Evil Beaver
Lots of bullets!
....but..but they're kinda hard to see. My wife is going to be really mad when I tell her the real reason I quit being stubborn and finally went to see the optometrist....
Lots of bullets!
Yeah, i wouldn't mind getting in on a group playYa anyone playing? I'm tired of scrubs
I haven't had a chance to try this yet myself, but I have looked over some threads and watched a couple videos/streams. Quick question, is Infiltrator as OP as it looks? Looks pretty unbalanced compared to everything else.
I can't wait to get home and play some more. I loved what I played last night though I'm still getting aquainted with how the online plays. Playing with randoms in cloak and dagger is pretty futile it seemed. Would love to get some games with GAF in. East coast here. If any of my fellow gaffers are playing tonight add me, psn SOLID_RAIDEN.
The amount of gp they want you to pay to change the color of your gear is fucking criminal.
The amount of gp they want you to pay to change the color of your gear is fucking criminal.
Ok, I'm sick of playing with randoms. I'd love an invite to the GAF group please.
EDIT: PSN: fourgaystorks
I'm actually finding the Enforcer to be quite effective, if only because holding down the fire button on that machine gun puts some folks into a panic state, allowing my team to capitalize.
Will add you... I think I actually am supportING your fob as well.. I was adding randoms the other day (really enjoy defending) and I liked the psn name lmao
So where are all of the silly hats and other more elaborate gear?![]()
That earned in game rather than a micro-transaction only currency?
I'd like to be added to whatever Outer-GAF groups that are operating, probably won't be able to play for a while but I'd like to secure my entry.
To avoid ransoms seeing my PSN, please look for it on my profile.
I haven't had a chance to try this yet myself, but I have looked over some threads and watched a couple videos/streams. Quick question, is Infiltrator as OP as it looks? Looks pretty unbalanced compared to everything else.
Yes, glaringly so to the point where it's not really feasible to determine or address gun and other game mechanic balance because of it. Near perma invis skews everything that badly.
Man LMGs have no purpose in this game.
Damn homies, where in the world is our Xbox community?
So where are all of the silly hats and other more elaborate gear?![]()
Oh, you mean don't move while everyone who plays infiltrator can do so and be really hard to see? Not only can they move and be hard to see, they can be shot and continue to be hard to see. They can shoot at you and be hard to see. They dictate the pace of the game entirely.Play stealthy and use the countermeasures provided?
Ok someone explain the CQC system to me, after I interrogate someone they seem to break out of the hold straigth away and then they first dibs on a cqc slam, am I doing something wrong?
I've been playing as an Scout. The only use I've got from the class is the detection grenades, they work great, other than the Sniper Rifle is not that great. To fix the Infiltrators the stealth should break if they run, and remove sprint from D-walkers.
Oh, you mean don't move while everyone who plays infiltrator can do so and be really hard to see? Not only can they move and be hard to see, they can be shot and continue to be hard to see. They can shoot at you and be hard to see. They dictate the pace of the game entirely.
If you think the camo is balanced and there are fair avenues for counterplay then you are out of your goddamned mind.
The only counter to Infiltrator is Infiltrator.
Yes, but unlike everyone else you can follow the radar and still not see them. Because they're invisible. And sprinting. And getting shot. And they're still invisible. And I like how we're saying "everyone else" when 80-90% of the players are playing Infiltrators anyway.Don't they get put on the map like everyone else?
Unfortunately, not many own or care about XBO at this point so I'm guessing it's just a handful of us playing the game on that console.
Edit: I'm only playing with my brother at the moment and we make an effective buddy link within the mess that is randoms however, we sometimes get a great team.
It's not hard too see, harder than a uncloaked player sure, but you can easy see the shimmer, they cannot run without showing on radar and firing a gun and such makes them clearly visible.
Also, play stealthy =/= don't move.
Oh and level up, because more countermeasures become available.
Not hard to see? That's straight up bullshit, given the various lighting and weather conditions. Showing up on radar is moot, everyone shows up on radar for sprinting, only one class will not appear there if you look. Unless you look really hard, but then you're probably dead from another Infiltrator sprinting at you from another direction. Infiltrators should be penalized the MOST for sprinting. They're penalized the least.
And I'm curious, what are those countermeasures? Is there a perk that makes bullets knock players out of invisibility as it should be?
The issue with stealth camo is that it doesn't encourage stealth.
The game mechanics facilitate stealth already. You can move between cover, crawl, roll, crouch-walk and get around without being seen if you make the effort.
Stealth camo doesn't seem designed to enhance and extend the stealth that is already possible. It's just a cheap way of allowing players to be 'stealthy'. It isn't about patience, or smart navigation, they've reduced stealth down to being hard to see.
These are issues with multiplayer invisibility that have been rectified in a great many games. Especially in multiplayer experiences where being hard to see has to be strictly balanced; a second delay of "was that a person or just a shadow" can mean losing a fight, especially when that shadow can sprint at and CQC you from more than an arms length away.
Movement should drain its battery to the point of being impractical. Sprinting should drain it to the point of being infeasible. Shooting unsuppressed, lethal weapons while cloaked shouldn't be happening.
Having to play at a slower pace should be the cost of being fucking invisible. I don't want to have to scrutinize every falling leaf, wondering if it is actually the distortion of a stealth camo user sprinting his way towards me.
The issue with stealth camo is that it doesn't encourage stealth.
The game mechanics facilitate stealth already. You can move between cover, crawl, roll, crouch-walk and get around without being seen if you make the effort.
Stealth camo doesn't seem designed to enhance and extend the stealth that is already possible. It's just a cheap way of allowing players to be 'stealthy'. It isn't about patience, or smart navigation, they've reduced stealth down to being hard to see.
These are issues with multiplayer invisibility that have been rectified in a great many games. Especially in multiplayer experiences where being hard to see has to be strictly balanced; a second delay of "was that a person or just a shadow" can mean losing a fight, especially when that shadow can sprint at and CQC you from more than an arms length away.
Movement should drain its battery to the point of being impractical. Sprinting should drain it to the point of being infeasible. Shooting unsuppressed, lethal weapons while cloaked shouldn't be happening.
Having to play at a slower pace should be the cost of being fucking invisible. I don't want to have to scrutinize every falling leaf, wondering if it is actually the distortion of a stealth camo user sprinting his way towards me.