I just spent a little while running around shopping and checking various game places around town. Man, Yokohama Yodobashi Camera was packed. The number of people in there was insane and it was around 4:30p or so. Gotta admit, I think the big winners are gonna be NSMBW and FFXIII. Tons of copies being bought, but in the time I was there, they sold a crapton of Wii's with everything from the new drum game, Graces, and of course Mario. Checked out a few other places and they weren't as busy, but FFXIII seemed to be doing well, but each place had a ton of copies. Sadly, there are already used copies out and about and when I went to one place a guy was already trading it in. Damn, no idea how these guys blow through games that fast. Thing is the used copy is just a few yen less than a brand new game!
Went to Bic Camera near my house and found that FFXIII was selling pretty well. Most of the people who were buying games were buying FFXIII. No systems selling, but definitely selling the regular version of the game. I didn't see any copies of NSMBW so I'm gonna assume they were out. I would have asked, but they were pretty busy at the time. Saw a few people buying Graces and the black Wii and DSi LL seemed to be pretty popular as well. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on things as the week rolls on since I'll be in town a few times before Christmas. Lots of people out shopping today.
Some pics...
...if I can figure out how to post them...