Oh, and my obligatory Rising thread image post:
Well, shit. I guess I'll be playing this with my 360 controller instead of my DualShock 4 (due to the stick rubber peeling issues).
Oh, and my obligatory Rising thread image post:
The Fox blade is extremely strong, you'll be able to kill most enemies in a few hits and instantly kill them in blade mode. It was a pre-order bonus weapon.
Thread needs a new title
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC Version |OT| Time to leave them all (consoles) behind!
Can you not unequip it or something? Seems like it'd be fun to use when you just want to rip shit up. I can absolutely understand the logic behind not wanting to have it be your weapon of choice, though.
One of the best parts of this game is how all of your enemies are machines or nearly entirely machines. This allows you to hack and slash without feeling squeamish! I'm not very fond of sadistic games (unless they're really cheesy and over-the-top, like Bulletstorm), but this game avoids all of that by making cyborgs/robots the enemy. I think the game even indicates that the "blood" you're seeing is oil!
I'm not poop but I'm not great either. I played through both Souls games, but I cursed a lot. A LOT. But I liked the challenge as well. Other than that, I was never into DmC or Ninja Gaiden, although I played most of them. But never got too much into combos and stuff, also don't like fighting games either...meh.
Maybe we can make a ban bet so I have some sort of motivation to stick with hard? XD
Will you absolutely HAVE to use a controller for this? Or does anyone think keyboard/mouse is feasible?
Gotta wait till the game is out, but considering Blade Mode playing this with a mouse can either be the best thing ever or be Dark Souls unplayable.Will you absolutely HAVE to use a controller for this? Or does anyone think keyboard/mouse is feasible?
Have only heard that the outcry has been passed onto the developers at Platinum.
pre load is almost done, as someone who beat bayo at 99%, (didnt get plats on super hard mode cuz that shit is insane) what difficulty should i play?
Understood. Thanks for the info. I really do that Platinum will go to town in the graphics department, it would be fantastic to really trigger the bells and whistles on top of the already beautiful game. That would really show those consoles and make PC owners feel proud. Heck I can already seen many stores at Akihabara showcasing the game near everyday if Platinum do this right on this build or with a patch. We'll see.
Gotta wait till the game is out, but considering Blade Mode playing this with a mouse can either be the best thing ever or be Dark Souls unplayable.
I'm betting on the latter and got myself a 360 controller.
pre load is almost done, as someone who beat bayo at 99%, (didnt get plats on super hard mode cuz that shit is insane) what difficulty should i play?
Will you absolutely HAVE to use a controller for this? Or does anyone think keyboard/mouse is feasible?
I see.It's a cheat weapon designed to make the game ludicrously easy, and also for the fun of living out your Gray Fox hallway massacre fantasies where people explode into fountains of blood with the slightest hit. It costs a small fortune to upgrade, from memory, so it's not like having this ability will be easy. But it does fundamentally break the combat system in favour of cheap, if enjoyable, super easy insta kills.
People playing for the first time would be better off leaving the fox blade unlock until later, post game, and spending their credits on playing the game properly instead.
Sounds like you are going to want to unlock one of the harder difficulties through the ini file or something.
People are saying Hard is a good place to start for new players.
One of the best parts of this game is how all of your enemies are machines or nearly entirely machines. This allows you to hack and slash without feeling squeamish! I'm not very fond of sadistic games (unless they're really cheesy and over-the-top, like Bulletstorm), but this game avoids all of that by making cyborgs/robots the enemy. I think the game even indicates that the "blood" you're seeing is oil!
Will be messy. The games is designed to be played with controller. The blade mode is made for two analog sticks. And don't forget it's an action game. You don't play Devil May Cry 4 with M+K too, do you?
Every PC gamer should own a controller.
not really, since they say plain straight at the beginning that cyborgs are: ''still real thinking people'' and have red blood.
Ugs on the other hand, are not human. They even give you a non kill bonus if you dont kill cyborgs.
Do you not unlock achievements or set scores with the Gray Fox blade equipped?
I want to rock that armor though, does that screw up the balance? Or just aesthetic change?
Do you not unlock achievements or set scores with the Gray Fox blade equipped?
I want to rock that armor though, does that screw up the balance? Or just aesthetic change?
Fox blade doesn't lock you out from unlocking anything, but it does make it harder to get better ranks as your combo score tanks with your ability to single swipe everything.Do you not unlock achievements or set scores with the Gray Fox blade equipped?
I want to rock that armor though, does that screw up the balance? Or just aesthetic change?
Will be messy. The games is designed to be played with controller. The blade mode is made for two analog sticks. And don't forget it's an action game. You don't play Devil May Cry 4 with M+K too, do you?
Every PC gamer should own a controller.
If you ain't using the poncho you're doing it wrong!
So even if I'm kinda shitty at action games, hard mode should be fine?
Don't forget about this outfit, guys.
It's kawaii
Does this unlock early in any regions (VPN)?
This could get interesting.
I'm hoping for that. I wanna see some impressions asap.This could get interesting.
Fantastic OT!
Thanks to everyone for supporting this game, it's taken a while for us to get here, but we hope it will be worth the wait.
Perfect time to double-dip, its been almost a year since release.