What's funny is the Steam registry for Max Payne is constantly updating and changing, they recently added 500MB to the main data file making it 29GB, adding the .exe, adding some DLC verification etc. so they basically aren't done and are still adding files.
I've been having issues on theI start off with only 1 painkiller and end up getting more after dying. But usually after 3-5 tries, I get a no sound and/or freeze glitch and have to restart (losing the additional painkillers). Any advice?end? of the C4 level where the building explodes if you aren't fast enough.
JB1981 please don't be mad but I just played through that rooftop part you've been complaining about.
I got through it on my 1st try without any painkillers.
Damn, and I have the PS3 version. I hope it get's better, I wanted to spend at least a couple of hours playing last night.It wasnt your internet, this games MP is unstable as fuck, especially on Ps3. Although I had some good games last night.
I wish JB would record some video of himself playing the game, it would have to be fairly hilarious. He claims it took him 50 tries to get through that part. After 10 tries I'm sure he would of had a ton of pain killers.
Actually, I just went and looked it up - on medium difficulty if you continue dying you can get up to 9 extra painkillers... Every three deaths you get an extra. There is no way anyone is that bad, I'm starting to think JB just wants attention.
Damn, and I have the PS3 version. I hope it get's better, I wanted to spend at least a couple of hours playing last night.
It took me forever. But I played on hard, with free aim. The difference between medium and hard is insane... but hard is the way everybody should be experiencing the game.
It took me forever. But I played on hard, with free aim. The difference between medium and hard is insane... but hard is the way everybody should be experiencing the game.
Yeah, I agree that hard is the way to go. Maybe I lucked out but I made it through the rooftop battle on my second try on hard and my first death was getting caught off guard by the guy on the steps. Once I made it up the steps I killed the MG guy first try. So I was surprised it was that difficult for JB1981 on normal. Also, I'm (somewhat) friends with JB and like to harass him a bit.
Either he is playing the game completely wrong or maybe that spot can be bugged? Noticed scott32020 saying he was having problems in that exact spot. So maybe JB didn't have a ton of painkillers after all. Regardless - on normal it's still pretty easy. I'm guessing JB doesn't shoot dodge enough.
JB1981 please don't be mad but I just played through that rooftop part you've been complaining about.
I got through it on my 1st try without any painkillers.
Haha I ain't mad. I did finish the game and will try that part again, see how I do this time
- Securing James McCaffrey to reprise his role as the signature voice of Max Payne was an early step in the casting process one we knew would delight long-time fans of the franchise, his very voice (alongside that signature theme song cue) sparking waves of nostalgia when we unveiled the games Debut Trailer last fall. With a larger script than either of the previous Max titles, James spent close to 50 hours in the voiceover booth alone, working on in-game dialogue and Max Paynes signature inner monologue.
- The games principal cast was directed through every story cutscene as well as stunt work needed for dynamic range of motion required for gameplay. Many sets required extensive build time with stunts and body falls from intense heights. Joining Mr. McCaffrey (who performed many of the advanced stunts himself, save for some of the more dangerous Shootdodging and acrobatic dives handled by pro stuntmen) was a fantastic cast of actors including Portuguese novela star Benedita Pereira who plays the Portugal-born Fabiana Branco. As seen in one of the images above, and as with any of our games mo-cap performance work, vast credit is due to our actors for being able to believably act out a scene taking place in a helicopter ride over the skies of São Paulo whilst actually sitting on a stage in Long Island wearing bulky and awkward capture suits.
- Separate from the voice recordings, extensive sessions were also held casting and scanning local models to serve as the faces and bodies of the games extras, supporting roles, and Multiplayer character skins (particularly for narrative-based game modes like Gang Wars where teams of Brazilian gangsters and soldiers face off against one another).
- Included in the casting sessions and serving as the basis of just a few of the character models youll see in the game were Brazilian Ju-Jitsu world champion Paulo Guimaraes, who appears both as a sniper and as a bearded foot-soldier out to take Max down; the towering Daniel Borges, who competes in vicious Vale Tudo (Portuguese for anything goes) bouts and shared his personal tactics for busting skulls (why anyone would be insane enough to get in the ring with this man-mountain is beyond us) who appears as a rifle-wielding commando; and the beautiful Sarah Ferreira, a Miss São Paulo pageant contestant who appears as a dancer in the game.
I can't be the only one who finds multiplayer incredibly frustrating?
The spawn system is utter crap. Bullet lag, character handles terrible at times. Sometimes my character keeps walking in one direction, even though im holding it in the other, it just doesn't register. It's not smooth. The damage of some guns is ridiculous, and many times I've spawned to be shot straight from behind.
Literally at my boiling point with the MP today. I had been enjoying it, and was able to accept that maybe I wasn't good at it. But quite frankly it's more than that, being match made when im level 9, with people who are level 40 with golden silenced scoped AK's and so on is just plain unfair.
Rockstar need to fix some of this crap.
I know I can't be the only one who did this - but using shoot dodge to slide head first down the center of the escalator in the last level definitely works like you would expect it to.
I wish JB would record some video of himself playing the game, it would have to be fairly hilarious. He claims it took him 50 tries to get through that part. After 10 tries I'm sure he would of had a ton of pain killers.
Actually, I just went and looked it up - on medium difficulty if you continue dying you can get up to 9 extra painkillers... Every three deaths you get an extra. There is no way anyone is that bad, I'm starting to think JB just wants attention.
Gen X, have you partied up with people? That's when I have the most problems like console freezes.
Uhm did they remove time played from the multiplayer stats? Last time I checked it was over 13 hours and by then I was like lvl 18 or something? Or 20 maybe.
Steam unlock timer, just changed for me. Was a day and about 15 hours, a few minutes ago. It's now 1 days and 2 hours. Thought it was strange before, as it would have been dinner time, when it unlocked for my country. Now it'll be 5am.
The multi will be a ghost town before R* manages to fix their retarded design decisions. The spawns specifically are some of the worst I have ever encountered.
Steam unlock timer, just changed for me. Was a day and about 15 hours, a few minutes ago. It's now 1 days and 2 hours. Thought it was strange before, as it would have been dinner time, when it unlocked for my country. Now it'll be 5am.
How is it so hard to start a preload?
Oh fuck yeah! Can actually play it all day tomorrow then, sweet.
I'm REALLY regretting dropping the retail version for the Steam version right about now.
Have you guys seen this Behind the Scenes article on the R* Newswire? Great read:
From NYC to São Paulo: Behind the Scenes of Max Payne 3s Voiceover, Mo-Cap & Scanning Sessions
A few choice quotes:
They are really dragging their feet ...
Did anyone else read that and think that it sounds like they fucked up the preload so they're just going to release it tonight (or rather tomorrow).
I know it sucks the preload isn't up yet, but still...it is something to be said about Rockstar still having some of there support staff still up keep people updated on what's going on.
Updating with no news or just bad news for some. Aussie gamers might get it on the 5th now because of shipping times.
You wouldn't happen to be joshua1581 on twitter would you?