duckroll said:The game definitely cost quite a bit more than I expected. The end credits are massive, even compared to major PSP titles like Dissidia and Birth by Sleep. Crisis Core was probably a more expensive game, but I don't think PW will be able to do Crisis Core sales worldwide.
I know a lot of people were involved, but selling 650k copies should be enough to break even for a game with a short development cycle and lots of tie-ins.
On the other hand, I'm not saying Peace Walker will be very profitable for them because I too think the game is going to tank outside of Japan.
I could be wrong about the break even point though.
duckroll said:I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the Monster Hunter monsters. It's not a big deal at all in terms of Peace Walker, and honestly I never felt they were a huge deal to begin with. What is a big deal is how different the game is in terms of direction and design compared to previous MGS games. It's definitely designed to capitalize on the PSP market in Japan in every way possible. There's tons and tons of replay value and post-game content, it co-op gameplay is the very backbone of the game, there's tons of customization and a shitload of equipment, and so on. It's a multiplayer action game through and through.
Well, you only have to read this thread or the one where the tie in was announced. It's pretty obvious that people's expectations were raised after that announcement. It wasn't the direction and design.
And retailers must have been caught by the hype too because otherwise I don't know who thought it was a good idea to order 800k copies for the first week when these are the LTD sales of the highest selling MGS games.