The Horror the horror
Nintendo chose the wrong platform to name the Wii's successor after. Should have called it Nintendo DS Home or something, a name which would have been equally as applicable considering the two screens (TV and Gamepad).
Lot's of people pinning their hopes on this.
What if Soul Sacrifice isn't the saviour in March? What's notable after that?
Let's hope Soul Sacrifice does decently well.
In the West? Killzone. Maybe.
Vita sales need to pick up this year for the sake of competition in the dedicated handheld market. Sony really need to bring something over the next few months.
Vita sales need to pick up this year for the sake of competition in the dedicated handheld market. Sony really need to bring something over the next few months.
Vita sales need to pick up this year for the sake of competition in the dedicated handheld market. Sony really need to bring something over the next few months.
pacman week confirmed
Let's hope Soul Sacrifice does decently well.
By 'competition', I don't mean a neck & neck race. I just mean it'd be bad for gamers if the dedicated handheld market only had one entrant.Competition? They abandoned the competition ship quite a few million 3DS sales ago. All Sony can do now about Vita is damage control. Its supposed competitor sells 10 times more, there's no contest and there won't be any until next year to say the least, when 3DS will probably be at 17/18 millions.
Resting on their laurels isn't good for you or me. Sure, you're getting what you want but they have no impetus to give you any more than that. There's no need to innovate or step their game up if they're the only players in town.I don't think it would do much in terms of competition tho, at least in the handheld space, Nintendo will always be Nintendo. I guess things like the PSP and the (at the time) upcoming Vita, meant that Nintendo have Monster Hunter on lock down? But that only benefited Nintendo.
I mean with home consoles its 2 against one, so Nintendo are forced to improve, it looks bad if they don't. But with handhelds? Nintendo can just keep to their laurels, for better or worse. I'd like to see your response cos I'm, sure I'm missing something that you could enlighten me on (not joking!)(better for me)
Lot's of people pinning their hopes on this.
What if Soul Sacrifice isn't the saviour in March? What's notable after that?
On a personal and selfish note, it'd suck for me because I far prefer the Sony approach to handhelds. If they dropped out of things altogether that'd be the end of dedicated handhelds for me.
The next underperforming Level 5 title is coming up in just 2 weeks.
The next underperforming Level 5 title is coming up in just 2 weeks.
Is Fantasy Life Level 5's first big success in a while? They seemed to have disappointing results throughout the last year.
In the West? Killzone. Maybe.
On a personal and selfish note, it'd suck for me because I far prefer the Sony approach to handhelds. If they dropped out of things altogether that'd be the end of dedicated handhelds for me.
Lot's of people pinning their hopes on this.
What if Soul Sacrifice isn't the saviour in March? What's notable after that?
On a personal and selfish note, it'd suck for me because I far prefer the Sony approach to handhelds. If they dropped out of things altogether that'd be the end of dedicated handhelds for me.
Resting on their laurels isn't good for you or me. Sure, you're getting what you want but they have no impetus to give you any more than that. There's no need to innovate or step their game up if they're the only players in town.
On a personal and selfish note, it'd suck for me because I far prefer the Sony approach to handhelds. If they dropped out of things altogether that'd be the end of dedicated handhelds for me.
In the West? Killzone. Maybe.
Is Fantasy Life Level 5's first big success in a while? They seemed to have disappointing results throughout the last year.
Vita sales need to pick up this year for the sake of competition in the dedicated handheld market. Sony really need to bring something over the next few months.
Surely the 3rd party games that have defined Sony portables would likely shift to Nintendo ones instead? Hence you would still likely get the Personas, Metal Gear Solids, Falcom stuff, God Eaters that mad the PSP so awesome; MH has done it, and I can't see why in the event of Sony pulling out of the handheld market those couldn't either.
Anybody who thinks PSO2 is going to contribute to a mythical turnaround for the vita is completely delusional.
I don't know what they can do, to be honest. The only region where handhelds matter is Japan and Nintendo already have 100% of the 'essential' handheld titles locked down. Their install base makes it far likelier than any 'breakout' hits will occur on the 3DS too, perpetuating the cycle. The PSP wasn't successful because it could do things the DS couldn't, it was successful because of Monster Hunter (or, GTA & GoW in the west). Without that title (or an equivalent) to push a Sony handheld, I can't see any solution for them.I think its clear they can't compete where they are.
If they return next gen - they should match the Nintendo power and gain third party benefits and have another go on the first party side.
Sony skipped a generation. It worked in the PSP gen because they could do things the DS couldn't even come close to. The added functionality of the Vita is weakened in comparison to the 3DS; sure there are things - but not software selling things; especially not handheld stuff.
They are unable to create a system of software entirely removed from the Nintendo platform.
This is not a 3D vs 2D gen. Its 3D vs 3D and its cheaper and easier just to push the 3DS; especially when one is capable of producing something the other can't; duel screen gaming and 3D.
I can't dig Nintendo handheld hardware. It diminishes the experience to the point where I'd just rather play iOS & console games instead. Just as some people cannot abide smartphones, I cannot abide Nintendo clamshells. That's before we get into the fact that I ain't getting a portable Gran Turismo or God of War on a Nintendo system.Surely the 3rd party games that have defined Sony portables would likely shift to Nintendo ones instead? Hence you would still likely get the Personas, Metal Gear Solids, Falcom stuff, God Eaters that made the PSP so awesome; MH has done it, and I can't see why in the event of Sony pulling out of the handheld market those couldn't either.
I reckon so. I think the Vita will have another 2 or 3 years left but I don't think for one minute it'll see a successor.Then better prepare for the end, Sony is done in the handheld business.
Lot's of people pinning their hopes on this.
What if Soul Sacrifice isn't the saviour in March? What's notable after that?
I'm pretty much the same way. After Sony is done, the iPhone and iPad will be my go to mobile gaming devices. They already get most of my attention anyways. As much as I like the Vita, there just isn't a strong market for it, and launching a successor of any kind would be beyond stupid.On a personal and selfish note, it'd suck for me because I far prefer the Sony approach to handhelds. If they dropped out of things altogether that'd be the end of dedicated handhelds for me.
The next underperforming Level 5 title is coming up in just 2 weeks.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there more or less nothing?
God eater 2 maybe..but as somebody mentioned, PSP version will probably eat up a lot of Vita sales.
Vita sales need to pick up this year for the sake of competition in the dedicated handheld market. Sony really need to bring something over the next few months.
I wouldn't be so sure. The series is on decline, but I think this new episode will outsell the previous one (400k).The next underperforming Level 5 title is coming up in just 2 weeks.
Regardless, considering how important handhelds are in Japan I think Sony will continue pushing Vita as much as they can.
Not that surprising/incredible in my opinion concidering the types of games that have come out recently. Same thing with Hokuto Musou 2 WiiU that was released last week. A new release after some weeks with no new stuff, yet the WiiU hardware sales went down, but not much of a surprise in my opinion. There is always the question how much the hardware sales would sell even without those releases as well, but that will only be pure speculation though.Vita keeps getting new games and it keeps going down. Incredible.
"continue" to push?
The main failure were Ni no Kuni on PS3 (though it is having a good reception in the West) and Gundam Age on PSP (which was published by Namco though).