No, I don't care about Tales of. You were trying to argue that Symphonia sold well on GC jusy by chance and underlying that Tales of should stay forever on Sony platforms. Sales told us that Abyss sold more than Innocence R, and 3DS is a more viable platform than Vita so, once again, Namco decision to bring a game of the series of Vita is not the right decision. The only right decision seemed to me to bring Tales of on PS3 lately.
If you read my posts in this thread, I called out main console entries:
The west very much is the secondary market for Tales. Japan is the primary market for that series and pretty much every single one has sold better on PlayStation home consoles than another manufacturer's hardware. Namco Bandai has seemingly settled on that "We're niche" fact based on Xillia's localization announcement even after Graces f didn't exactly burn up North America.
This is certainly true. I don't need to bring up Graces f, and Vesperia on PS3 versus the other platform's performance in Japan. Heck, even the sacred Tales on Nintendo cow Symphonia sold more on PS2 in Japan:
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia (Namco) - 183,527 / 322,779
[PS2] Tales of Symphonia (Namco) - 269,073 / 394,312
Yes, Symphonia sold the most worldwide as a Gamecube exclusive. Symphonia was also marketed by Nintendo and was a big RPG on a platform without them in a time where that genre could still rule the west. That's being at the right place, at the right time. I don't believe Tales will ever again be capable of that success in the west after Namco's failure to build upon Symphonia's good will. It seems Namco Bandai believes as much too, since even with the weak sales of the western PS3 release of Graces f they're trucking on.
Never in any of my posts did I comment on the status and positioning of the escorts/remakes/ports until you brought them up.
Yeah, SCE seems to invest for promotion/dusyribution only in franchises already big outside Japan really (RE, FF, MGS, etc), which is why suggesting Tales makes zero sense. That's actually more Nintendo's wheelhouse and they have a pretty decent recent track record of it (Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Professor Layton, etc). Hell, they did it with Tales even already way back with Symphonia to record success.
I wonder what Graces Wii could've done had Namco tried for a similar deal with Nintendo?
Actually, SCE
A of all divisions brought a Hatsune Miku Project Diva game to E3, and included it in their sizzle reels despite that series having absolutely 0 footprint in the west. It seems they're willing to work with partners who've supported them, and Namco Bandai with Tales would definitely be a partner.
As for Graces on Wii, wouldn't a better question be why Nintendo didn't step in to help Dawn of the New World? You know, it was the sequel to the best selling Tales entry in the west and all ...