Next-gen port, indeed.
It looks good, but I think they could really push the visuals still.
Oh, I see you are late to the party. Here, grab a chair.
I can see where he's coming from. The wrinkles and grooves on Old Snake's face make it seem more detailed than Big Boss' face in MGSV.
Really? I'll always thought Solid Snake was the Snake Big Boss couldn't beGood. Big Boss is boss to me. Last game I played was MGS 3 on the HD collection and he's everything Snake couldn't be.
Wait, it's one of those parties where people sit ?
That's a bit worrying, TPP will have the same graphics and will be releasing in a year that all of us may have seen far more better looking games on nextgen.PS4
That's a bit worrying, TPP will have the same graphics and will be releasing in a year that all of us may have seen far more better looking games on nextgen.
Doesn't concern me as those games probably won't have the same amount of content and secrets TPP does. It looks good enough for me.That's a bit worrying, TPP will have the same graphics and will be releasing in a year that all of us may have seen far more better looking games on nextgen.
That's a bit worrying, TPP will have the same graphics and will be releasing in a year that all of us may have seen far more better looking games on nextgen.
This image is really creeping me out. It's the dead look in his eye, almost as if he's saying he's going to hunt you down and put you in that makeshift jail cell he's squatting in front of...
It took me 48 minutes exactly to finish the PS3 version. Including several deaths because of the shitty cam mostly. I will not even bother on replaying it on PS3, it runs like crap at times, specially on the GZ mission. Will wait to get the PS4 version for cheap or for a friend to lend it to me.
Jesus Christ at the facial detail in the PS4 pic.
Will the Soundtrack be released at some point?
Doesn't exactly look dramatically better than the PS3 shot...
Will the Soundtrack be released at some point?
Officially, not sure, but people have been ripping all the music from the disc.
That's a bit worrying, TPP will have the same graphics and will be releasing in a year that all of us may have seen far more better looking games on nextgen.
? "This, GZ and Infamous." Are you getting Ground Zeroes twice?Traded in a bunch of games. Got over $200 back. Bought 3 PSN cards for this, GZ and Infamous. Im set
? "This, GZ and Infamous." Are you getting Ground Zeroes twice?
Really, already?
It looks fantastic to me too but will TPP look good in a years time?That looks really great to me, and considering the size of Phantom Pain and its frame rate, I think it will be just fine. However, it's just something that people will have to deal with. No matter how hard a developer works on a game and no matter the engine, it's always going to end up looking outdated unless the art helps to preserve it.
Second Son looks amazing, but it's an early PS4 title which will surely be bested, visually, in no time.
I do wonder if theyll up the graphics some for TPP but, as I said yesterday, I just LOVE that GZ is 1080p60 on PS4.
? "This, GZ and Infamous." Are you getting Ground Zeroes twice?
It looks fantastic to me too but will TPP look good in a years time?
Will it have improved graphics over GZ? That what I wanna know.
Ok, makes sense now. I was like, huh? Thought you might have meant pre-ordering TPP at the same time, but I'm pretty sure you can't do that online yet.Meant to say FF lol
Next-gen port, indeed.
It looks good, but I think they could really push the visuals still.
Can't unsee lol
Can't unsee lol