Finally finished downloading it over Steam and played the first few levels. It looks quite nice though it doesn't impress me as much as Max Payne 2 did back then. The face modeling while clearly a generation or whatever ahead isn't as convincing either. I'm very happy with the performance though, I can max it on my aging PC (on DX10, no 11 features for me). Though I slightly lowered some settings to maintain even smoother performance it wasn't really necessary. The game itself, I don't really like so far in the story mode. The cut scenes are drawn out and the gameplay feels compromised to have that cinematic look, like holding few weapons, diving being of limited use in cramped environments because Max gets hurt or worse if he hits objects or walls, pain killers and ammo seem to be in short supply too on medium difficulty which makes me think I'm playing it wrong by trying to play it like the previous games, maybe it's more of a cover shooter this time since it has that mechanic, which I really don't like the pacing of...
Also, shooting doesn't even feel as solid and satisfying as Alan Wake's did. I didn't like that game too much either, the pacing, story, enemies, etc, but the actual shooting had a nice weighty feel to it, even with a simple handgun.