I was driving to work today and Mike Oldfield's Nuclear came up on my playlist, remembered the trailer and actually blurted out "Man fuck you Kojima." I guess I'm still upset.
So liquid has to meet the real big boss at one point right? Because his entire speech in mgs1 makes no sense unless he did. Too bad there isn't a game that explores the relationship of big boss and liquid perhaps explaining liquid's inferiority complex in mgs1. It's not like that's what was teased in trailers or anything.
Really came away satisfied by the ending. Loved to see the story loop around after three decades to Big Boss' phantom slamming the tape into the MSX. It's funny, there's so much non-verbal storytelling that makes the twist obvious, and going in knowing the "twist" made me appreciate it that much more. I really don't feel like that was the point, and the last few lines from BB about how the mythos of the Legendary Soldier, Big Boss is a construction, now made up by two people - BB going dark to do some dirt in order to build Outer Heaven, with his Phantom wiping out the enemies that pursue him.
Like Kojima went ahead and made it pretty blatant - "two phantoms were born," the beginning of the hospital scene which gives major Face/Off vibes, the reflection in the helicopter, all the way down to the fact that Venom, who used to be a Medic, only vapes - while the real BB lights up a stoagie. Venom walks with his head down, rarely talks, defers to those around him. There's a hell of a lot of characterization that isn't explicitly spelled out until the very end, but its pretty obvious from the beginning onwards.
It's pretty awesome. I wish we found out what happened to the Mother Base from TPP between then and Metal Gear 1, but its not important. I'm more impressed by the achievement Kojima's made in spending three decades - from 1987 to 2015 - to wrap this entire storyline around, across various consoles and as the technology as well as the medium has changed as rapidly as it has over the years. It's not perfect and certainly has its flaws, but I think that comes with being on the fringe as far as Kojima has taken games over the decades. Hell, look at all the other "gaming gods" over the years and how low they've fallen. Romero, CliffyB, Spector, etc etc. Only Kojima has stayed on top all this time.
A real diamond in the rough.
Really came away satisfied by the ending. Loved to see the story loop around after three decades to Big Boss' phantom slamming the tape into the MSX. It's funny, there's so much non-verbal storytelling that makes the twist obvious, and going in knowing the "twist" made me appreciate it that much more. I really don't feel like that was the point, and the last few lines from BB about how the mythos of the Legendary Soldier, Big Boss is a construction, now made up by two people - BB going dark to do some dirt in order to build Outer Heaven, with his Phantom wiping out the enemies that pursue him.
Like Kojima went ahead and made it pretty blatant - "two phantoms were born," the beginning of the hospital scene which gives major Face/Off vibes, the reflection in the helicopter, all the way down to the fact that Venom, who used to be a Medic, only vapes - while the real BB lights up a stoagie. Venom walks with his head down, rarely talks, defers to those around him. There's a hell of a lot of characterization that isn't explicitly spelled out until the very end, but its pretty obvious from the beginning onwards.
It's pretty awesome. I wish we found out what happened to the Mother Base from TPP between then and Metal Gear 1, but its not important. I'm more impressed by the achievement Kojima's made in spending three decades - from 1987 to 2015 - to wrap this entire storyline around, across various consoles and as the technology as well as the medium has changed as rapidly as it has over the years. It's not perfect and certainly has its flaws, but I think that comes with being on the fringe as far as Kojima has taken games over the decades. Hell, look at all the other "gaming gods" over the years and how low they've fallen. Romero, CliffyB, Spector, etc etc. Only Kojima has stayed on top all this time.
A real diamond in the rough.
God, no.
Putting little hints in the game about what the twist is going to be doesn't count as "characterization," and it doesn't make the twist any less pointless. Kojima utterly failed at wrapping anything up with this game. If you look at it from an overall lore perspective, it is utterly inconsequential. It's a side story trying to clumsily worm its way into the fiction. It says nothing of importance about any of the characters or events in the other games (Miller and Huey somewhat excluded).
Kojima took a franchise with an appealing gameplay-narrative design and changed how it worked on a basic level. In doing so he destroyed any sense of pacing, and cohesion the series used to be famous for.
MGSV is a travesty.
God, no.
Putting little hints in the game about what the twist is going to be doesn't count as "characterization," and it doesn't make the twist any less pointless. Kojima utterly failed at wrapping anything up with this game. If you look at it from an overall lore perspective, it is utterly inconsequential. It's a side story trying to clumsily worm its way into the fiction. It says nothing of importance about any of the characters or events in the other games (Miller and Huey somewhat excluded).
Kojima took a franchise with an appealing gameplay-narrative design and changed how it worked on a basic level. In doing so he destroyed any sense of pacing, and cohesion the series used to be famous for.
MGSV is a travesty.
God, no.
Putting little hints in the game about what the twist is going to be doesn't count as "characterization," and it doesn't make the twist any less pointless. Kojima utterly failed at wrapping anything up with this game. If you look at it from an overall lore perspective, it is utterly inconsequential. It's a side story trying to clumsily worm its way into the fiction. It says nothing of importance about any of the characters or events in the other games (Miller and Huey somewhat excluded).
Kojima took a franchise with an appealing gameplay-narrative design and changed how it worked on a basic level. In doing so he destroyed any sense of pacing, and cohesion the series used to be famous for.
MGSV is a travesty.
That's a cool opinion, bro. But the plot is key in illustrating what really happened to the most important relationship in the franchise.
Putting little hints in the game about what the twist is going to be doesn't count as "characterization," and it doesn't make the twist any less pointless. Kojima utterly failed at wrapping anything up with this game. If you look at it from an overall lore perspective, it is utterly inconsequential. It's a side story trying to clumsily worm its way into the fiction. It says nothing of importance about any of the characters or events in the other games (Miller and Huey somewhat excluded).
Kojima took a franchise with an appealing gameplay-narrative design and changed how it worked on a basic level. In doing so he destroyed any sense of pacing, and cohesion the series used to be famous for.
MGSV is a travesty.
Really came away satisfied by the ending. Loved to see the story loop around after three decades to Big Boss' phantom slamming the tape into the MSX. It's funny, there's so much non-verbal storytelling that makes the twist obvious, and going in knowing the "twist" made me appreciate it that much more. I really don't feel like that was the point, and the last few lines from BB about how the mythos of the Legendary Soldier, Big Boss is a construction, now made up by two people - BB going dark to do some dirt in order to build Outer Heaven, with his Phantom wiping out the enemies that pursue him.
Like Kojima went ahead and made it pretty blatant - "two phantoms were born," the beginning of the hospital scene which gives major Face/Off vibes, the reflection in the helicopter, all the way down to the fact that Venom, who used to be a Medic, only vapes - while the real BB lights up a stoagie. Venom walks with his head down, rarely talks, defers to those around him. There's a hell of a lot of characterization that isn't explicitly spelled out until the very end, but its pretty obvious from the beginning onwards.
It's pretty awesome. I wish we found out what happened to the Mother Base from TPP between then and Metal Gear 1, but its not important. I'm more impressed by the achievement Kojima's made in spending three decades - from 1987 to 2015 - to wrap this entire storyline around, across various consoles and as the technology as well as the medium has changed as rapidly as it has over the years. It's not perfect and certainly has its flaws, but I think that comes with being on the fringe as far as Kojima has taken games over the decades. Hell, look at all the other "gaming gods" over the years and how low they've fallen. Romero, CliffyB, Spector, etc etc. Only Kojima has stayed on top all this time.
A real diamond in the rough.
David and Hal?
And thanks for complimenting my opinion, always feels good to see people validate your ideas.![]()
I'm sorry you didn't get what you specifically wanted but if you're still caring about Metal Gear at this point for the "lore," then you're a lost soul, sorry.
Metal Gear has never been about "lore," its been Kojima using the medium of games to talk about higher ideals such as myth, digital discourse, patriotism, the use of nonlinear warfare in the form of corporate controlled discourse platforms (i.e. twitter, etc) as a method of political control, etc etc. "Lore" is boring.
Couldn't have put it better.
On another note: Zero is actually really cool, isn't he?
Just rescue all prisoners and kill 1 tank.
Then (2nd playthrough), fulton or destroy all tanks.
All step by step.
Metal Gear has never been about "lore," its been Kojima using the medium of games to talk about higher ideals such as myth, digital discourse, patriotism, the use of nonlinear warfare in the form of corporate controlled discourse platforms (i.e. twitter, etc) as a method of political control, etc etc. "Lore" is boring.
You know, in retrospect, I don't think the "taboo" subject that Kojima was tackling was really the Child Soldiers (although you won't find any game that would even touch that with a 12 foot barge pole).
At one point, I thought it might be the classic "AIDs in Africa was manmade" conspiracy theory that the VCP seem analogous to, but that isn't all that of a taboo. Just crazy people talk.
I now think it is the fact that he is talking about the English Language as a parasite, as analogous with globalization and American imperialism, and as a destroyer of civilisations and cultures. Like, Code Talker and Skull Face go all out in slamming it. I think that's a pretty bold statement for a video game to make, I think, and I can understand why someone from Japan might think that a taboo subject. There is some irony then that this was the game meant to appeal to more Western, English-Speaking audiences.
Couldn't have put it better.
On another note: Zero is actually really cool, isn't he?
There's not really any kind of resolution for either ending anyway. Mission 31 is an ending, and Mission 46 is an ending, but neither really wraps up the game in some resolute way. And from what I saw of it, I don't think the cut Mission 51 does either.
I would agree but I'm pretty sure in MGS2 etc America was insanely criticised. Like they really fucking went all out on how much it's fucking up the world. The language thing is new here and the broad colonial message is definitely great - I wouldn't call it taboo, though?
And yeah, Zero's development in the post-Truth tapes was fantastic. It never gelled with me how he became a villain he was so clearly and heavily played as a good guy in MGS3.
What? Really? It's my fault for caring about a plot that has been going on for over 25 years?
That's a cool opinion, bro. But the plot is key in illustrating what really happened to the most important relationship in the franchise.
David and Hal?
And thanks for complimenting my opinion, always feels good to see people validate your ideas.![]()
Oh yeah relegating it to a brief audio tape you unlock only after a hundred hours of bullshit really shows its importance.
I'm only assuming you're referring to the Zero truth tapes, the fact that I can't say so for certain should illustrate just how poorly anything related to the overall series story is handled in this game.
But like that other guy said, fuck me for caring about a story thirty years in the making, right? Kojima obviously didn't.
Kojima has been ridiculing people like you since Metal Gear Solid 2.
Kinda retcons the retcon of Zero being a villain especially hearing all of Eva's speech in 4.
I would agree but I'm pretty sure in MGS2 etc America was insanely criticised. Like they really fucking went all out on how much it's fucking up the world. The language thing is new here and the broad colonial message is definitely great - I wouldn't call it taboo, though?
Calm down and think back to the other games. This isn't the first time the real story is left out of focus. Happened to MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS4, Peace Walker and now MGSV.
The Metal Gear franchise has always been about misdirection. MGS3 was the only time the narrative and the real story walked hand in hand. This is nothing new and you shouldn't have expected anything different.
And even in MGS3, while the story is much more direct, you're left in the dark as to what it all means.
Really now. And please stop trying to compare this to mgs2.
On another note: Zero is actually really cool, isn't he?
Not really. There is no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms, after all, and TPP sticks that idea. Zero still believes he is the only exponent of the true will of The Boss (that much is shown in the tapes) and it is still a twisted world view, he just doesn't want to see his old friend murdered. Even Venom:Boss doesn't believe Zero would want him dead. They were ideological enemies, like Magneto/Xavier. I thought that was a really cool and quite touching.
David Oh and John. How their animosity shaped the world for the next 4 decades and how Skull Face crushed their chances of reconciliation by putting one in a coma for 9 years and killing the other's brain.
Calm down and think back to the other games. This isn't the first time the real story is left out of focus. Happened to MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS4, Peace Walker and now MGSV.
The Metal Gear franchise has always been about misdirection. MGS3 was the only time the narrative and the real story walked hand in hand. This is nothing new and you shouldn't have expected anything different.
And even in MGS3, while the story is much more direct, you're left in the dark as to what it all means.
I just realised... Is it Quiet who says "V has come to"? Because I always thought it was Paz, it sounds like Paz, but obviously she's dead. Who else could it be? One of the nurses? There's a slight lilt in the accent which makes me think it's Quiet. I thought she was just dispatched to kill Snake off, not to report on his status.
It sounds like you're the one who's comparing it to MGS2 from this thread. (Not saying you are, haven't read all your posts.)
MGSV is it's own game. It doesn't even have a number at the end. It's Metal Gear Solid Venom. I wouldn't ever want another MGS2. MGS2 stands on its own.
Regardless how I feel about mgsv in total... the video for the missing chapter three with that amazing concept art... it makes me want to Kickstart a campaign to get konami to either
1.) Build and release chapter 3... I will buy it for 10 bucks
2.) Sell me all of theor mgsv concept art so I can die a happy man
3.) All of the above
Really now. And please stop trying to compare this to mgs2.
Actually, it seemingly changes it to: There is no such thing as an enemy, not even in relative terms.
Let's not forget that in MGS4 Eva referred to the conflict between Zero and Big Boss as a war. In fact, her speech still does more to characterize their conflict than anything else.
Are you talking about Mission 51 or did I miss something about a chapter 3 video?
Mission 51 was the finale for Chapter 2.
Search on youtube for mgsv chapter 3 and I think you'll find the video. There was a chapter 3 where you find Eli and face off. This part was unfinished and cut from the game. However, a video documentary with unfinished cutscenes and concept art was released on the CE blu ray disc. It is on YouTube as well but I'm on mobile now and can't link it directly.
I don't know what you're on about. The only other game in the franchise that involved misdirection on this level was MGS2, and the difference here is that MGS2 was kind of brilliant. I'm not just talking about plot twists, which is what I think you're getting at when you rattle off your list of every game in the series.
And there's not really anything to be left in the dark about when it comes to MGS3. It told you all you needed to know about Big Boss's future attitude. Everything since then has been fluff that only serves to complicate things further.
You're going to have to expand on the bolded, because I cannot even fathom what this implies. How is the story not the focus in like.... all of those games?
On another note: Zero is actually really cool, isn't he?
The whole fucking point of the Raiden reveal is that he's essentially the player of Metal Gear Solid 1, and a middle finger to the worship of Solid Snake. Also I can easily compare this to MGS2.
At one point in MGS2 the President is surfing on a harrier jet piloted by a vampire. At one point in MGSV a boobie lady snipes the pilot of a fighter jet sent by a man literally named Skull Face from the side of a helicopter. It's a bit of magical realism, absurdity if you will, that serves as a reminder not to get too worked up by the specifics of the plot, and appreciate the moments for what they are.
The three biggest takeaways from Phantom Pain, at least for me, is first how trama manifests after an awful event, i.e. the end of Ground Zeroes, and how it changes people - Kaz and Venom specifically. Kaz loses an arm and a leg and his sight, and becomes downright sinister, while Venom loses an arm, has shrapnel manifesting into a horn, and is sunken, melancholy, and the contrast of the two framed by fucking Revolver Ocelot - which if you know anything about Ocelot before and after this game - being played as the straight man between the two, is powerful and really well done. Language and the consequences of the English language taking over the world is another huge one I'm still thinking through and will have to go back to. And the third, with that end monologue from BB, about the realities of how myths are constructed, is pretty important.
Regardless how I feel about mgsv in total... the video for the missing chapter three with that amazing concept art... it makes me want to Kickstart a campaign to get konami to either
1.) Build and release chapter 3... I will buy it for 10 bucks
2.) Sell me all of theor mgsv concept art so I can die a happy man
3.) All of the above
What's the overarching theme of MGSV? Because I can't think of one. Is it revenge?
Oh, really?
So MG1 is just about a rookie soldier stopping a nuclear incident by destroying an entire fortress led by his boss? No. It's about a botched counter-intelligence operation gone superbly wrong. Counter-intelligence? Countering who? The Patriots. Who are not even mentioned in the game.
And MG2 is just about a new country threatening the world and Solid Snake being called back into duty to stop them? No, it tells the story of how Big Boss lost the war he was fighting. Through the use of a weapon designed to be superior to him, a weapon which was being manipulated by his 'greatest' enemy. That weapon was his clone; and the player.
And would MGS' story only be about a group of mad men led by the second clone of Big Boss who wants to live in his father's footsteps and rebuild Outer Heaven? Yeah, and for that he needs the corpse of Big Boss to fix his genome army. Except Solidus is behind the whole scheme - being manipulated by Ocelot, using Liquid to force the Patriots into releasing Big Boss. And this plot point is not even mentioned in the game, not even in a little dialogue tape, it is only revealed in the sequels.
MGS2 is just a brilliant espionage thriller with a meta commentary on how players aspire to be like their heroes? Yeah, but it's really about how Ocelot finally managed to one-up the Patriots and hijack their biggest weapon and, with that, set up the field for MGS4.
MGS4 is the story of how Solid finally killed Liquid and deactivated the Patriots, right? Well, it's really the story of how Ocelot and EVA manipulated you into doing their bidding all the while painting themselves as targets to the Patriots system so the Patriots themselves would actually help you in destroying them.
Peace Walker tells the story of how Snake finally came to hate/deny the Boss' will. Easy!
Well, what about the creation of the Patriots? What about LET? Yeah... that's not really in game except for the secret tape you get for playing the game for 100 hours.
I'm assuming I don't need to mention MGSV, since you're so passionate about it.
Read above.
The theme is certainly not race so who the fuck knows why Chapter 2 is called that.
The three biggest takeaways from Phantom Pain, at least for me, is first how trama manifests after an awful event, i.e. the end of Ground Zeroes, and how it changes people - Kaz and Venom specifically. Kaz loses an arm and a leg and his sight, and becomes downright sinister, while Venom loses an arm, has shrapnel manifesting into a horn, and is sunken, melancholy, and the contrast of the two framed by fucking Revolver Ocelot - which if you know anything about Ocelot before and after this game - being played as the straight man between the two, is powerful and really well done. Language and the consequences of the English language taking over the world is another huge one I'm still thinking through and will have to go back to. And the third, with that end monologue from BB, about the realities of how myths are constructed, is pretty important.
Yah said it in the main thread, but I'd definitely pay for a Chapter 3 set in a new location. After 200+ hours (lol) I'm starting to get a little fatigued by Afghanistan and Africa. The gameplay in this is just so good.
I noticed Zero's name in the credits, but don't remember him having any lines.
Was it in a tape I missed?