Keep the banter going here, it's relevant imo.
Alright, as you wish.
Thread Creator, mods, or anyone else -- if you feel this is derailing let me know and I'll take my fight with
out back and knock him out (

just kidding; humor like this doesn't translate well on the internet...)
-- nothing but love in here, man. I'm only having this back and forth with you because it's kind of fun to be honest, but no harm meant. Also, can we at least agree on something before we continue? The MCU nerfs/buffs heroes and villains all the time, for story purposes...
This isn't entirely accurate. Awakened Thor got his butt kicked at the beginning of the movie.
True. He didn't have Stormbreaker though. Thanos already had the Power Stone,
and was backed up by all his "children" who are pretty damn formidable themselves (esp. Ebony Maw. I mean Maw took on Dr. Strange 1v1 and practically beat him.)
He only got his axe into Thanos because he caught him by surprise...
Yes and no. He caught Thanos with
lightning by surprise. But Thanos then recovered and
used the full power of the completed Gauntlet against Thor's Stormbreaker. His energy blast from the gauntlet was a direct response to a direct (non-surprise) Stormbreaker throw by Thor.
And Thanos didn't know how all the stones worked fully.
I disagree with this.
- He seemed to be able to use the Space Stone pretty well to open his portals and go places; he did that all the time!
- He had gotten a pretty good handle on the Reality Stone. The way he used it in Knowhere was
not the way someone who "doesn't know how the stone works fully" would use it. He knew how to use it, and use it well. The Guardians never stood a chance. (Oh, he used it on Volmir again to prevent Gamora from committing suicide...)
- I'm not 100% sure if it was the Power Stone, but whatever Stone that was, he used it to throw a
moon at Stark.
- You already said he knew how to use the Time Stone, which I agree with.
You're not giving enough credit to Thanos. Not only is he tough, but he's got genius-level intellect matching (or surpassing) that of the smartest Earth heroes (Stark, Banner, Shuri, etc). So he's not... a noob.
Strange still lost because Thanos wasn't trying to kill him. Also, Thanos hadn't mastered the stones yet... He got all of them within days of each other. Ultron had learned more about them FASTER because of his much faster compute ability.
This is a fair point. This is a combination of Thanos having "plot armor" and Dr. Strange still learning to master his craft. I mean, can't Dr. Strange technically lock Thanos in the "mirror dimension" for an Insta-Win condition? Couldn't he do the same thing to Thanos that he did to Dormmamu (lock him in a Time Stone-induced infinite loop)? Etc...
Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, her powers are amplified by the Mind Stone (or were mostly awakened by it as the show explained). The Scarlet Witch is more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme.
YES. I 100% agree. I'm a big fan of Scarlet Witch so I'm a bit biased, but I think out of all the current heroes she's the absolutely most powerful one. She was already god-tier
before she became the Scarlet Witch, but now.... (Also in
WandaVision, someone (Agatha?)
explicitly says that the Scarlet Witch is, verbatim, "... more powerful than the sorcerer supreme.")
In the Captain Marvel movie, Carol is just learning what she's truly capable of in the 3rd act. So we haven't entirely seen what she can truly do yet. Right now, her biggest feat is holding her own against Thanos before he cheated with the Power stone. Her sequel coming up should give us all a better idea of what she can do. And what Monica can do, as well.
You know, because of my back-and-forth with you I actually started watching Captain Marvel last night. I have 20 minutes left of the movie so I'll come back with impressions, but you're absolutely right, she's just learning her powers. That's fair.
And another unfair criticism I've been using against her -- I mean, she's technically only had ONE movie, her own standalone one. (
Endgame doesn't really count because she got mostly sidelined to make way for the OG 6 Avengers...)
Anyway, I will go finish the Captain Marvel movie now