No reflex, I rescue two prisoners. My record is 49442, still no S.Do i Need ti hit 50k?
I want Hayter to return, but I finally listened to some Peace Walker tapes, and he's unbearable, especially in the Chico tapes talking about Paz. It's just bad voice acting all round, and I can understand Kojima hearing that while trying to write his super serious game, cringing. Wouldn't have gelled at all.
anybody tried doing a grenade/magazine only run yet?
I've greatly enjoyed familiarizing myself with MGS. Snake Eater and Peace Walker were especially good. I wish I could play 1 and 4 but they're only on PS3. I'd I've thought that Kojima would've ported them over to 360 by now.
Come on localization team how the hell did you let that slide, probably Kojima cutting their balls off and forcing a 1:1 translation regardless of how dumb it sounds in english.
i want Hayter too and i understand your position 100%.. but i cant really judge kiefer on a few lines of GZ ill wait for TPP to have a definite position. i still think solid snake is gonna be back in some form and hopefully is hayter and not a new voice actor cause gaf is gonna go ballistic lol but at the end of the day i bet most of the fans at the end will appreciate keifer's contribution to the series.
it's so fucking funny, but can be real tricky, you need to be so very close to get it off their head before reflex mode runs outNo, but I watched a guy do it on Hard for the main mission and I want to try it out now. He had a good deal of patience, but it's totally doable. Just magazines too. No grenades.This game, man...
It was S ranked, too.
It is something over 50k, I think. What's your time looking like?
Try and get it under five. I think you'd be good.5:59
Try and get it under five. I think you'd be good.
Oh, just forget the prisoners, man. Book it after the kills to the chopper.I don't really know how. I snipe tower dude, run and kill the second guy by his truck, take the truck and drive it to the prisoners. Then extract them.
For April fools I told everyone I was quitting game development to pursue voice acting, and put out a terrible demo reel, and that was one of the lines I did. It was too good.
There's a li'l big boss at the end, too.
the fiddle line is hilarious, but i think it was probably an error during translation damn you kojima-san! lol btw i love kaz <3
What does the Ground Zeroes Android app do, exactly ? Will it unlock some stuff in Phantom Pain ? I just spent nearly 90 minutes in it sending soldiers to do missions and building my base. It's so addictive. Please tell me I didn't do this for nothing.
I think it's just kojima's weird writing. Much like the utterly cringe worthy line from ocelot at the start of the phantom pain footage. "Now go...let the legend come back to life" who in gods name would ever say something like that. Kiefer must be embarrassed working opposite people when those are the lines being thrown at him. Maybe so embarrassed he doesn't even show up (hence why boss is mute through that entire scene)
I doubt i'll ever warm to kiefer as snake tbh. He just doesn't fit the roll well enough.
I wonder, if there was enough fan backlash, (ala silent hill 2 HD) they would at the very least do a david hayter re-dub? No facial mo-cap expenses, no body mo-cap. Just a straight forward re-dub...i'd be happy with that.
I wonder, if there was enough fan backlash, (ala silent hill 2 HD) they would at the very least do a david hayter re-dub? No facial mo-cap expenses, no body mo-cap. Just a straight forward re-dub...i'd be happy with that.
You can sync it to your console on the same wi-fi network and use it as the game's idroid. It also lets you play all the cassettes though they have to be downloaded each if you close/reopen the app. Also, depending on how well you do in GZ, bonus officers, troops, vehicles etc. are rewarded in the mother base game.
Also, the more missions you complete you can unlock some artwork.
Of course not. It's Kojima, he does whatever the fuck he wants, and he wants Hayter gone.
Yeah, I know that and have done so. But is there a point to playing the Mother Base game or am I wasting my time ?
When kiefer doesn't return for the next game (which lets be serious, he won't) i wonder who he'll move onto next?
You ever hear of actors not coming back because they ask for too much money and the producers/publishers say "lol no"?Why wouldn't Kiefer come back? If the money is there and he has a good experience with it...
When kiefer doesn't return for the next game (which lets be serious, he won't) i wonder who he'll move onto next?
I wonder, if there was enough fan backlash, (ala silent hill 2 HD) they would at the very least do a david hayter re-dub? No facial mo-cap expenses, no body mo-cap. Just a straight forward re-dub...i'd be happy with that.
I wonder, if there was enough fan backlash, (ala silent hill 2 HD) they would at the very least do a david hayter re-dub? No facial mo-cap expenses, no body mo-cap. Just a straight forward re-dub...i'd be happy with that.
I wonder, if there was enough fan backlash, (ala silent hill 2 HD) they would at the very least do a david hayter re-dub? No facial mo-cap expenses, no body mo-cap. Just a straight forward re-dub...i'd be happy with that.
You really need to stop with these bizarre logic-bending assumptions bro. I get that you really, REALLY want Hayter back but this is getting weird.
Kiefer is an actor, who acts for a living. If MGS6 involves Big Boss, and Kojima wants Kiefer back, he will be back. Because that's how it works.
It's not required that Kiefer is a hardcore MGS fan, it's not required that he has played MGS2 on Euro Extreme or has a FOX logo as a wallpaper on his phone. An actor is hired to act.
Come on man, it's over. Hayter's gone. Just let it go.
Why would they purposely make it worse?
Where did he say this?Kojima has already stated they can't have kiefer talk too much because he costs too much. There is no way he would return. So who are they likely to use next? Consistency clearly means nothing to them (well, unless it's the original Japanese VA in which case it does) so who are likely candidates?
Where did he say this?
Let it go guys.
They started the whole "we want Snake to talk less" thing with Peace Walker, bro. It's really obvious they started to go with Snake being an incredibly introverted and reserved vet while Kaz does all of the talking and carries most of the dialogue, and this was a game with Hayter in it.Kojima has already stated they can't have kiefer talk too much because he costs too much.
I answered this in a previous post.So who are they likely to use next? Consistency clearly means nothing to them (well, unless it's the original Japanese VA in which case it does) so who are likely candidates?
Where did he say this?
It's not at all. And the Amaro quote was already proved to be a joke.He didn't. Kojima said he wants less dialogue because he'd rather convey information through facial expressions and actions.
The quote in question is from Jordan Amaro:
"Jordan Amaro: He [Hideo Kojima] wanted to explore what it means to bring the franchise to an open space. He wants to try to bring the player closer to Snake by leaving all these options and reducing the amount of cut-scenes. He wants you to feel close to him, reduce the friction and see what players make of it. And Snake doesn't talk as much. He said, if he talks too much then we have to pay Kiefer Sutherland a lot more!"
Not quite the same thing as "Kiefer costs too much"
"And Snake doesn't talk as much. He said, if he talks too much then we have to pay Kiefer Sutherland a lot more!"
Eurogamer stealth vs stealth article.
They're conscious of the VA costs because kiefer is obviously pricey. And it sounds like dialogue has been shaved down because of that. Seems like a lot of sacrifice and expense for the sake of a name on a box...not a very good one at that.
It's not at all. And the Amaro quote was already proved to be a joke.
Either you're trolling, not very good with English or you're a goddamn moron.
Yeah, I know that and have done so. But is there a point to playing the Mother Base game or am I wasting my time ?
a post-mgs4 kojima game.
probably going to happen unless kojima's post-mgs2 fear of new protagonists goes awayTurns out there's a new virus. FoxBardo.
Old Snake is young again.
Because 0s and 1s and 0s and 1s.
"And Snake doesn't talk as much. He said, if he talks too much then we have to pay Kiefer Sutherland a lot more!"
Eurogamer stealth vs stealth article.
They're conscious of the VA costs because kiefer is obviously pricey. And it sounds like dialogue has been shaved down because of that. Seems like a lot of sacrifice and expense for the sake of a name on a box...not a very good one at that.