yep, i did it for the bosses.
Also, I think I did the idol poster thing in my first playthough but I dont remember a new codec.
I guess I have to bother Courtney some more... Thanks for the tip.
I fucking hate enemies who use RPG launchers right in front of you - that shit made me angry in Ninja Gaiden 2
Sunny is soooo cute!
She sucks. Typical animu garbage.
More AMERICA please.
I will cut you bitch!
Mr. Raiden?Oh Hikari-Chan, so kawaii!
Typical animu garbage.
If that's true then I love filth.
Sunny is soooo cute!
Just beat it on Revengeance and got the codec trophy too. The more I think about this game I am pretty sure the game is entirely designed around the HF blade and only the HF blade. Every other sub-weapon, secondary weapon, primary weapon are really just bandaids to subvert things you would have to do on your own with the HF blade.
You never get the feeling using this stuff that "this was clearly designed to be the optimal way to do this" and more like "I am using this to basically skip something I would otherwise have to do". Using E.M grenades on Monsoon basically skips the hardest part of the fight. The Sai weapon putting some enemies into dizzy just feels like you are skipping them. The pole arm lets you worry less about positioning. The pincer blades just feel... outright broken as far as I can tell. Ripper mode feels completely broken with the pincer blades but with just the HF blade moveset it isn't nearly as much...
I don't think this is bad mind you, I just think this is probably a game that would be more rewarding the more and more you restrict yourself as opposed to Bayonetta where you want to use as much as possible in combat (except like, items - which are essentially labeled as cheats within the games scoring). Nothing in this game is labeled as cheats because I get the feeling that everything outside of the wooden sword and HF blade... are varying degrees of "cheats" from their core design.
Edit: I guess maybe not completely unlike the MGS games, where your "ultimate goal" is to go for very "pure" stealth runs on the higher difficulties.
You'll take what you can get if you're doing an S-rank run, but I used them as compensation for a shitty camera.
Monsoon in my opinion is a terrible boss because he has too many phases where he is invincible like the RP grenade phase and throwing phase. There's no way to knock him out of those phases and they last entirely too long.
She sucks.
I know I posted this same response last time you said something, but fuck it:
Sunny's demeanor this outing is a lot more upbeat and more "child-like" joy instead of depressed "Patriots made me an adult." depression. It's nice.
It's actually just some odd glitch. If you destroy the barbwire barricade at the beginning of the bridge, then you'll die when you get to the end. Jump over it and you'll live. I tested it out a little while ago by randomly alternating between destroying the barricade and jumping over it.
i don't like what they did to her. she is constantly smiling in her codec and playing the cheerful girl. doesn't fit her original persona in the slightest.
"I'm so worried RaidenShe's doing what she loves, and that makes her happy. What's the problem?
I know I posted this same response last time you said something, but fuck it:
Sunny's demeanor this outing is a lot more upbeat and more "child-like" joy instead of depressed "Patriots made me an adult." depression. It's nice.
She's doing what she loves, and that makes her happy. What's the problem?
She's doing what she loves, and that makes her happy. What's the problem?
She sucks. Deal with it, Seks.
I don't need SUPER DERP GENIUS LOLI in my vidya games. Got enough of that shit in my anime and manga.
Wolf is a good judge of character.Sunny lives up to her namesake here ^-^
And she shakes Wolf's paw! How can you not like that?
Wolf is a good judge of character.
I trust his instincts, so Sunny's cool with me.
Finished my Revengeance S-Rank run. No Damaged every ranked fight with the exception of boss GRAD (push back phase, second phase was No Damage), the elevator lobby and second Monsoon.
Elevator lobby is just too much hassle to even attempt a No Damage on and second Monsoon I was too frustrated to want to retry it only for Monsoon to ruin my work on Mistral.
Sundowner I passed thanks to luck finally playing out. Had to take out the Hammerhead first then avoid his armour and then used a charged Sai, launched him, 5 hits in air, Sai, 5 hits, Sai...repeat (with Ripper mode activated) and thankfully the second Hammerhead spawn didn't manage to shoot me. Took me a number of tries to get this method to work. Stray bullets...ugh!
Armstrong was another case of pray and hope for the best. His charge punch is pretty much what I was relying on for good damage. His gold dash is too annoying to 100% dodge. Sadly had to do this fight again as I took just over 8 and half minutes and lost points because of it, resulting in an A. Did it again and got 8 minutes 2 seconds but thankfully got extra BP to net the S.
What a fun and very frustrating ride doing this. I saved my Cyborg Ninja skin for this. Definitely makes it a bit easier due to the near 1 hit Fox Blade can do, but I refused to use any wigs, except the lobby fight which I swear would be impossible otherwise.
Now for the VR mission retries...
She's doing what she loves, and that makes her happy. What's the problem?
Her development feels......artificial?
I can definitely understand where people are coming from, with her going from an introvert with low self esteem in MGS4 to.....a Paz level anime cliche between games.
but I don't really mind it myself.
any tips? also, is there anyway I can lock on to him? The camera is such a pain in this fight.
Yeah, that was pretty intense stuff.Blade Wolf is, quite possibly, my favorite new gaming character of this generation.
When Blade Wolf gives Raidenand the ending section of "I'm My Own Master Now" kicks in...I get chills. Every. Single. Time.Sam's Sword/Murasama