I have tried with my collegue yesterday who lives 3 blocks away from me and has the same ISP - the lag was there also. It's not an issue on my end. Opening a connection would mean "freezing" for a few seconds, but this is a constant issue.
There is a gamespot topic for this:
No HD subtitle. LOL Why bother removing it?
No HD subtitle. LOL Why bother removing it?
Order of release. But if you don't have the first Metal Gear Solid...I've never completed MGS1, and I don't think I even own it, so should I play the Collection in order or release or chronological order?
vita display is 960×540![]()
I know, but it wouldn't really make a difference if the removed the subtitle
Am I playing this right?
Im going through MGS3 and I try to be stealthy but if I screw it up where I alert the guards I end up killing myself with grenades or standing still while getting shot at on puropse so I can reload that bit and do it again without any alerts.
I know it doesnt really matter as once you kill the guards sent to investigate you can still progress and the cutscenes or story doesnt really change.
But should I be going though this hassle?
Maybe instead of Substance and Subsistence they can call it Sub HD.
Hmm... I dunno then. I have the PS3 version and the major issue there is that the online for the trade screen BARELY works. If you're lucky to connect to someone. Otherwise "issue with connection" shows up there.
Everything after MGS2 seem scaled back to me, in MGS2 guards are smarter, they see ya shadows & notice little things & really search for you, everything in the environment can be interacted with, and there shit loads of easter eggs, funny joke etc
which were totally missing in 3, I know 3 bought new stuff but a lot went at the same time, for example
when I shoot a pipe in MGS3.......nothing happens, I don't know MGS2 just has a shit load of neat little things that seemed missing in the other games, oh and does memory serve me right? you shoot a radio in 4 can ya?
I did The Sorrow last night.
There wasn'tan option to take the fake death pill to end the fight early. This confused me. It was in my left side inventory but it said I couldn't use it.
Finally got my copy (PAL version)!
Same! (And PAL too!)
Enjoying MGS2 Big Shell mission for the first time, despite playing MGS1, 3 and 4 around 5 times combined, I never played as Raiden when MGS2 came out. I was disappointed I wasn't playing as Snake and stopped playing.
Might be a silly question, but can anyone tell me if I can transfar my PSP save to PS3 before I start playing Peace Walker on the PS3, or do I have to start the PS3 version first and copy the save onto the PSP?
You can transfer your PSP save but you won't be able to earn any trophies.
Just finished MGS3 for the first time. All I can say is the game was AMAZING! Better then any new game I played this whole generation, I cannot get over how amazing the game was. It was worth the $40 on its own. I'm to excited right now lol. Now its time to go back and get some trophies and start MGS4.
I beat MGS2 like 3 times. I love it. But after playing 3 I'd say its the best in the series.MGS2's better![]()
Finally got a chance to sit down and play through the HD Collection. This is a dream come true for me, the series has a special place in my heart. I don't know if i would still be playing games if i hadn't picked up Snake Eater on a whim one release day. I was stuck on the tanker level for years and gave up then snake eater was released and i was awestruck. i went through the entire series after that more times then i can remember. Love these games!
Thoughts for MGS5, from the few screen shots released so far and Kojima's description, we might be looking at a Skyrim style open world Metal Gear. Theres a quote from Kojima: "Players should even after 100 hours of playing be able to find new stuff in the game."
There haven't been any screenshots of MGS5. Are you thinking of Project Ogre?
Finished MGS3 last night and loved it all over again.
Been so long since I played the ps2 version and I really liked the new camera.
Im moving onto MGS2 now and doesnt this version have the better camera??
Picked this up last November, but finally got to finishing Snake Eater. WOW! In HD, It's like playing the game for the first time. Just so god damned good. I think I'm moving on to Peace Walker next (which I've never played)
As far as timeline, is this how it goes?
Peace Walker