This is going to be a very interesting year for the Wii. I'm really getting the feeling that WSR will be popular but won't do much to help hardware sales.
Also, part of me wonders if the game will sell decently but be more of a disappointment (like Wii Music) than a success (like Wii Fit). I have to wonder how much the "resort" setting is going to appeal to people - whereas I'm pretty sure a Wii Sports 2 or Wii Sports+ or some sort of update to Wii Sports surely would grab the attention (and dollars) of anyone who has owned and loved the original.
As much as I think NOJ needs to develop and release an update to Wii Sports, though, it's clear they need something else entirely, too. Updates to Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit are mostly going to sell to those who own the original versions - and as such won't bump hardware sales much (if at all).
So, they either have to come up with something new that will continue to expand the buying/playing audience, or they need to attract more of those core gamers that are still playing their PS2s and looking for a new console to buy/play. I really think MHTri will do this, but what else is there? DQX, obviously, but who knows when that will happen? KH3 would also be good, but I have a feeling we won't be seeing that this generation - or at least not until very late in the generation.
What could Nintendo pop out that would attract such an audience, though? I don't think a new Mario or Zelda will do the trick unless they somehow make the series more accessible (a la New SMB). They already updated MK Wii, so I guess that leaves Pilotwings, F-Zero, Pikmin ... I could see a Pilotwings Wii being pretty popular, I guess.
Not sure where I'm going with this other than to say that NOJ is in an interesting and strange predicament right now. It'll be interesting to see how they - and the Wii - come out of it.