
Is anyone using any of these, because I really want one.
Is anyone using any of these, because I really want one.
Is anyone using any of these, because I really want one.
Is anyone using any of these, because I really want one.
I think so, that's all that is needed.
I believe so, but check the steam store page just to be sure.
Is anyone using any of these, because I really want one.
you dare defile your dota avatar for this casual game?!
I made couple of avatars if someone wants to use them
If this is your first time playing Rising...
Also, I cannot stress this enough: play it on hard. Normal is WAY too easy. The game is short, around 5 hours, maybe 6. There is absolutely no fat in this game though.
This is so sick, especially the part at 2:50, someone needs to gif this.
I just hope Konami and Sega take note of the popularity of MGR on the platform and thus begins the great PC ports and additions of our time.
Time for BULLSEYE!
Linked it because it's a near 10mb gif. Still new to gif making so hopefully someone can compress it better.
Anyway, even though all I have is my laptop (currently building a PC) I can't wait to get my hands on this game again.
Good. I really hate filler in games.
I love short games that understand their mechanics, execute them perfectly, and end at the right time.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a perfect example of this.
why can't they just release it already
Btw, considering Starbound sold over a million and that MGR was in the Steam top... can we imagine it sold at least more than 100k ?
Btw, considering Starbound sold over a million and that MGR was in the Steam top... can we imagine it sold at least more than 100k ?
I'm pretty sure it's selling like crazy, probably waaaaayyyy over expectations.
25 of my friends have it. I have good friends. I get off work at noon tomorrow, hoping it's unlocked when I get home. =D
Im pretty sure it's around 400k. And it'll be closer to 1 million in a few weeks.