How would Kojima fill the other eight and a half minutes?
you people are jerks!Huh? every other scene would be in super-slow motion.
How would Kojima fill the other eight and a half minutes?
you people are jerks!Huh? every other scene would be in super-slow motion.
y'know, kojima was doing a location shoot on the normandy beaches the other day...Its not as uncommon as you think.
I keep thinking about a game starring The Boss as a lead. E3 2017, a trailer of in game gameplay starts with a lone soldier on a airplane, equipment and other items on the plane are rumbling/rattling about. A light turns green and the soldier opens the door, peaks out, and then jumps out. The player is controlling where the solider goes, after diving through clouds a massive battle is seen, taking place on a beach and land. D-day is happening.
The player moves the soldier behind enemy lines and deploys their parachute. The player could've landed anywhere on land. The solider has a clean landing well past the battle. The solider takes off a mask, and it is revealed to be The Boss. The Sorrow through mind conversation says "quick landing my dear", and then The Boss replies "I don't keep people waiting."
THEN BOOM, Metal Gear Solid: Legacy of the Philosophers pops up on the screen.
Drop mic, pants will be shitted in, the Metal Gear fan base across the world rejoices for weeks.
MGS2 is one of the best games the entire medium has to offer, period
I can't recommend this video enough - it explains the game better than I can.MGS2 might not be the ultimate MGS-stealth game people expected, but it's something way bigger than that
MGS2 is pure genius. Amid the nonsense plot and stupid characters, there is a brilliant and foretelling analysis of the digital age. It's a smart game, much smarter than people think it is.
This is why, despite the tripe that was MGS4's writing, I still have faith in Kojima. Because MGS2 was amazing.
y'know, kojima was doing a location shoot on the normandy beaches the other day...
y'know, kojima was doing a location shoot on the normandy beaches the other day...
If I somehow guessed the reveal trailer exactly I'd probably sprint out of my home and go for a two mile sprint. I'd be ecstatic and so hyped that I wouldn't be able to post correctly.
Normandy will probably be a location in MGSV, a neat location I might add, but you never know.
Kojima is in France to celebrate the launch of GZ and do a ton of interviews, it seemed like he was just sightseeing Normandy Beach instead of proper location scouting.
I wouldn't hold my breathe in any case, my friend haha.
It close between the two, and MGS3 wins by being the mechanically better game, but people are claiming MGS2 is the best in the series.
Madness. Utter and complete.
I know the psn store updates tomorrow. But I think I read somewhere they were going to release this today at 9:00pm. Anybody know anything about this?
MGS2 is one of the best games the entire medium has to offer, period
I can't recommend this video enough - it explains the game better than I can.MGS2 might not be the ultimate MGS-stealth game people expected, but it's something way bigger than that
nah, i think mgsv's locations are probably locked this late in development.Normandy will probably be a location in MGSV, a neat location I might add, but you never know.
I searched but couldn't find it. When is the embargo up for reviews?
7AM GMT, or about eight and a half hours from now.
So when Game Informer revealed that the single player campaign in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was only two hours long, I found myself at odds with the idea that the best versions of the game would cost $39.99 whilst being so devoid of content.I have not played the game as of this writing, but I understand there are extra missions and challenge modes in the vein of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I dont know how much of this content there is, but even if it extended the longevity of the title by 3-4 hours I still believe that it would come up short of expectations.
I am usually not one to use the Gameplay per Square Foot scale in determining my purchases, but a case like this struck me as particularly egregious. Gaming can be an expensive hobby and no one wants to spend money on a game that they cant get a lot out of. I am a firm believer in a smaller crafted experience being just as good as a large make your own adventure sort of game in most cases, so it is easy for me to apologize for Ground Zeroes well, sort of. There is definitely a line to be drawn in the sand for most people. For example, if Journey or Portal had been $39.99 - $59.99, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed them as much.
As a fan of the franchise, I want to see many more Metal Gear games in the future so I feel almost obligated to support the developer by buying the game. I think this is a common feeling among fans of any franchise. That said, I think we as fans have a responsibility to ourselves to think about what we want our favorite franchises to become. Our purchasing decisions, more than anything else, send a message to a company that the practices they are engaged in are accepted.By defending a bad practice online just because we like the franchise and want to see more of it, were actually doing the product a disservice.
The advent of social media has fundamentally changed the relationship between fans and creators. Publishers and developers are able to see reactions to announcements and impressions of games immediately after the fact through Twitter, Facebook, and message boards. A common reaction from fans on these forums is to immediately jump to the defense of the company who makes the game they like. This is not to say that they shouldn't, but I believe it to be a hasty reaction in most circumstances and a consequence of not reading the situation with a critical eye first. More and more, developers and publishers are relying on these outlets to gauge the consumer/fan reaction to their games/announcements, and taking that input into account for future product development.
Having said that, I think it is important to avoid being disingenuous when discussing a game you like on one of these outlets. Coming up with fallacies and strawmen when defending a title gives the sense that it could have done no wrong in the first place, and developers take that as a positive reaction to bad news. As stated above, this does a disservice to the game you are discussing and ultimately the franchise at large.
I wrote an editorial about this game a few days ago for my site. Specifically about balancing my ideals for consumer advocacy against my fandom for Metal Gear with it's pricing/playtime issues. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it as I think it addresses feelings that a lot of us have had since the GameInformer article came out.
You can read the full article here
Let me know if you enjoy it and would like to discuss it further. This may be the first article in a series I have been toying with writing for a while.
Ps. Bish gave me approval to post this, so its cool.
I've been really good, holding out for the digital version... Could've had this last Wednesday. Grace Chen better not fuck up.This has probably been asked so please don't set my face on fire.
What time does the digital version go live on PS4? 12 EST? PST?
With GZ, we are basically kickstarting TPP
Guys I'm actually getting a bit nervous haha, so freaking close to a new Metal Gear game.
Watching the MGS marathon on Twitch, blasting the Abstract Camouflage remix Snake Eater in the background. Hype is getting me man. HYPE!
Dammit ps3 or ps4 version, I know on the ps4 looks better, but I can't waitttttt
the game got into the wild like a week ago.What if this game turns out to be total shit :'(?
What if the animation is actually like MGS 4 and the trailers were lies?
What if there's 5 minutes of gameplay for every 30 minute cutscenes?
Oh man :'(
It close between the two, and MGS3 wins by being the mechanically better game, but people are claiming MGS2 is the best in the series.
Madness. Utter and complete.
the game got into the wild like a week ago.
we know none of those issues are the case.
"Best in the series" is hard because every game in the series (besides Portable Ops) has strengths and weaknesses, and different things matter more to different people. I think we can all agree that Sons of Liberty is the most interesting and most intellectually stimulating game in the series if nothing else, and that makes it the best in the series for some people. Maybe Metal Gear 1 has better pure level design, maybe MGS1 and Snake Eater both have more emotionally compelling stories and characters and maybe MGS4 has better Mustaches and latex-hugging man ass, and I can see why any of those things would be more important to some people.
This has probably been asked so please don't set my face on fire.
What time does the digital version go live on PS4? 12 EST? PST?
that was 2001. this is 2014.I bet you also never saw Raiden before actually playing the Big Shell.
Well I've almost S ranked every mission in the game. Does anyone know when it would be okay to stream without getting banned? ( I've had 3 twitch, and 3 ustream accounts get banned since thursday : () )
I was thinking of doing a speed run through every mission including deja vu with my real twitch account.
ps: Just ordered metal gear legacy collection of best buy. SO PUMPED!
It close between the two, and MGS3 wins by being the mechanically better game, but people are claiming MGS2 is the best in the series.
Madness. Utter and complete.
And the irony is it's probably an effort for Kojima to buy time.
If this pans we'll see The Phantom Pain soon, and Konami will put the pressure on to make sure that happens.
that was 2001. this is 2014.
there are videos all over youtube and dailymotion.
i don't get what point you're trying to make.
From what I can tell, whether or not you can preload games is determined by the publishers and not Sony. I swear there have been games in the past where you could preload on PSN, unless I'm completely misremembering.
Also, comparing either service to Steam is a bit silly at this point. Steam has had a decade to get its shit together, whereas Sony and MS have only really embraced the idea of day 1 digital for what? Barely three years? The console market still relies heavily on physical game sales, unlike the PC market. I'm not defending Sony and MS for having comparatively lacking services, both PSN and XBL have a ways to go if they want to be considered as useful and streamlined as Steam, but it's not exactly an apples to apples comparison.
Anyway, back on topic, I found a playthrough on YouTube and managed to watch about 20 minutes of it before it got yanked. Bah, this wait is rough![]()
Guys I'm actually getting a bit nervous haha, so freaking close to a new Metal Gear game.
Watching the MGS marathon on Twitch, blasting the Abstract Camouflage remix Snake Eater in the background. Hype is getting me man. HYPE!
Is there a video that explains the mgs history so far? I've seen one on YouTube that was 50 minutes long but I can't seem to find it. Would love to prepare for this game
Its not as uncommon as you think.
I keep thinking about a game starring The Boss as a lead. E3 2017, a trailer of in game gameplay starts with a lone soldier on a airplane, equipment and other items on the plane are rumbling/rattling about. A light turns green and the soldier opens the door, peaks out, and then jumps out. The player is controlling where the solider goes, after diving through clouds a massive battle is seen, taking place on a beach and land. D-day is happening.
The player moves the soldier behind enemy lines and deploys their parachute. The player could've landed anywhere on land. The solider has a clean landing well past the battle. The solider takes off a mask, and it is revealed to be The Boss. The Sorrow through mind conversation says "quick landing my dear", and then The Boss replies "I don't keep people waiting."
THEN BOOM, Metal Gear Solid: Legacy of the Philosophers pops up on the screen.
Drop mic, pants will be shitted in, the Metal Gear fan base across the world rejoices for weeks.