Is this a PC mod?
is MGO out yet?
did they find chapter 3 in MGO?! Maybe it's hidden there.
Ironically titled "Peace."Chapter 3 is the real life game we're playing with Konami.
Holy shit. I just realized that strangelove left a backdoor in the patriots AI that Sunnyfound and used to disable it. Didn't get this until now but strangelove talks about leaving an 'egg' buried deep in the system and that someday someone would find it and crack it. Then I remembered sunny's obsession with eggs and the fact that she was the one who ultimately facilitated the takedown of the patriots. So cool. so so cool.
Wait... but the "egg" she's talking about is buried in the Mammal Pod, isn't it? not the Patriot AI.
Plus, Strangelove says that when someone finds it and cracks it "there'll be nothing left to stop you"
That last bit could be saying there'll be nothing left to stop you once the Patriots are gone.Wait... but the "egg" she's talking about is buried in the Mammal Pod, isn't it? not the Patriot AI.
Plus, Strangelove says that when someone finds it and cracks it "there'll be nothing left to stop you"
The mammal pod could have been integrated into the patriot ai system at some point. I don't think there is any real proof, but it is totally plausible.
Same architecture, perhaps. A backdoor in Strangelove AIs.Is it, though? In the truth tapes it's revealed that Sigint has already put the Patriot AI into practice, and in Strangelove's tape she's talking specifically about code she hid in the Mammal Pod. I think this is just another unresolved plot thread.
That last bit could be saying there'll be nothing left to stop you once the Patriots are gone.
I don't feel like listening to 10 minutes of laborious wheezing to check, though, lol.
Is it, though? In the truth tapes it's revealed that Sigint has already put the Patriot AI into practice, and in Strangelove's tape she's talking specifically about code she hid in the Mammal Pod. I think this is just another unresolved plot thread.
Holy shit. I just realized that strangelove left a backdoor in the patriots AI that Sunnyfound and used to disable it. Didn't get this until now but strangelove talks about leaving an 'egg' buried deep in the system and that someday someone would find it and crack it. Then I remembered sunny's obsession with eggs and the fact that she was the one who ultimately facilitated the takedown of the patriots. So cool. so so cool.
Yeah, it's hard to tell since she's also talking to The Boss. Did she make the Patriots with her own interpretation of The Boss' will in mind, or just Zero's? If the former, a backdoor could help. But like you say, the Mammal Pod might not be related to the Patriots in any way. Here's the time stamped video for it if you want to check it yourself. This really feels like reaching though, guys.
Again, she's talking directly to the Mammal Pod here.
It says that in the messages from Konami when you boot up the game right? I couldn't remember if they retaliated or not.They don't retaliate.
I was half not sure if they retaliated or not and half just messing around/joking.That literally makes no sense, prove it, otherwise don't be a fear monger.
You can't even research The Patriot in this game. So many missed opportunities.
It would be so amazing if they actually pulled some kind of Stanley Parable "Chapter 3 is when you put down the game and live, man."
Wait... but the "egg" she's talking about is buried in the Mammal Pod, isn't it? not the Patriot AI.
Plus, Strangelove says that when someone finds it and cracks it "there'll be nothing left to stop you"
Is the Skull Custom the gun used by Skull Face?That's for the next DLC pack, along with the Skull Custom.
The latter is actually fairly likely for DLC, since it's a functional but disabled weapon in the game, much like these DLC costumes were at release.
Yeah, even though she says "you," I'm inclined to think she means her AIs in general, since the Mammal Pod itself no longer serves a purpose going forward. It's only her work on the Patriots that will continue to shape the world in ways that would concern The Boss, and The Boss is who she's addressing in her final words.Nope, I think she was actually referring to the patriot AI which she modeled after the mammal pod. Sorry If I said that in a confusing way. I could be wrong though, maybe I'll go back and listen again.
Yeah, even though she says "you," I'm inclined to think she means her AIs in general, since the Mammal Pod itself no longer serves a purpose going forward. It's only her work on the Patriots that will continue to shape the world in ways that would concern The Boss, and The Boss is who she's addressing in her final words.
Is the Skull Custom the gun used by Skull Face?
Skull Custom. A unique sawed-off lever-action rifle that was personally customized by Skull Face.
The fact that she uses the phrase "crack the egg" definitely makes it seem like a Patriots reference. MGS4 kept showing Sunny cracking open eggs, which turned out to represent cracking the code that takes down the Patriots. To evoke that imagery here, while speaking to an AI made by the architect of the Patriots, seems a bit much to be mere coincidence.I's pretty obvious. 'someday someone will crack the egg and the world will be free?' (paraphrased) lol she's clearly talking about sunny and the the patriot AI, which was supposedly based on the bosses will and was in all likelihood based on her earlier, prototype AI's including mammal pod.
She doesn't literally say she buried anything in the mammal pod either, so I'm with you there. It still could be considered an unresolved plot thread. The mammal pod could easily have been intended to play a greater role in future games as well. Who knows. Either way she's clearly referring to sunny and at the very least it's a cool easter egg.
The fact that she uses the phrase "crack the egg" definitely makes it seem like a Patriots reference. MGS4 kept showing Sunny cracking open eggs, which turned out to represent cracking the code that takes down the Patriots. To evoke that imagery here, while speaking to an AI made by the architect of the Patriots, seems a bit much to be mere coincidence.
She doesn't literally say she buried anything in the mammal pod either, so I'm with you there. She's clearly having an internal monologue directed at the boss, not some AI construct that she created.
But... that's is literally what she's saying. You might want to go back and listen, because she is unambiguously talking directly to the Mammal Pod.
I get that there's a connection with the eggs and cracking and whatnot, but it's still a bit far-fetched.
I actually just did. She says 'inside you' not 'inside this pod'. as far as talking to the mammal pod I believe that is 100 percent wrong as well. while she's more lucid at the beginning of her imprisonment she's clearly talking to the AI pod. Near the end when she's almost dead, she's clearly talking to Boss, the person. You can literally hear her descent into dilerium and how her tone and the emotion in her voice while addressing the pod becomes more personal and emotional. in then end, she thinks she's talking to the real boss.
I thought it was pretty clear anyway. but as far as unambiguously talking to the mammal pod when she says she hid something, no that is just not true.
Emma created the virtual Fox Die, and she was one of the main programmers of GW. Sunny created Fox Alive based on Emma's virus, there's simply no room in the canon for Strangelove's code-egg.
You really need to listen to the tapes again. She refers to joy and the mammal pod as 2 separate things, calls herself a fool for thinking it was anything other than an artificial construct, she even literally says 'you aren't here anymore, this pod is an empty husk' That straight up debunks any notion that she was talking to the mammal pod. Then she talks about how she was forced to twist the bosses will into the new ai, but that hope wasn't lost because she buried an egg inside it. Seriously, listen to it again. She's talking to joy, not the mammal pod. She even refers to her by name, 'joy'. Just listen to it. It's crystal clear.This is insane, if she's not referencing the Mammal Pod when she says "you" then who is she referencing, The Boss? So, she buried an egg-like line of code within the Boss? Come on, I know that this seems like it could have been a clever nod to MGS4, but as it stands, from what we know, it's not.
Emma created the virtual Fox Die, and she was one of the main programmers of GW. Sunny created Fox Alive based on Emma's virus, there's simply no room in the canon for Strangelove's code-egg.
You really need to listen to the tapes again. She refers to joy and the mammal pod as 2 separate things, calls herself a fool for thinking it was anything other than an artificial construct, she even literally says 'you aren't here anymore, this pod is an empty husk' That straight up debunks any notion that she was talking to the mammal pod. Then she talks about how she was forced to twist the bosses will into the new ai, but that hope wasn't lost because she buried an egg inside it. Seriously, listen to it again. She's talking to joy, not the mammal pod. She even refers to her by name, 'joy'. Just listen to it. It's crystal clear.
As far as 'no room in the Canon' haha....we are talking about Kojima here right? We've all been down this road before.
You really need to listen to the tapes again. She refers to joy and the mammal pod as 2 separate things
Yeah, at the moment I'm inclined to think you're right. She's talking to Joy's "spirit" at that point, and it appears she's referring to the new form this will take: The Patriots. (An interpretation of) The Boss' will = The Patriots. If someone abuses her will, there will be a failsafe to stop it.You really need to listen to the tapes again. She refers to joy and the mammal pod as 2 separate things, calls herself a fool for thinking it was anything other than an artificial construct, she even literally says 'you aren't here anymore, this pod is an empty husk' That straight up debunks any notion that she was talking to the mammal pod. Then she talks about how she was forced to twist the bosses will into the new ai, but that hope wasn't lost because she buried an egg inside it. Seriously, listen to it again. She's talking to joy, not the mammal pod. She even refers to her by name, 'joy'. Just listen to it. It's crystal clear.
As far as 'no room in the Canon' haha....we are talking about Kojima here right? We've all been down this road before.
I don't think this necessarily contradicts Moonfrogger, though. She's talking to Joy through the AI Pod, but doesn't she acknowledge the other forms The Boss' "will" will take? In which case she's talking to The Boss, in her collective form as Spirit, Mammal Pod and Patriots. In which case the egg could be nested in one of two places, and only one of those two places seems relevant for the series' future (and in line with imagery from the series' future).We must be listening to different tapes, because
^ This is proven untrue in one of the very first things Strangelove says: "But you can hear me, can't you, Joy? I know you can. You're recording all of this."
Strangelove is talking to The Boss through the Mammal Pod. She's talking to both as if they were one entity. Just because she knows that she isn't in reality talking to The Boss herself, doesn't mean she can't pour her heart out to her AI representation.
I don't think this necessarily contradicts Moonfrogger, though. She's talking to Joy through the AI Pod, but doesn't she acknowledge the other forms The Boss' "will" will take? In which case she's talking to The Boss, in her collective form as Spirit, Mammal Pod and Patriots. In which case the egg could be nested in one of two places, and only one of those two places seems relevant for the series' future (and in line with imagery from the series' future).
That does make sense given how things work out. I guess I misremembered that the Patriots had been based in some capacity on Strangelove's interpretation of Joy. Obviously that was true of the Mammal Pod, but I thought there was an element here, too.She refers to The Patriots AI she built as "His will," meaning Zero's.
She also refers to it is being a twisted version of her will she talks about being forced to use the bosses will by zero or 'whoever is calling themselves zero' to create the patriots ai. I'm feeling this discussion is getting a bit heated now but I implore you to give that tape a couple more listens. Strangelove makes a clear distinction between joy and the mammal pod, even though you can tell it's extremely difficult and painful for her to do so. I find this frankly fascinating and one of the many interesting bits of writing that has frankly been grossly under scrutinized, along with the Paz subplot and Huey's status as a traitor.She refers to The Patriots AI she built as "His will," meaning Zero's.
She also refers to it is being a twisted version of her will she talks about being forced to use the bosses will by zero or 'whoever is calling themselves zero' to create the patriots ai. I'm feeling this discussion is getting a bit heated now but I implore you to give that tape a couple more listens. Strangelove makes a clear distinction between joy and the mammal pod, even though you can tell it's extremely difficult and painful for her to do so. I find this frankly fascinating and one of the many interesting bits of writing that has frankly been grossly under scrutinized, along with the Paz subplot and Huey's status as a traitor.
That tape explores strangelove coming to terms with the fact that the mammal pod is NOT joy and how she did her part to pass on her will even though she was forced into using it for what something ultimately twisted and chaotic. What exactly that 'egg' was is anybody's guess but one thing I know with absolute certainty is she didn't hide anything in the mammal pod. In the end it was nothing more than her grave, which is actually chilling as hell and possibly ironic to boot.
The Zero tapes are amazing. I would've loved to see them as cutscenes, although they work perfectly well as radio drama. I'm surprised how effectively they conveyed stuff like Paz trying to locate Zero's room (her bumbling about the empty hallways while Zero calls to her from an unseen location), or how Zero thrashes about after Skull Face's trap sets in.
The Zero tapes are amazing. I would've loved to see them as cutscenes, although they work perfectly well as radio drama. I'm surprised how effectively they conveyed stuff like Paz trying to locate Zero's room (her bumbling about the empty hallways while Zero calls to her from an unseen location), or how Zero thrashes about after Skull Face's trap sets in.
There's definitely some good stuff in the Zero tapes, but during this part all I could think about was this scene from The Naked Gun.
I find it funny how a huge James Bond nerd like him went on to become a spy-master far beyond 007.
'I've been aFool. Pride. Conceit. Baseless theories. Of course I couldn't see through the dream. The false you I created'lol, this isn't getting heated(at least on my end) I enjoy healthy Metal Gear debate!
I'm just confused as to how you keep claiming she always refers to the boss and the Pod AI as two different things when, in the first two minutes, she does exactly the opposite of that.
Maybe she feels she has the intrinsic ability to understand the Boss' will, and so will her son since he shares some of her genes.She also talks about passing joys will on through otacon 'my genes, your meme, the father is irrelevant' although I haven't quite figured out what that means either. Lol I've been listening to this tape over and over for the last hour. It's great.
'I've been aFool. Pride. Conceit. Baseless theories. Of course I couldn't see through the dream. The false you I created'
like I said, she's slowly coming to this realization the more oxygen she loses and the more delirious she gets. She also says 'even if you're waiting for me in heaven I don't deserve to see you again'. You don't think she's referring to the pod here, do you?
Then in the very last seconds she gasps 'I'm so glad it's you here at the end. I think I can hear your pulse' at this point She's severely oxygen deprived and probably hallucinating, but she has clearly come to terms with the fact that joy is not the mammal pod and never was.
She also talks about passing joys will on through otacon 'my genes, your meme, the father is irrelevant' although I haven't quite figured out what that means either. Lol I've been listening to this tape over and over for the last hour. It's great.
It's really weird Psycho Mantis tuned to Eli's revengence and not, you know, Miller's. And who told Eli he was a clone? That's a serious fuck up
You can't even research The Patriot in this game. So many missed opportunities.
Maybe she feels she has the intrinsic ability to understand the Boss' will, and so will her son since he shares some of her genes.