Considering PSV for PSV (

) as a certainty, there are two things which can happen:
1) The lack of Monster Hunter can give to the game a much more important value, especially if they try this time to make some improvements. And this value could translate in a deeper impact to the market. I think the lack of a big Square Enix offer on PS3 is what has caused good numbers for some mid / low tier RPG series on the platform, and the outstanding performance of Xillia on PS3.
Deeper impact doesn't mean only better sales, something can't happen phisically if Vita maintains this weekly sales rate, or even if it improves, at least just after the release. Deeper impact means more attractiveness to the audience, people being attracted so much by the game to buy the platform
2) The lack of Monster Hunter can lower its importance, since on PSP...PSP basically became so big due to the MH audience, and this audience is moving to 3DS right now, seeing how MH3G is selling constantly, and in some weeks it's selling even better than the MONSTER ( aka Mario Kart 7 ).
Obviously, right now 3DS hasn't ALL the Monster Hunter audience, absolutely...but PSV's impact could be affected by the presence of what is its...father, can we say something like that? on another platform. Especially if Vita still doesn't demonstrate to be able to move a good amount of software generally when the game will be released.
Vita so far hasn't had a good support in terms of big impact games, with just one mid / mid-big game in Hot Shots Golf and Dynasy Warriors as a possible mid one, and a plethora of little games and a few mid-low ones, and it has a very low install base, but its software situation is still worrying right now, IMHO.