It doesn't.
thx, dude.
It doesn't.
Am I the only one hoping they add some base building like in Peace Walker? Hell, it could be like Saints Row or GTA where you fight for territory/control, Extra ops + Main Story operations.
Question though, how do I unlock the last two missions? Couldn't figure out how to do it on the X1 version either.
Ah ha, thank you kind sir.Find all of the XOF patches.
You can call in your helicopter and it can take out the AA for you.C4 totally counts as a weapon. FYI. But the trucks don't![]()
So I picked this up last week. I was trying to make my way through Thief on PS4, but the horribly broken positional audio kept leading me into cheap deaths. I figured Ground Zeroes was woefully overpriced, but that I'd take the jump among my friends and see if the promise of replayability here was actually worth a damn.
And now, a week later and a little over 11 hours into the game I'm really impressed. Outside of a niggle with how touchy it can be to crawl prone into a vent, everything about this game is pure polish, emergent gameplay and full on Kojima-ness production values, cinematic stylings, and crazy layers of systems interacting with systems. Just to be sure I've been p[laying on normal (MGS4 was the only other MGS I've played, but I loved it), but with reflex mode and target tracking disabled. Most of the time my heart is pounding as I make my way across the base - doubly so when doing the same in broad daylight. Holy shit nothing else I've played is quite like this.
I still think its overpriced - and that a $20 launch price followed by a drop to $15 soon thereafter would have been the best way to go here. But what is here is fucking golden, and if you love stealth its a fantastic, hard as nails, often surprising good time, several times over.
So yeah, while I do think its overpriced, I don't actually feel ripped off. But I can't blame those who do, because not everybody enjoys replayability or finding alternative ways to achieve an objective.
Ah ha, thank you kind sir.
Done and done. Unlocked.Once you find all patches, finish the mission as normal. The missions don't unlock until you do so.
Hadn't even thought of that. Would be a nice addition.why can't I use the codec or binoculars from this position?
Nice ending. What was the music from the main part?
I also drove around with some 'friends' in the 4x4 but not with guards but POWs![]()
Prone was my big problem with the game too. That and trying to use binoculars from behind cover. But it was mostly the touchy prone stuff that got me exposed more often than not.Either way... pretty awesome systems they've built here.
Agreed soooo much..This game has a lot of pop-in.
The worst offender is soldiers. Both conscious and in other states.
Just lost a prisoner off the cliff side because I laid a guard down and started running the pow back and forth. I stopped to look for the guard I placed. Snake slipped off the cliff and dropped the pow, and then the guard popped in.
Hope little things like this are ironed out in the full TPP release.
Thanx! Amazing artworkFor those who dig Shinkawa's drawings, here's the set of illustrations that were made for the Peace Walker's prose novel.
For those who dig Shinkawa's drawings, here's the set of illustrations that were made for the Peace Walker's prose novel.
The bridge one is gorgeous.
am I the only one who thinks the latest patch fucked this game technically? I never saw one single thing pop-in prior to the patch and now, i can't help but notice it every few steps I take.
I really don't know what to expect besides the usual surreal Kojima-ness.
And man, that ending. Wasnt expecting that "surgical" procedure at the end. My friend and I were both looking away practically the whole time. That was some serious hardcore shit. Never seen anything like it in a game.
How many points required for this Renegade mission? I got S on Normal, but can't get above B on Hard. Even with a 3 minute completion.
(Eliminate the Renegade Threat on Hard)
It took a while. Now, if I could only do the same for the Kojima rescue mission...
After you get the first tape go find the guy that told you where it was and he will tell you where the second real tape is. The guy who has that tape is a bald guard in the basement area of the admin building. You can just go straight for either tape at the beginning of the mission, you don't need to talk to the spy or do the events in order.On the Intel retrieval, I know there is a second tape..and I have looked up to know where it am I supposed to know? Some people say Kaz tells you, but that's never happened for me.