Nanomachines, son!
Metal Gear Rising update pushed through the Steam database, lets see what it is...
Hm, is changenumber anything significant? I'm guessing no.
Nanomachines, son!
Metal Gear Rising update pushed through the Steam database, lets see what it is...
Polearm in the freeze shot? Did you not stunlock the GRAD? :lol
You're crazy.
Hm, is changenumber anything significant? I'm guessing no.
That's an SLI artifact, but part of what I mean by getting my time down by another minute perfect parry would deal with him much quicker and I lost a good 40 seconds with wave 3 because I fucked up my positioning.
I have wave 1 and 2 perfectly choreographed so that wave 3 comes in at around the 40 sec mark, wave 3 I'm still experimenting with but I feel confident in being able to get it finished by the 1:20 mark.
You probably missed the QTE at the end of the 2nd phase, it saves your checkpoint right there and you have to replay the whole area.
Well, I haven't played on Revengeance so I imagine his patterns are quite a bit harder. On Hard, Sam is definitely easier to no damage than Armstrong.
I just got no damage and S rank on revengeance. Screw Armstrong, THIS is the HARDEST boss to no damage.... so many random factors in play here..
Nanomachines, son!
Metal Gear Rising update pushed through the Steam database, lets see what it is...
rising keeps slipping in and out of the top 10 on steam
this title has some serious legs
You ARE crazy.Good luck man. I couldn't consistently get the gekko to charge (though I suppose if you air parry a kick, you could shave seconds off since you don't have to deal with charge windup and QTE block) and then I couldn't consistently get a 2-fer when I took out the mastiffs with the wall jump... you're doing impressive work, IMO.
How long does it usually take updates to appear ?
Seriously, is Monsoon suppose to be so hard to do a No Damage?
probably won't know the exact figures until konami announces them or they're picked up in their end of fiscal year stuff, i gather they're pleased with them thoughSometimes i wih Valve would add a counter next to their games so you can tell how well it is selling .
The fact that it is in the bestseller list proves it is selling well but not how much . is it at 100.000?
200.000 ? or over 500.000?
Mostly those multiattacks, but sometimes he moves pretty fast and I parry the wrong direction. The separated parts is also midly annoying.Besides the new bane of my existence (Armstrong as Sam - "You're Hired"), it was one of the most difficult for me.
There are some tricks you can use to make it a bit easier though.
What part are you having issues with?
Mostly those multiattacks, but sometimes he moves pretty fast and I parry the wrong direction. The separated parts is also midly annoying.
Be careful of those smoke grenades, they take off a very small percentage of your life. That rat bastard hit me with those on a few of my attempts.
Do they deal damage when they activate regardless or do they have a damage radius like other grenades?
I am having more problems with Monsson than Armstrong. The two things that do damage:Besides the new bane of my existence (Armstrong as Sam - "You're Hired"), it was one of the most difficult for me.
There are some tricks you can use to make it a bit easier though.
What part are you having issues with?
I am having more problems with Monsson than Armstrong. The two things that do damage:
1- His fast attacks. One of them hit me in the middle, even when tapping parry really fast. Has an odd timing.
2- The part when the vocals kick. This is the worst part for me, as I get hit in annoying parts. I guess I just need learn how to PP him right.
Wow, I just started a very hard run and got my ass handed to me. No-moves raiden and I are not friends. The one rocket soldier with two dogs had me stopped for ages.
Also, you can fail her whip QTE and you won't take any damage. Weird!
As long as you perfect parry his first arm, you can throw his own sai back at him to stun him when fully charged. It's fast enough to beat his second arm.
No damaged mistral without really trying on very hard. Her severe lack of gimmicks really hurts her
Also, you can fail her whip QTE and you won't take any damage. Weird!
You can just run straight past them, Boris only locks you in to defeating those first three clowns (+ the cow?)
No damaged mistral without really trying on very hard. Her severe lack of gimmicks really hurts her
Also, you can fail her whip QTE and you won't take any damage. Weird!
You can just run straight past them, Boris only locks you in to defeating those first three clowns (+ the cow?)
Yeah I just watched some v. Hard playthrough vids and realized you can skip them. So many wasted rocket deaths. Dammit Boris.
I'll need to get Mistral's patterns down better to no damage her though.
Mistral is also really easy to checkpoint abuse. Plus you can knock her arms off and parry the tripod throw to win the third stage instantly on Revengeance.
Monsoon is still a massive bastard. It wouldn't even be that hard if not for the stupid vehicles being thrown at you and randomly not mashing block hard enough.
You should not be mashing anything with Monsoon.
That fight is so much fun I just went and recorded an S-rank no damage of it, video is processing now will update once it's live.
There's something so satisfying about fucking him up in Zandatsu so fast you're still in slowmo when coming out of it
Nice move with the divekick and emp grenade.
Mostly those multiattacks, but sometimes he moves pretty fast and I parry the wrong direction. The separated parts is also midly annoying.
Wow, the first GRAD fight on Very Hard was infinitely easier than my first time in that part on Hard. Beat it on my first try, didn't even use a Nanopaste.
wait for the 2nd level boss.
fuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaat shittttttttttttt
I am not looking forward to s-ranking that on revengeance. :|
Put it right up there with R04 ranked battle 2.
You should not be mashing anything with Monsoon.
If you end up in a corner and he's doing his sai combo, I don't think you're meticulously counting and pressing block for the exact number of attacks.
I can do no damage on Moonsoon easily until the music kicks in, then I always fuck up. Do EM grenades still work when he starts throwing limbs at you?
What difficulty?
It's not there on Revengeance for sure.
Waltzed my way through Normal to familiarize myself, knowing it is fairly short. Just finished chapter 2 in Hard, and I'm having a difficult time deciding what to upgrade/buy, would appreciate opinions on this. Muramasa vs Fox Blade? Unique weapons? I have the pincer but it's only barely upgraded. I think my main blade is nearly maxed, should I stick with it?