Is there a Japanese audio track on the US version? I'd prefer to listen to the Japanese voices on my second play through if possible.
Something is up
THIIIIISFucking Nolan North. It's so bizarre in Arkham City when you're in the GCPD low-temperature room. Penguin is on the intercom, voiced by Nolan North and there are 5 thugs in the room, two of them also voiced by Nolan North.
If you take down the other three first, you'll basically have Nolan North talking to himself haha.
Someone a while ago asked about if the different exclusive missions per platform would eventually come to all platforms, or stay where they are. Considering the graphical differences between PS4/X1/PS3/360, they'll probably remain exclusives right? Or do any think it would be possible (even if not financially viable) to make it happen?
What are the requirements for S Rank exactly? For example in the missions where you have to take out The Eye and The Finger, is killing them okay or do I have to extract them?
I tried extracting them and only got an A, I guess I took too long.
You mean 1 day and 20 hrs.
I can't launch the digital 360 version of Ground Zeroes any more, Big Boss just sits there and no menu loads or pops up. Remember seeing this issue pop up for the PS3 version, is there a solution to this problem?
Got a question to those who've done all the trials, how long does it take to do these (or mainly the find and mark all enemies on each mission?). This is the last trophy to get and I've got S Rank for all missions and difficulties. I have a feeling this trial will take forever :lol:
Have you tried disconnecting your internet? This happened to me once on PS4, I guess the game had difficulties connecting to the Konami servers and just got stuck. Was fine after I disabled wlan access.
EDIT: Those who have played GZ a bit should go and watch the Red Band trailer again Phantom Pain is going to be much much much bigger and better than GZ
I was a bit iffy on this in the beginning but it does actually have quite a bit of replay. Really looking forward to TPP now. I typically suck at stealth but I keep spending more time on it and am getting the hang of it finally.
I hope phantom pain look better because ground zero look like shit no matter 720p or 1080p.
Ugh... leveling in the MB app is even worse than it was in Peace Walker.
If you do the later missions that net decent XP, you lose tons of guys (even when they're all lvl5) and have to train in the early missions; so you just end up doing missions 15-25 over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Feel the same. I'm over ten hours and still finding things to do. I just keep coming back. I've only spent maybe three hours total with SS.Just S ranked each mission. Absolutely loving this game... way more than I thought I would.
I was concerned about the lack of value initially, but I've arguably put more time in this than Infamous Second Son. The gameplay is just so good and it has some of the best stealth mechanics I've ever played.
Massive improvement over previous iterations.
Played a little of this last night. I'm really liking it and it's a great taste of things to come. The openness of the stealth kinda reminds me of Hitman games. Didn't mind Keifer either.
I would have to agree here, to me this feels like some kind of bizarre Hitman:Blood Money sandbox and espionage ruse action edition. Still, I do think this is a great evolution for the series and fits well for stealth. I am impressed how much replay value this game has.
I would have to agree here, to me this feels like some kind of bizarre Hitman:Blood Money sandbox and espionage ruse action edition. Still, I do think this is a great evolution for the series and fits well for stealth. I am impressed how much replay value this game has.
Lol, okay buddy. April fools?
This is exactly what struck me, too. Really got a Hitman vibe (Blood Money in particular) from this, in the best possible way. It's an encouraging step for the series to take!
Think I'll replay GZ again the night before the next game launches.
Considering that Ground Zeroes has very high chances of being included in The Phantom Pain, you probably will.
I can see GZ the mission being included as the intro to TPP, but without the 5 side missions and full trophy set.
Wow people sure weren't joking about this being short as fuck.
65 minutes or something to finish the level. Even with long cutscenes it was well bellow 2 hrs. Not happy about this being $40 digital even in Australia where we pay 70-100 for full price games.
Wow people sure weren't joking about this being short as fuck.
65 minutes or something to finish the level. Even with long cutscenes it was well bellow 2 hrs. Not happy about this being $40 digital even in Australia where we pay 70-100 for full price games.
The game has more than the story mission. I've played well over 10 hours so far. I feel I got my money's worth.
Why did you think people were joking? It sounds like you were well-informed but made a bad purchase anyway.
Bad for you, at least. A lot of folks don't mind the length/replay value.
There were people saying a lot of different things about the length of the campaign. And when people were telling me that it was great for replaying and 100%ing I wasn't expecting to come out of it feeling like I'd done all I wanted to the first time through. Mainly I just regret that I bought it digital and can't trade it in / sell it / give it away.
It wasn't like I was rushing the main story anyway. I stopped to rescue prisoners and look around a bit. I'm happy you think it was good value for you but I'm not sure I even want to play it one more time. MGS games have traditionally been quite long with the whole game being quite replayable and often featuring lots of easter eggs, bonus features, NG+ content and so on. This is really just a sparse package for what they're asking.