They forecasted a decrease in R&D (as well as marketing) cost for this year.
4DS research started with the release of the 3DS, home console research with the release of the Wii U, the largest part about the Research is probably already done.
Revenue will go down because of decreased hardware sales (though, the weak Yen could help), but they should achieve decent profits regardless.
We probably won't see much change because the 3DS hardware sales are going down and Wii U doesn't sell well either way, they can only maximize their profits until their next generation launches & QOL.
Oh. Interesting. Thought that highest surge in R&D costs happens something like year before the launch but perhaps it makes sense that it actually happens earlier. And yeah probably mostly hw sales will take the hit next year so perhaps with enough software they can keep the company in the profits despite biggish drop in overall revenue once again. I guess it depends on how much of their current profits come from their hw sales (probably not that much).