Eh you shouldn't, I enjoyed it a ton. Probably should play the others.
If you enjoyed 4,i think you'll love the others if you can get past the archaic controls.
I enjoyed 4 too but it's easily my least favorite game in the series
Eh you shouldn't, I enjoyed it a ton. Probably should play the others.
Eh you shouldn't, I enjoyed it a ton. Probably should play the others.
I agree its got a great story but the game itself isn't on par with the home console versionsTo you. To me PW is one of the best MGS games yet with a great story.
I feel bad for you, like really bad.
I agree its got a great story but the game itself isn't on par with the home console versions
This would have been different if it was made as a full mainline game instead of a portable game
And why feel bad, because he hasn't played the previous titles? MGS4 is fantastic, even better if you played the previous games
Or are you one of those that don't like MGS4 because it didn't play out the way you wanted?
I can't stand those stupid ideas some fans come up with, if it was up to them MGSV would be about The Boss and the Cobra Unit which has nothing to do with Metal Gear.
Glad you enjoyed it but you really do need to play the others, how could you possibly understand 4 otherwise? I mean do you even know that the difference between Big Boss and Solid Snake?
I agree, although I'm one of the MGS2 fansI personally loved MGS4 the first time I played it. Subsequent playthroughs revealed it to be the lesser of the MGS games, still I don't give a shit what anyone says it was a good game and Solid went out in style.
Will the guards get up if their friends are nearby? Do they tell them to get up?
In Ground Zeroes? Of course... it wouldn't be a metal gear game any other way.
What's new and awesome (but kinda messed up) is that guards slowly die now. So a guard would actually comfort a slowly dying solider, then call the incident in over the radio to CP.
That's amazing, lol. Never noticed it.
To be honest I've only encountered it once during a side-ops mission. When trying to kill the "Eye" and the "Finger". These guys are always surrounded by fellow soldiers so I'm hoping it wasn't a scripted thing for that mission and is an actual thing guards do when encountering a slowly dying solider.
I've seen soldiers crawl away and slowly die many times in the game but I've only seen a situation where a live guard witnesses a dying one (in the side-ops)
I'm about 90% sure it wasn't scripted.
To be honest I've only encountered it once during a side-ops mission. When trying to kill the "Eye" and the "Finger". These guys are always surrounded by fellow soldiers so I'm hoping it wasn't a scripted thing for that mission and is an actual thing guards do when encountering a slowly dying solider.
I've seen soldiers crawl away and slowly die many times in the game but I've only seen a situation where a live guard witnesses a dying one (in the side-ops)
I'm about 90% sure it wasn't scripted.
Will the guards get up if their friends are nearby? Do they tell them to get up?
War is hell. (Unless it's about bees coming from your mouth or goofy hand gestures)
It will probably have an opening cutscene recapping GZ, or they just put those scenes in there because the trailers so far aren't really TPP trailers, but trailers for MGSV as a whole. Also I bet they include a copy of GZ with either a TPP special edition or give a download code as a preorder bonus.
Lol...I can't be the only one who get E Rank the first time playing through some of these missions right?![]()
I got C on normal and then E on hard.
And then I returned the game to RedBox...
Lol...I can't be the only one who get E Rank the first time playing through some of these missions right?![]()
Yeah...just there. Let's see how he is in TPP and future releases. At this point he's in it and we'll just have to hope for the best. But he didn't have much to do here voice acting wise and the codecs have changed too which gave him even less.
So how do you neutralize a tank without killing anyone?
If they aren't going to include GZ with TPP I think they would have announced it already to boost sale of GZ.
I miss the old codecs a lot. It's a staple of the series.
Dont care how they bring it back, move it to the idroid or something, but just bring back the little pictures and signal bars!
One patch is simply impossible without a guide.
I killed both of them with the sniper you get. I just had to put like 10 guys to sleep to keep the path safe of me escaping the mission area. But I had to be quick about it since once you kill the first guy on th jeep the other guy on the tower will run and you had to shoot him before he leaves the tower.Maaaan, the Renegade Threat mission is a bitch to S rank! Can't get higher than a A rank...
What's the best method to tackle this? I've tried running and gunning, finishing the mission within 2 minutes by killing the bald dude first then running to the admin building, wait for the other dude to open the gate and then I shot him in the car. But obviously I raised an alert with this and that cost me a lot of points.
Other method was to extract them but this takes a lot of time so I got a A rank again. Argh! I've finally pinpointed the admin building's guy starting location though so maybe I can plan a more efficient route the next try...
Trying these missions with different approaches is really fun. I hope I can figure out my own succesful method without having to resort to a guide... but damn this one is tough!
Lol...I can't be the only one who get E Rank the first time playing through some of these missions right?![]()
If it's the one I'm thinking of.I found it drunk and laughing at the roll animation
Love the game, but this is the best thing to do over and over again.
What happens if there's a guard on the other side of the door?
2. Diving is great, but why can't you immediately hold the crawl button down so he stays down if you want to keep moving. I don't like that he goes into the crouch position automatically after the dive, he should stay down.
I'm going to have to find this out. Really hope he sees me so I can trigger reflex mode.
Don't touch the left stick after diving and he stays down.
Excuse my ignorance but why is Snake still wearing a FOX suit?
I'm having a real fun time with the game. I've S-Ranked 3 missions so far. And it looks like I'll have to S-rank them all in hard as well later on.
Excuse my ignorance but why is Snake still wearing a FOX suit?
All this eventually has to lead up and come full circle to a PS4/XB1 remake of MG1 right?
Kojima has openly, recently, said he wants those games remade, so perhaps, it's quite likely.
'Metal Gear Solid 0'. Fitting, isn't it?
I'd simply call it "Metal Gear". Have both games be remade as one. MG1 could serve as the prologue, considering it barely had any story, while the main game would focus on a reimagining of MG2.
All this eventually has to lead up and come full circle to a PS4/XB1 remake of MG1 right?
Kojima said he isnt done with solid also, so hes either going to make an apperance in TPP, or the remakes for MG, which NEEDS to happen
And then a fox engine remake of MGS1.
The he moves onto new ips
Excuse my ignorance but why is Snake still wearing a FOX suit?
We don't really know. The original Ground Zeroes trailer said "SNAKE IS BACK IN FOX" and that was it, nothing else was said or anything.
It's probably just for Kojima to show "oh look how the contrast of FOX and XOF is!" and nothing else. I doubt he's working in the government (it was the CIA, right?) again, rather than just accepting to do for them certain things.
I hope to be wrong, because it would be so awesome.