perfectchaos007 said:
Wow PS3 broke 7 million units in Japan. The grand canyon that used to seperate Wii and PS3 is now just the Los Angeles river.
This is not really accurate.
PS3 Week 30: 938k to Wii's 2563k (1625k lead)
PS3 Week 60: 1673k to Wii's 4618k (2945k lead)
PS3 Week 90: 2276k to Wii's 6510k (4234k lead)
PS3 Week 120: 2862 / 7853 (4991)
PS3 Week 150: 3541 / 8534 (4993)
PS3 Week 180: 10214 / 5024 (5190)
PS3 Week 210: 10793 / 5625 (5168)
PS3 Week 240: 11627 / 6491 (5136)
So basically at its peak, the Wii-PS3 gap was ~5200k. It's currently 4754k (we're around week 260 now). The gap has shrunk by about 10%. I don't think the difference between the grand canyon and the LA river is 10%. If it was a Grand Canyon before, it's a Grand Canyon now.
Now, if you want to talk "active buying base" or "software buying base" or ask "Is the PS3 still a non-viable system?" or even "percentage difference in hardware install bases", then sure, the gap is closed. Just like the gap closed between the PSP and the DS three years ago. Even though the DS was still selling better, the PSP reached a critical mass beyond which it was basically
But in absolute terms, the PS3 has shaved off relatively little of the Wii's lead until now.