Should I play portable ops?
6. MGS4/D
Did anyone else notice that you can hear Meryl working out in the Deja Vu mission? She's inside the admin building, like Johnny on the toilet near the prison. It's not as obvious though.
What's with the "Made you wait, didn't I ?" in the thread title ? Is there a joke I'm not getting ? The proper quotation is "Kept you waiting, huh ?".
Did you not play the MGO portion of MGS4? Underneath the problematic campaign was a great set of game mechanics that wasn't shown off much past chapter 2 but man did it shine online.
Whoo Chrysalis defeated.
I thought the bosses were good, but they were ruined due to being sponges and requiring grinding to make them a bit easier - especially when you're not playing co-op.
What's with the "Made you wait, didn't I ?" in the thread title ? Is there a joke I'm not getting ? The proper quotation is "Kept you waiting, huh ?".
Of course it's a joke. It's like calling Big Boss "Large Leader".
skipping all the cutscenes, it's about 2 hours of gameplay
at least it was when I saw DRK play through it.
Yes I played MGO.
It wasn't that good. Running around shooting M4's nonstop didn't make for very interesting gunplay.
Don't remember much stealth, think I played a couple of Snake vs World missions or something, but nothing all that memorable.
That was/is my only concern with 4. That was some glorious gameplay though.
The only metal gear game I ever played was revengeance. So thanks to the sale I picked mgshd for the vita (sucks that it doesn't come with peace walker...I'll wait for a sale for that.)
Have no idea what I'm in for but for $9 I can't go wrong. I'm also super interested in ground zeroes. So outside the 3 had collection games is mgs4 worth it? The super long cutscenes turn me off.
Actually it's another way to translate "mataseta na". I picked the other translation because
1. Everyone already using kept you waiting huh a lot
2. That's how it was translated for the MGS2 trailer.
That's the biggest problem I had with Peace Walker. The boss fights. It takes 50+ rockets to take some of them down.. made them very tedious and I always dreaded it because I'd have to spend 30-45 minutes taking down one boss.
Yeah, it felt more Monster-Hunter-ish and RPG-ish. Less spongy and I would've liked it better, since the bosses did have great attack patterns.
Recruiting is a pain. Really have to load to knock a single guy out in ten seconds to load and do it again? I'm enjoying the game, but the grind just tacks on unnecessary time.
I was trying to recruit faster to upgrade some things.
And I still don't like the upgrade process. I can't see what the benefits are, other than seeing it go from Rank 1 to 2 to 3 etc. After the fact you can see things like, the Hush Puppy is more durable. Do I just assume damage or durability or ammo count always go up?
And Sneaking Suit is the shit. I can run around and barely anyone notices.
I actually thought it was because we must have been waiting so long for someone to create a Metal Gear Community Thread.
I guess he's doing a version for each main console game.
I agree. I love Monster Hunter, it's one of my favorite series. I can see how your comparison works, but at least in Monster Hunter there is strategy and lots of different moves/combos you can do with your weapon that make those long hunting sessions fun as hell and worth it. Peace Walker is just shooting rockets, which makes the long boss battles less fun and more annoying than anything.
I agree, I like this one a little more than the last. But that might just be my MGS2 bias talkingDamn, this is great. Better than his first trailer. I hope he does every other game.
Dat release date synergy!April... 30th?![]()
The character tag lines could also use some work.
For Solid Snake it should have said: Iroquois Plissken: Something Something back from the dead or something.
Anyone know the control scheme for mgs2 vita? I have no idea how to heal and reload and this Russian chic is kicking my ass.
Edit: yyyeeesssss I defeated Olga! I figured out how to heal but not how to reload.
Touch the icons on screen.
That's what I can't figure out. Touch the screen then what?
To heal I have to drag my finger to the item then press x but to reload I usually have to wait till I run out and reload but it appears I'm out despite having a magazine that I can use....
This is random but I just realized I played quite a bit of MGO in MGS4. Guess its been so long I had forgotten lol.
Well let's look through the gameplay of MGS4
The first chapter had a good amount of stealth, but the FROG battle was annoying and I didn't very much care for it.
The second chapter was similar to the second. Ending was fun, but really wasn't all that great.
Third chapter sucked. Following someone for a whole area isn't interesting, and being forced to trail him is a poor design choice. The chase sequence wasn't fun due to how slow the turn movement of Snake. Boss battle suffered from this as well.
Fourth chapter didn't do anything for me. Sure it was nice to go back to SM, but replacing all the enemies with dwarfs killed it and I didn't like it.
Fifth chapter had two minutes of actual stealth.
So two good chapters, one mediocre chapter and two horrible chapters.
I actually just beat it tonight for the first time and really enjoyed it.
Some aspects of it are better than Peace Walker, like how you can actually see the soldier's faces when you play as them, even if there are only like 3 different faces.
There are actual interesting bosses, instead of tanks and singing robots.
Dragging people to the truck is annoying, but actually makes more sense than constantly having helicopters fly by for the fulton, or somehow using the fulton indoors.
I played it on vita though, I can't imagine how shitty the controls must've been on a PSP
You know you can drag them to a teammates card board box and have them do a mass pick up in Portable Ops? So many people just make that game harder than it has to be.
Drag to teammate>radio for pickup>teammate takes soldiers back to truck. So easy.
You know you can drag them to a teammates card board box and have them do a mass pick up in Portable Ops? So many people just make that game harder than it has to be.
Drag to teammate>radio for pickup>teammate takes soldiers back to truck. So easy.