schuelma said:
True. More specifically, maybe general awareness of the Wii is up because of the WSR ads. Hardware bump should be interesting. I'm thinking 30-40K but it stays pretty steady for a few weeks.
Ye, maybe the Wii Sports Resorts add have caused general awareness of the Wii indeed as you say
30-40k hardware sales for the Wii for some weeks seems possible i think. I think it should be interesting to see how much the Wii hardware sales will go up in the next couple of weeks
Hero of Legend said:
It's a bit odd that WSR isn't going to be bundled with the Wii at all. But MH3 deserved that far more.
Ye, i think that this is a good point. Wii Sports sold very good without being included in a Wii bundle though, but i wonder why Nintendo didnt make some Wii Sports Resort bundle, even if there is "only" like 100k bundles that were going to made or so.
The only reasons i can think of why Nintendo isnt making a Wii Sport Resort Wii bundle is that they might think that WSR will sell very good even without a bundle, and that the Wii hardware sales will also increase even without a WSR hardware bundle, so they dont want to use resources (i guess that a special bundle box would be made or so) on making a bundle. Or that if Nintendo makes a WSR bundle, the price for this bundle might be higher compared to a non-bundled Wii, because that a game (WSR) is included. Maybe Nintendo doesnt want to increase the price on the Wii like this, even if a game is included.
There is a Monster Hunter 3 bundle comming though, so i dont know if this is a plausible reason for why Nintendo havnt announced any WSR hardware bundle. MH3 is a 3rd party game though, but i dont know if this changes much in this case regarding making a Wii hardware bundle or not, but unfortunately i dont know :\
EDIT: I added some text.