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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC Version |OT| Violence Breeds Violence

When you press buttons to execute slashes in blade mode, the horizontal slash will always perfectly follow the HUD guide. So you only need to manipulate the camera until the guide lines up with the red square, or for more complicated cuts you can manipulate both sticks but do a finger claw to use the button instead of the analog to cut so it's more precise.

Also, the analog stick cuts when you release it back to neutral, not when you push it across the middle, so it's perfectly adequate to just line it up and let go or just flick the stick in blade mode.

It's all very counter-intuitive but it can be very precise with some practice.

I think flipping the analog sticks around is throwing me off (left stick control the camera etc).

Will play again in a bit but actually sit down and look at the control conflagrations and combo list to get a better idea how to play.


Having some framerate issues on my 6950 with unlocked shaders. Turned down MSAA and AF. not terrible, but its not solid 60fps especially during the ray boss at the beginning.

Running much smoother now that I updated drivers to 13.12 had them at 13.9 before.


AngryJoe said the same thing during his review. People were telling him in the comments that you can't really mash parry on Hard mode.

I actually find the difference between mashing and parrying difficult to appreciate really. I'm pretty shit at perfect parries though so that might have something to do with it.


Santa May Claus
Any tips for cutting off left hands? Finding it really difficult to accurately cut anything in blade mode.

Line up the slice with both sticks, then press eihter X or Y button to actually slash. You need to slash the green area before the red part that shows the arm.

I actually find the difference between mashing and parrying difficult to appreciate really. I'm pretty shit at perfect parries though so that might have something to do with it.

Mashing parry works to an extent. And it even option-selects with one of the strongest attacks, Sky High. The parry window is just shorter on Hard and some moves can't be canceled into Parry.

Guess Who

I actually find the difference between mashing and parrying difficult to appreciate really. I'm pretty shit at perfect parries though so that might have something to do with it.

Revengeance mode makes you get good at it, because it's pretty much Perfect Parry or Die mode.


How is this game performance wise? Now that it's out in the wild, do you think I could max out this game with a 660Ti and an i5 3750 @ 3.4?


Rolling Girl
Line up the slice with both sticks, then press eihter X or Y button to actually slash. You need to slash the green area before the red part that shows the arm.

I actually learned to master the manual slices doing the hands.
It made Armstrong a breeze for those sections.
AngryJoe said the same thing during his review. People were telling him in the comments that you can't really mash parry on Hard mode.

They were under the impression that blocking and parrying is the same thing. If you mash out a bunch of block commands, you won't get a parry. They were just so adamant about that being wrong.

Here's that guide again. I have no idea if anyone else has made something like this, but I think this information should be available for people looking for it. First time making a Steam guide, input is welcome.

Weird, framerate has been steady 60 all of the time while I play but it's suddenly locked to 54 after the fight against the shield biped thing. Definetely not pushing my card which is only at 45 degrees.

Bit confused from reading earlier, did Durante actually show people how to downsample?
Hahaha, just posted this. Yes, I've been in meetings since 1:30PM, and finally came out to be told about the offline issue. Yes, we are looking at it. No, it wasn't actually supposed to do that. That is all!

Any word on trading card support? I need an Armstrong profile background.


People with fullscreen problems should look into refresh rates for their monitor. The game is 24-30Hzs, you should config your overscan to that. At least for AMD cards it fixes the problem.

hmm I have a 3d monitor with a 240hz refresh rate, so I should create a custom resolution of 30?
Hahaha, just posted this. Yes, I've been in meetings since 1:30PM, and finally came out to be told about the offline issue. Yes, we are looking at it. No, it wasn't actually supposed to do that. That is all!

That's probably the big one but is there any word on the framerate locking?


Alright. 1920x1080, all high settings, 60fps....windowed.

I'm good until the fix makes this all the way better.

Oh my god George shut up.


Its amazing reading the posts how such a large audience can discover a great game cause its on the PC. I imagine Konami will make mucho dinero from this and get addicted to money. Maybe.


AngryJoe said the same thing during his review. People were telling him in the comments that you can't really mash parry on Hard mode.

Its a Platinum Games thing and it works even on the hardest difficulties.

This is because there is a rather large window for you to input the parry and if you enter it too early then there is a damn good chance that you will get a block instead, which is the next best thing. So the risk is reduced by a lot, since for the most part you will either get a block or a parry.

It also works in Bayonetta, you can just keep tapping forward while attacking and you will either get a parry or a perfect parry, vast majority of the time. It even works on Non Stop Infinite Climax difficulty.


Its amazing reading the posts how such a large audience can discover a great game cause its on the PC. I imagine Konami will make mucho dinero from this and get addicted to money. Maybe.

I sold all of my consoles since i never touched them.

Only thing I have left is my 3DS.

Honestly, I'm going to rebuy a PS3 at some point, and the only reason is to play jrpgs that for some fucking reason aren't on the PC where I would prefer to buy them.


Hahaha, just posted this. Yes, I've been in meetings since 1:30PM, and finally came out to be told about the offline issue. Yes, we are looking at it. No, it wasn't actually supposed to do that. That is all!


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you guys for putting this out.


Hahaha, just posted this. Yes, I've been in meetings since 1:30PM, and finally came out to be told about the offline issue. Yes, we are looking at it. No, it wasn't actually supposed to do that. That is all!

You're probably on the same page already, but asking doesn't hurt: Can you look into the game's display/monitor issues as well? Seems like a pretty popular issue and it's definitely a huge bummer. The game seems great, from what I've played.


Santa May Claus
Its a Platinum Games thing and it works even on the hardest difficulties.

This is because there is a rather large window for you to input the parry and if you enter it too early then there is a damn good chance that you will get a block instead, which is the next best thing. So the risk is reduced by a lot, since for the most part you will either get a block or a parry.

It also works in Bayonetta, you can just keep tapping forward while attacking and you will either get a parry or a perfect parry, vast majority of the time. It even works on Non Stop Infinite Climax difficulty.

I don't really see this as a bad thing since it's your primary defensive maneuver. Combat revolves around the parry mechanic and a lot of enemies don't have hitstun. The risk mitigation is obviously to do the parry earlier rather than later, as you'll get a block instead... similar to Royal Guard and even less dangerous. The mechanic could be fine tuned, but I don't see it as broken.
Its amazing reading the posts how such a large audience can discover a great game cause its on the PC. I imagine Konami will make mucho dinero from this and get addicted to money. Maybe.

Not sure what you mean, game did quite well on consoles. Of course coming out for so cheap helps I'm sure and obviously steam/pc has a big userbase.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
If you have an AMD card and having one of the following problems with your TV/Monitor:
1. 1080i
2. Shrinking the screen
3. Playing at less than 24 fps

Download radeon pro and enable the following settings:

Make sure you hit apply now and when you start the game ALL of those problems should disappear.


hmm I have a 3d monitor with a 240hz refresh rate, so I should create a custom resolution of 30?
You need to configure overscan through CCC for all refresh rates (at least for 24-30Hzs). You change the refresh rate of your monitor though desktop options.

There's no need to create any odd configs. Just change refresh, config overscan and switch frefresh back to normal. When the game launches at 24-30Hzs,overscan will work properly.

At ñlast this is how I fixed my problems with letterbox borders.


I suppose my only real complaints so far are:

A) Obviously the camera

B) The environments feel pretty empty, the game doesn't really encourage exploring for items or anything like that. Seems they just want you to keep going forward, go, go, go.
You're probably on the same page already, but asking doesn't hurt: Can you look into the game's display/monitor issues as well? Seems like a pretty popular issue and it's definitely a huge bummer. The game seems great, from what I've played.

Of course we will be evaluating other issues in order of severity when we can, however, this is the biggest and most discussed issue right now at large (thanks, Kotaku) and is our current focus.
Played a few minutes to test it out. On my [email protected]/GTX 680/12gb Ram it runs maxed out at 60 fps which does dip down to 30 when doing that slice and dice slow-mo move. That said. I run 4 monitors and it seems as if the main game window slightly hangs over the edge and goes onto a second monitor whether it's full-screen or not. No biggie though, as it just looks like it's the border of the window and not the actual game window if that makes sense. Seems fun, I'll be playing it pretty heavily here soon.
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