it more shows whats wrong with rockstar - that is being unable to make third person controls that arent clunky.
That's not the case, sorry
it more shows whats wrong with rockstar - that is being unable to make third person controls that arent clunky.
Max Payne 3 |OT| stop sucking at shooting, n00bs
Max Payne 3 |OT| stop sucking at shooting, n00bs
This needs to be it. Everyone saying the game is too hard or has bullet sponge enemies can't shoot for shit.
Max Payne 3 |OT| stop sucking at shooting, n00bs
Max Payne 3 |OT| I don't have enough Hookers and Blow to tolerate a shoddy performance.
still haven't finished but I've seen that at least twice be bolded during a cutscene. So far the game is awesome tho, looking forward to finishing up today. Probably my favorite Rockstar game this gen.
What?You can change laser-sighted weapons to display the white dot instead of the laser by pressing select.
That's not the case, sorry
relative to other shooters, this game does control awkwardly; not enough to take away from single player mode, but it does when it comes to multiplayer.
If you played Gears you can play Max Payne 3.
Gears is a lot smoother, and I didn't say Max Payne is unplayable, the controls just aren't on par with the more popular shooters out.
wait where did i say i was playing on hard?
the game is cheap as hell, enemies can take 15+ shots before going down, max can randomly die at any point from a shot to the head. overall the game is extremely frustrating and not something i enjoyed that much
Wut? Oh wait you must be talking about enemies that have body armor, you are probably shooting them straight into the chest area. How about trying to hit them where they are not armored like their legs or heads?
The game is not frustrating at all if you know how to play. Dont stay in cover too much, use bullettime a lot and shootdodge a lot. Play it like a boss and you can win like a boss, but play it like a sissy staying in cover you'll probably have a much harder time.
Pretty much.Max Payne 3 |OT| stop sucking at shooting, n00bs
What. Every headshot in this game is lethal, stop shooting at their body armor. The only exception are the light machine gunners who only appeartimes in the entire game. Are you playing with softlock/hardlock? I've seen videos where it snaps to the chest, makes sense you kill badguys with 15 shots if you keep emptying clips on their bullet proof vests.about 4
So yeah, pretty much this.
was using free aim
im sorry but anyone calling this game smooth is is EXTREMELY clunky when compared to other at not being able to transition between cover
and headshots aren't lethal
Call me crazy, 'cause I disagree. Literally never had a single issue with the controls *shrug*im sorry but anyone calling this game smooth is is EXTREMELY clunky when compared to other shooters...
was using free aim
im sorry but anyone calling this game smooth is is EXTREMELY clunky when compared to other at not being able to transition between cover
and headshots aren't lethal
Headshots are instant kills.was using free aim
im sorry but anyone calling this game smooth is is EXTREMELY clunky when compared to other at not being able to transition between cover
and headshots aren't lethal
was using free aim
im sorry but anyone calling this game smooth is is EXTREMELY clunky when compared to other at not being able to transition between cover
and headshots aren't lethal
was using free aim
and headshots aren't lethal
Call me crazy, 'cause I disagree. Literally never had a single issue with the controls *shrug*
Last third-person shooter I played before this was Uncharted 3 and I think the combat (including the controls) was way worse there.
The head is the oval shaped thing at the top of the shoulders.
you really think the mechanics of max payne 3 were better than uncharted 3? well damn. im not saying uncharted is exactly the best TPS of all time but to call it worse than max payne 3 kind of offends me
i dont think we were playing the same game? max payne 3 is pretty much a copy and paste of GTA 4s shooting mechanics with bullet time tacked on. i can deal with GTA having 'meh' shooting mechanics but a dedicated TPS with 'meh' shooting mechanics is a bad game to me.
they should have got the mafia devs to help work on the shooting and cover mechanics because them guys know how to make great TPS games
Absolutely. I thought Uncharted 3's combat was pretty bad. Max Payne 3 I, again, had no issues really think the mechanics of max payne 3 were better than uncharted 3? well damn. im not saying uncharted is exactly the best TPS of all time but to call it worse than max payne 3 kind of offends me
they should have got the mafia devs to help work on the shooting and cover mechanics because them guys know how to make great TPS games
I honestly think you cannot discuss this seriously after saying headshots aren't insta kills.
Either you're playing the wrong game, or you're doing it incorrectly or not sober.
it seems people are having different experiences with the same game. on quite a few occasions i shot someone in the head he went down then got back up and started shooting me again. on 1 occasion i shot the same person 3 times in the head with a shot gun before he died
Absolutely. I thought Uncharted 3's combat was pretty bad. Max Payne 3 I, again, had no issues with.
I should note that I played UC 3 at launch. I think I remember hearing about a patch later on that attempted to fix the combat, so it might be better now.
Highly doubt that actually happened.
What might happen once is you get a headshot on someone with a helmet and it'll jump off. Another headhot and he's gone. But there's not too many guys like that in the game.
Yep. Just like I did as soon as I started playing Max Payne. Still thought it was launch the aiming sensitivity was messed up for some reason. all you had to do was adjust it...surely you done that?
lol why am i gonna lie about it?
the game can be extremely cheap at times...infact its unreal how cheap it can at times
you really think the mechanics of max payne 3 were better than uncharted 3? well damn. im not saying uncharted is exactly the best TPS of all time but to call it worse than max payne 3 kind of offends me
i dont think we were playing the same game? max payne 3 is pretty much a copy and paste of GTA 4s shooting mechanics with bullet time tacked on. i can deal with GTA having 'meh' shooting mechanics but a dedicated TPS with 'meh' shooting mechanics is a bad game to me.
they should have got the mafia devs to help work on the shooting and cover mechanics because them guys know how to make great TPS games
either one is better in uncharted.. like by a lot.If you like shooting through walls, sure.
Talking about Uncharted 3, people need to realise fluidity and control are totally different things.
Sorry but what?either one is better in uncharted.. like by a lot.
mp3 really is basically a slightly improved GTA4 with bullet time.
Again, I disagree.either one is better in uncharted.. like by a.