should do or what they should think.


I think Days Gone and The Order get crapped on unfairly. But I wouldn't say they are masterpieces. Just good games. Honestly calling any game a masterpiece comes off as pretentious and douchey.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Tlou2 was the most awarded game of all time at the time.

Ds1 won the most goty awards that year. Or close to most. Right up there with sekiro and re2.

Hellblade 2, the order and ryse are just too flawed. You can’t make games with cookie cutter gameplay. The order just doesn’t have much gameplay. Like 70% of the game is walking or unskippable cutscenes. That ratio is 90-10 for hellblade 2. That’s insane for a 7-8 hour game.

Play uncharted 1 which is also 7-8 hours and story focused. Yet story to gameplay is 10-90% and no walking. That’s what a narrative driven game should be.
This trend HAS to stop, It’s detrimental to the video game industry as a whole. I recently read about how Alan Wake 2 barely turned a profit and it really confirmed that masterpieces get bad publicity and reputation for various stupid reasons. Alan Wake 2 isn’t alone. You have The Order 1886, Hellblade 2, Death Stranding, Days Gone, TLOU 2 etc. These sorts games get treated like “normal” games when they are sometimes milestones in the industry and should be treated as such, no matter if you personally liked them or not.


Meanwhile Madden #4738284 and Call of Duty #43773 are great and popular…bad bad trend.

Edit 2 : Added Death Stranding to main post.
Go Away Do Not Want GIF


Absolutely Cozy
This trend HAS to stop, It’s detrimental to the video game industry as a whole. I recently read about how Alan Wake 2 barely turned a profit and it really confirmed that masterpieces get bad publicity and reputation for various stupid reasons. Alan Wake 2 isn’t alone. You have The Order 1886, Hellblade 2, Death Stranding, Days Gone, TLOU 2 etc. These sorts games get treated like “normal” games when they are sometimes milestones in the industry and should be treated as such, no matter if you personally liked them or not.


Meanwhile Madden #4738284 and Call of Duty #43773 are great and popular…bad bad trend.

Edit 2 : Added Death Stranding to main post.

Look, any game with decent Finnish representation is an instant classic to me, but I'd hardly call AW2 a masterpiece.


You can like what you like, but there's a particular type of gate-keeping you're doing here. It's not okay to criticize what you like, but it's perfectly fine for you to criticize games like CoD and Madden because they're not up to your oh-so-lofty standards. People like what they like and all the games you think were milestones had good and bad points. You're not the arbiter of taste and it's weird that you think this is wrong.


So the topic creator says that I should buy a game even though I don't like it?

I don't think so. If the game targets a specific audience and doesn't sell enough to get the dev costs back, it might have a problem with it decisions or it's marketing.

Also "the order..." together with masterpiece, someone seems to have humor. This game was a good example how not to design a game. Just graphics without meaningful gameplay is not enough.
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The Order 1886 - I bought this game, full priced, when it released. I will say it's got good bones, the story get pretty interesting towards the end but this game is severely lacking in everything else, and its so damn short. It got its deserved criticism. Nobody should have bought it at full price with that kind of content.

In which dimension is Death Stranding ignored? It was divisive because nobody had a clear idea what the game was about until it was released, turns out it was an extremely well made walking simulator with social elements. But it certainly was not ignored.

TLOU 2 - Joel was killed in an unnecessarily brutal fashion and i hate the game for it. But that's my personal take. But this was purposely done to shock people, to get people to talk, for better or for worse. I think the game was generally favored by the masses was it not? So successful that they made an unnecessary remake out of the game.


I don’t understand how it’s possible to defend Alan Wake 2, I was hyped for it and it’s such crap.

It’s a horror game that’s not scary, where the jump scares are just a GIF flashing over your screen. Then you have a… bunch of nothing that breaks doors and instakills you but you can’t see it, a flying grandma and an epic encounter on a parking lot.

It’s a live action game where half the actors are acting like garbage. The shared universe is completely in your face like someone sits next to you and tells you « look this is the FBC, the guys from Control! »

It’s a technical showcase that runs like shit. It’s 5 hours stretched into 12 with insane backtracking and location reuse.

It’s pure shit - even the songs are worse than Control (still good).
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
OP could have been cool and mention games like Dragon's Dogma or Metal Gear Rising. We could have had a good thread. :lollipop_pensive:


Death Stranding and Days Gone are pretty successful games. Did you know that Days Gone sold better than TLOU2? The only reason Days Gone didn't get a sequel is because the culture at the time was anti- badass white male protgonists and Sony executives didn't want a sequel. But Days Gone sold and was received very well.

Death Stranding had a little bit of bad reception at first, when some people did not want to acept a courier simulator genre. But as time went on, people started to appreciate Death Standing more and more. And DS sold very well too and got a sequel.

I believe that general consensus at the moment is that Death Stranding and Days Gone are great games! And they sold tens of millions of copies too.

I just googled: "creator Hideo Kojima has clarified that Death Stranding has sold over 19 million copies worldwide since its release on PS4 in 2019"

The other games you mentioned are garbage.

TLOU 2 not only killed Joel, but also killed the passion millions of gamers had for these games. Plus, TLOU 2 is boring, poorly pased (a lot of walking), and woke.

Alan Woke 2 is one of the most boring games ever, with this stupid mechanics that are so brainless I feel like they were designed for people who try to fit a square into a round hole. That investigation board is painful to even think about.

Hellbade 2 is also a cinematic walking simulator.

And The Order is just a bad and short shooter with good graphics and a premise, and nothing more.
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Days Gone is a masterpiece

- almost as good as RDR2 story / character wise
- great open world
- hardcore mode brings it up an immersion notch
- fantastic ending (I cheered when your best buddy.... spoilered)
- well done zombie apocalypse
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Tlou2 was the most awarded game of all time at the time.

Ds1 won the most goty awards that year. Or close to most. Right up there with sekiro and re2.

Hellblade 2, the order and ryse are just too flawed. You can’t make games with cookie cutter gameplay. The order just doesn’t have much gameplay. Like 70% of the game is walking or unskippable cutscenes. That ratio is 90-10 for hellblade 2. That’s insane for a 7-8 hour game.

Play uncharted 1 which is also 7-8 hours and story focused. Yet story to gameplay is 10-90% and no walking. That’s what a narrative driven game should be.
And many people still struggle to understand this and says lou2 is walking simulator lol
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The general consensus was decided before forspoken cam eout and nobody played it mate.
It's a really good game. Maybe not 10 but not 6 either. It's a solid 8.
New ip, fantastic gameplay, single player game.

Show me other game playing like this? The combat and parkour is on another level.

While asmongold "gave" the game 6/10 after playing for 3 hours and just mashing 1 button... doesn't scratch the surface of it.

watch some informed review next time

She even repeats some points I've been saying since day 1. Some of the smoothest open world traversal ever.
also. There are more reviews like her but she is hot so she is more right :messenger_sunglasses:

And the characters are fine. Frey is a relatable asshole.

Infamous Second Sun:


It might help out if you actually articulated what constitutes a masterpiece in video games in your opinion. You didn't share why you think these particular games are masterpieces. Gameplay? Story? Technical achievements? Etc.


Well Alan Wake 2 went digital only, changed the protagonist, and then had the protagonist make an anti-white people comment which spread around social media.

Days Gone however came out around the height of “me too” and IGN and Gamespot admitted to tanking it on purpose.
And thanks to those lbtq pedo fuckers we will never see the ending of this game.
I Remember them btiching about deacon and how the all male biker testosterone is anti woke and anit female and all sorts of pedo code they used.

The game to me was a solid 8.5 and had a blast with it.

So no its not the gamers its the woke pedo fuckers who review bomb these games or give them bad rep.

Granted alan wake 2 was an average game


OP has a very unique look on what should be considered a masterpiece. ;)

It's difficult to make a big budget game that's going to be bold and trying to do something different. For starters, you need to have a recognizable name and/or some sizeable group of fans. There aren't many publishers who will give money on a creative project like that and even if you get the funding you're still looking at a likely bomb. A lot of people buying AAA games expect simple entertainment and they will be pissed if they game is & plays "different" or if someone decides to kill their favorite character to create a twist and a different way to develop the story (wink wink).

Even AA games are struggling to be innovative & bold these days, you pretty much only have the indie market left as a place for experiments and risky decisions.
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And thanks to those lbtq pedo fuckers we will never see the ending of this game.
I Remember them btiching about deacon and how the all male biker testosterone is anti woke and anit female and all sorts of pedo code they used.

The game to me was a solid 8.5 and had a blast with it.

So no its not the gamers its the woke pedo fuckers who review bomb these games or give them bad rep.

Granted alan wake 2 was an average game

They even complained about all the freakers being white . . . when that’s explained in the game. I still hold out hope a sequel will get greenlit at some point.


- Alan Wake 2 decided Epic money is better than PC gamer money.
You do know that Epic is the publisher that actually financed the whole game, right?
You saying Remedy had a choice between Epic and "PC gamer money" is completely dumb!
The only choice Remedy had was to make Alan Wake 2 with Epic´s money or to not make it all!

Your "PC gamer money" cant buy shit when a game doesnt exist to begin with....
....well unless you´re one of the lunatics that threw money at Star Citzen!


Alan Wake 2 and Tlou 2 were great, days gone was good. I'm especially disappointed about Alan Wake's underwhelming sales. Maybe it's not a masterpiece but still a great survival horror game. I learned that sam lake dance btw, it's awesome. He deserve more love from gamers.
Best damn thread on this website (aside from the "Graphics Fidelity I Expect" thread, which was also created by you I presume lol), and I know, before we turn this thread into "person angry because different opinions exist" drivel drive-by posts, I do think games as an artform is subjective, there are differing opinions, they will always exist, I'm not against that, I am against this new "hate" trend that have started by many big YouTubers especially and then it trickled down to normal every day people which has bolstered this constant negativity & being "aware of the system" somehow & increased this self-refuting "critical thinking" mindset that has actually done more harm than good, many gamers think they are "smart" or "critical" because they managed to say "something bad" in video game.

I'm not talking about criticizing companies for their bad practices, I am talking about this destructive criticism that even the greatest games of our time are going through...

I'll downsize my comment topic exclusively to Elden Ring, because it's my favorite game of all time, look at just how many hit-piece YouTube videos this game is getting, "controversial" YouTuber "critique" videos, like it's somehow the worst game of all time, this "critique" drivel has started around I'd say 2017/2018, and now it has gotten way out of control, it poisons the discussions, and especially around games that are extremely deep & require of 100s of hours to fully understand their mechanics & combat systems, games like Elden Ring, it almost feels like people just wanting to jump on the bandwagon against any game & exploit those for clicks "See? I'm different, I say masterpiece game is bad", it's disgusting actually.

I implore you people to watch this video by Gred Glintstone, it's pretty amazing, encapsulates all the disdain I have harbored against these YouTube grifting fucks.

Very good post here.
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It might help out if you actually articulated what constitutes a masterpiece in video games in your opinion. You didn't share why you think these particular games are masterpieces. Gameplay? Story? Technical achievements? Etc.
Masterpieces in different areas. Ambition, risk, production value, visuals, artistic vision etc.
The last game I played I would consider a masterpiece is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Playing the game felt like I was witnessing an orchestra, where every single thing, from the gameplay to the music, felt like it was in sync with one another. It's a game I would consider an objective masterpiece.

The games you've listed? The only games I've played that you mentioned was The Order: 1886 and Death Stranding. The games are polished, but it's far from a masterpiece like Twilight Princess. TP incorporates everything a gamer expects from a game, but it doesn't forget that it's a game.
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Aren't these games (well, maybe not The Order) highly regarded an sold a ton?

What more do you want? Shrines?
Aren't these games (well, maybe not The Order) highly regarded an sold a ton?

What more do you want? Shrines?
No, its the way these types of games get excessively and unjustifiably attacked when they are pushing boundaries, are milestones in videos games / media in general and are pioneers in many different ways…


Gold Member
The annual COD game is played more than all the games in OP's post combined and then multiplied by 100x.

COD is doing something right if it constantly sells a ton for 20 years and is a top played game on every chart.

Maybe just make a fun military online shooter that's easy to play with lots of modes instead of artsy, quirky, LBGT or console demo games.
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