And if you need rations, try going back a couple of rooms and find re-spawning enemies. Punch them out, and see if they drop rations. Keep walking in and out of the area to force them to re-spawn and try again.
Just beat MGS3. The last boss fight was beautiful. Went directly for a stamina kill cause it made the fight more fun.
Ending question.So Ocelot from the beginning was working with the CIA? I kept wondering who Adam was but I never thought it would be him. Anyway, who was he talking to at the end?
Just beat MGS3. The last boss fight was beautiful. Went directly for a stamina kill cause it made the fight more fun.
Ending question.So Ocelot from the beginning was working with the CIA? I kept wondering who Adam was but I never thought it would be him. Anyway, who was he talking to at the end?
The director of the CIA.
Thanks mates.Ocelot was acting as triple agent, so in his first phone call he was speaking with a powerful political figure associated with the KGB (most likely Leonid Brezhnev, successor to Khrushchev) and indicating that he was backstabbing the GRU. However, in his final phone call it becomes clear that Ocelot was ultimately working for the CIA the entire time after he dialed the CIA director (John McCone) and revealed his true identity.
So that ties in nicely with MGS2 since Ocelot was also working with the Patriots from the start. Pretty cool. I also read about Ocelot being son of The Boss.
So is there, at the moment, any way for europeans to play now?
What's this I've been hearing about some framerate hiccups in MGS3? Is this true? Is it bad?
Import the PS3 version?
I was under the impression it was also downloadable from PSN? But if not, is the boxed version region-free?
I was under the impression it was also downloadable from PSN? But if not, is the boxed version region-free?
Should I play Peace Walker before I replay MGS 4?
I'm replaying all the games, and I just finished 3. I havent played PW yet, but I beat 4 when I came out. Are the gameplay mechanics in PW more refined than 4, or are they the same?
Will I miss any sort of references if I'm not fresh off of 4?
Should I play Peace Walker before I replay MGS 4?
I'm replaying all the games, and I just finished 3. I havent played PW yet, but I beat 4 when I came out. Are the gameplay mechanics in PW more refined than 4, or are they the same?
Will I miss any sort of references if I'm not fresh off of 4?
So is there, at the moment, any way for europeans to play now?
Any info on how to do this (checked the OP, and nothing about it being possible)? I figured it plain wouldn't work, but if there's a way, I may plonk down the cash to import. I'm not particularly interested in bringing my PSP Peace Walker save over, but I'm going to start a new PW game and was hoping I could move between PSP and PS3.Transfarring from an EU save is a painful process, however.
Any technical differences between the PS3 and 360 versions?
Any info on how to do this (checked the OP, and nothing about it being possible)? I figured it plain wouldn't work, but if there's a way, I may plonk down the cash to import. I'm not particularly interested in bringing my PSP Peace Walker save over, but I'm going to start a new PW game and was hoping I could move between PSP and PS3.
Also, another question for anyone who can answer: do we know if online servers are region locked or not? As in, can people with the American version play against people with another version? Because I have a friend who is reluctant to import, yet he wants to do online with me. Should I be advising him to import from the US right now, or should we just wait for the EU version? I don't want to have to buy the game twice...
There are (shitty) control issues with the 360 version.
With the release of the Japanese Metal Gear Solid 2/3 HD Editions this week, I have a question that's been bugging me for the longest time now:
I've already made significant progress in my trophies for MGS2, but I wanna give each game at least 1 runthrough in the Japanese versions to experience the full thing in the native dubbing. Thing is, I don't know how alternate region games are logged in trophies. Will playing the Japanese version reset my trophies?
I know it's just trophies and it's stupid to worry about, but damn it I wanna know!! ">_>
The possibility comes to mind in my head because I believe there are some Japanese PS3 games that can have their trophy lists display in English, which makes me think that the trophy list could be shared or corrupted if one plays the 2game versions.Typically it would mean you would get separate trophies for your JP copy of the game. But it does depend on the game, haven't heard of people's trophies being reset.
Yeah, the need of D-Pad menu stuff alone made me weary of having the 360 version. As long as they both perform relatively well (?) and they're aren't graphical omissions with the PS3 one, I guess I'll wait on a deal for that version.
What's the deal with the "Snake Bit" trophy? Does the guard have to eat the poisonous animal?
Tranquilize a snake and collect, then equip it as a weapon and throw it at a guy.
I've managed to S-rank every mission in Peace Walker so far, though the two tank battles were annoying. I imagine it gets really difficult/crazy later on in the game? Also, when do I start finding Rank B/A soldiers? I've seen a couple S-ranks, but I apparently need some launcher to get them.
An MGS speedrunning legend has gotten his hands on the HD edition.
European Extreme Big Boss Speedrun Part 1:
they scale with your progress in the game. Later missions and extra ops = higher rank
The S ranks are teases because yeah you need special fulton weapons to get them, but I think they're always there everytime you play the stage so you could replay the mission to keep getting s ranks I guess.
The best way to recruit high level soldiers in the PSP version was hotspot scanning. Especially once your heroism was past a certain level
An MGS speedrunning legend has gotten his hands on the HD edition.
European Extreme Big Boss Speedrun Part 1:
Japanese people hate HD.
The standard levels are the easiest thing I've ever played, but yeah the boss fights can be frustrating solo.Peace Walker is harrrrrrrd-uh
For a Metal Gear Solid game
No.Is anything missing from the HD version of Peace Walker? I noticed a few of the bonuses from MGS2 Substance and MGS3 Subsistence are missing. (Skateboarding and Secret Theater D![]()