Okay, I just died in the first 10 seconds in very hard. The FUG!? The parry window is much shorter now, lolz.

Okay, I just died in the first 10 seconds in very hard. The FUG!? The parry window is much shorter now, lolz.
Which section? I can think of two areas where I may have missed them. I'll assume its eitherthe part where you're using the dwarf gekko or the darkened tunnel where you can't use AR
This is my new favorite thing.
Don't know if it has been posted here already, but Hideo Kojima is editing the launch trailer for Rising by himself. Will be released on the 19th.
Don't know if it has been posted here already, but Hideo Kojima is editing the launch trailer for Rising by himself. Will be released on the 19th.
Does the full game let you restart every encounter like in the demo? If so, wouldn't that mean that if you feel like you won't be getting an S rank for an encounter, you can just restart it and try again?
Review if anybody is interested.
The recent DMC: Devil May Cry is evident that a melee action experience can still be incredible in 2013.
You technically have two weapons. You keep your HF blade and can use another optional weapon with it. Like if you want to use Sai + Blade, you can do it. Unfortunately, the side weapon button is mapped with the High attack button so it mean you can only use Quick attack with the Blade while using the High attack for the other weapon. Personally, i never felt the need to switch weapons in-game, i was perfectly fine with this system.
Review if anybody is interested.
Review if anybody is interested.
Review if anybody is interested.
Review if anybody is interested.
There is a dodge move though.
There is a dodge move though.
score 6/10
To be fair, it's not a dedicated button. I can imagine why that would throw some people off. Remember, not everyone is into pure action games and this is the first Metal Gear to venture into the genre.
Yeah, I mean who would think highly of a game that's been criticized for flaws like needless swearing, lots of interruptions during boss battles, complete bastardization of a long-established franchise protagonist, some awkward decisions that make combat more tedious than it could be, cutscenes full of flash trying to make up for a plot lacking in substance, and a really easy standard difficulty?
They said the voice acting is good in the review.Review if anybody is interested.
But Dodge isnt a dedicated button in MSG4 either?
Yeah, I mean who would think highly of a game that's been criticized for flaws like needless swearing, lots of interruptions during boss battles, complete bastardization of a long-established franchise protagonist, some awkward decisions that make combat more tedious than it could be, cutscenes full of flash trying to make up for a plot lacking in substance, and a really easy standard difficulty?
How anyone can take points off for things like these blows my mind. This is a goddamn character action video game.
Also, I haven't seen this question answered so I'll throw it out there again: Is chapter select limited to starting at the beginning of a chapter, or can you start right at a boss fight if you want?
Sorry, didn't mean to deceive.
This is my own review.
Review if anybody is interested.
Just beat it. It took a little over 5 hours. Do they count time in cutscenes? Pretty short I thought. I died 50 times. 48 of which were all during the final battle.
Just beat it. It took a little over 5 hours. Do they count time in cutscenes? Pretty short I thought.
To be fair, it's not a dedicated button. I can imagine why that would throw some people off. Remember, not everyone is into pure action games and this is the first Metal Gear to venture into the genre.
Review if anybody is interested.
You brought up an interesting point about having no way to know how to execute the purchasable moves.
If that's true, that's slightly disappointing.
You brought up an interesting point about having no way to know how to execute the purchasable moves.
If that's true, that's slightly disappointing.
...It's not true. Hitting pause and clicking help shows every move you have with clear button promts how to perform them and text descriptions. They also put tags on any newly purchased moves, so you can scroll to them quickly.
I'll repeat. This game does have a move list.
It's not true. Hitting pause and clicking help shows every move you have with clear button prompts how to perform them and text descriptions. They also put tags on any newly purchased moves, so you can scroll to them quickly.
I'll repeat. This game does have a move list.
It's not true. Hitting pause and clicking help shows every move you have with clear button prompts how to perform them and text descriptions. They also put tags on any newly purchased moves, so you can scroll to them quickly.
I'll repeat. This game does have a move list.
I swear to god gamers are getting dumber and whinier by the day, no wonder the industry is going to shit.