I now really love venom Snake as a character and it just makes me mad that he was with the boss til the fucking end and big boss essentially fucks him over in metal gear
I like how she sneaks around by creating sonic booms and dust devils that can be heard/seen for miles. Very stealthy.
I feel like MGSV may be easier to rationalize too, to me anyway. MGS4 came off as having a solid gameplay premise it just threw out about half way through (if that!) to focus on unrelenting fanservice that didn't even work out all that well, and by proxy it didn't really win the story angle either due to being a really messy conclusion to Metal Gear. From what I've played (... about 7 hours I think?) this definitely can count as one of the best raw gameplay experiences this year, so it doesn't really scream "I'm a mess" like MGS4 did.2015 is a much stronger year than 2008. I bet MGSV will make the Top Five, but Bloodborne will probably take No. 1 with The Old Hunters DLC. There's a lot of love for Witcher 3, as well. Fallout 4 has many people ready to love it (I'm not interested, but even I can see this). And the Nintendo vote will champion Splatoon and/or Mario Maker.
Such a great year for gaming.![]()
I... think you misunderstood the story. Like big time, lol.When was venom conceived as a clone of BB? I'm not clear on that. Isn't he technical only a few years old?
I... think you misunderstood the story. Like big time, lol.
Venom isn't a clone. He's a body double. He's The Medic, a soldier specializing in field surgery who was BB's apprentice. He was with BB in the chopper during Ground Zeroes. You also see him in the photos the doctor shows you, wearing body armor and holding a gun. BB says in the Doublethink tape that "he was always our best man."
When the chopper crashed and he went into a coma, Zero made the decision to give him facial reconstructive surgery and make him look like BB. He also use hypnotic suggestion so that Venom identifies himself as BB (even if his personality is still different).
So he's an adult male. He just looks like BB now, and thinks he is BB.![]()
get your GMP in the red (spend all of it). Go back to MB. Great scene, Keifer was awesome in it.
I remember I linked you to a post explaining the ending, but you must've misunderstood it since it didn't say he was a clone. No big deal, though.I see. When the game ended and I was confused someone linked me to a post that seemed like it implied he was a clone of BB initially. I want to be BB while I'm playing but I guess this feels ok.
Venom's name before he became Venom is whatever you choose to name him.So I've been wondering, whatever happened to Saladin? I think it was Venom's name before he became Venom. Big Boss takes whatever name you choose in the beginning as his own when he rides off on his bike to make his army nation thingie.
Venom's name before he became Venom is whatever you choose to name him.
saladin? when is that even mentioned in mgs v... that's just a mgs 1 thing ain't it?
the codenames in the hospital were ishmael and ahab... but those are just code names specific to the hospital. by default, Venom's name is also john (which makes the passport scene a bit odd haha)
You know what's interesting?
I met up with a friend today who is a hardcore gamer with great taste who doesn't follow any forums or communities. He plays every big game release and many of the good, smaller offerings. He loves games along with every other art(/entertainment) medium.
He asked me if I'd played The Phantom Pain. I said yes. He asked me if it was good. I said yes. And he said that's a relief, because he'd heard overwhelmingly from the internet (Twitter, various gaming sites, enthusiast press) that it was great.
That surprised me. I've been living so long in the GAFbubble it's hard to get a grip on how the gaming world generally feels about MGSV. And it seems, just as the critics gauged, that it is very broadly loved and hailed as a great game. This is going by one guy's subset perspective, though, obviously.
i gave him the name John as well. My thought was since BB was referred to both John and Jack, I'd give one of those names to the Medic.i know but Venom's default name is also John so I just go with that for his name ... i dunno, his default GZ face looks like a john ;p
i don't think saladin has anything do with it.... that's just a name sniper wolf made up because she's kurdish.
//edit/// shit i just rewatched the prologue... there is no default name. i must have just instinctively typed john because this entire time since release i remembered it as having been his default name lol. well shit... nm then ;p
They're lying about their stats. Exaggerating. Boasting, you know. They're tricking the analyser.Could someone clarify me what's the deal with all these "Boasters" I keep finding in the game? Does that mean what I'm Fultoning thinking he's an S+ may actually be a B? How can I know for sure what's the truth? Why are they so freaking many? Almost all my "best" recruits are boasters. What's the deal with them? Should I even bother?
Could someone clarify me what's the deal with all these "Boasters" I keep finding in the game? Does that mean what I'm Fultoning thinking he's an S+ may actually be a B? How can I know for sure what's the truth? Why are they so freaking many? Almost all my "best" recruits are boasters. What's the deal with them? Should I even bother?
Are you kidding? Is that the real reason why I'm seeing so many or did you just made that up? Because if true I may have encountered something new that blew my mind 150 hours into the game. Just when I thought nothing could surprise me in this game.They're lying about their stats. Boasting, you know. They're tricking the analyser.
As to why there are so many of them in your game, maybe word amongst the soldiers has gotten around that there's a crazy guy out there fultoning everyone with high stats and giving them a dream job in a mercenary paradise on the Seychelles.
Fuck, I'd lie to get that job as well.
it was a jokeAre you kidding? Is that the real reason why I'm seeing so many or did you just made that up? Because if true I may have encountered something new that blew my mind 150 hours into the game. Just when I thought nothing could surprise me in this game.
If only the story had as much attention to detail and care as the gameplay has.
I wonder if Stefanie Joosten will find more work in games. Her digital likeness might be owned by Konami now, although it was stylized, so it could be tweaked. But it wasn't just looks -- she proved she could do VA in both English and Japanese, and she did all of the motion capture and facial capture. Heck, she even sang one of the theme songs. Pretty impressive for an out-of-nowhere model. I'd think the bilingual VA and motion/facial capture would make her a candidate for more work, but who knows.
Make her the basis for a Resident Evil protagonist, pls.
How much do they boast? Does a C is boasting he's an S? Or are they just jumping from A++ to S? As in how many grades do they jump by boasting? If it's nothing more than two grades then I'll just Fulton S+ or S++.Boasters have a stats indication that is higher than they actually are. There is no way of knowing what their actual stats are until they are at Mother Base.
There is no way of knowing if all their stats are boasted, or just one.
I have noticed a huge increase in Boasters in the endgame, and I think it is just an incredibly poor design decision. In fact, it's a complete dick move not to have a scanner upgrade to filter out Boasters.
Boasters add nothing to the overall experience and are just there to piss of the player.
Me: "Awesome, S-rank soldier!"
Game: "Just kidding bitch, it's a Boaster! Get fucked!"
I've made it my personal mission to stab every Boaster in the heart. I'm not even bothering to fulton them to Mother Base, fuck them.
Do they really show their true colors once in MB though? I've noticed they still say boaster even in MB but it's hard to keep track of who's who to compare if there was any difference between a boaster's stats in the field versus a boaster in MB.Boasters have a stats indication that is higher than they actually are. There is no way of knowing what their actual stats are until they are at Mother Base.
AFAIK it's impossible for a company to own your likeness exclusively. They can pay to use your likeness but not so you cannot use your own anywhere else.I wonder if Stefanie Joosten will find more work in games. Her digital likeness might be owned by Konami now, although it was stylized, so it could be tweaked.
Venom's name before he became Venom is whatever you choose to name him.
i know but Venom's default name is also John so I just go with that for his name ... i dunno, his default GZ face looks like a john ;p
i don't think saladin has anything do with it.... that's just a name sniper wolf made up because she's kurdish.
//edit/// shit i just rewatched the prologue... there is no default name. i must have just instinctively typed john because this entire time since release i remembered it as having been his default name lol. well shit... nm then ;p
Do they really show their true colors once in MB though? I've noticed they still say boaster even in MB but it's hard to keep track of who's who to compare if there was any difference between a boaster's stats in the field versus a boaster in MB.
Man, that's a genius idea. Brilliant!I
They do show their proper stats in Motherbase. The best thing to do is put 'em on Security so when people invade your FOB and fulton them, they'll feel the pain you felt while fultoning those Boasters.
What's up with this guy Ziang Tan? I have him in my waiting room with his shit stats (A+ on Intel) and his skill is Boaster but I can't fire him because under his name there's a padlock. Not the Person+padlock that appears when you Direct Contract someone. Just a plain padlock that I can't remove. First I thought he was an interpreter (he speaks English, Chinese and Japanese) but then I remembered his skill would be Interpreter, not Boaster.
What's his story and why can't I fire him?
What do you mean by that?He's apparently a level designer, you can see him listed in the credits. I guess it really was pointless to run them so many times...
I think the restrictions he's subjected to are the same as Kojima's.
MGSV taught me that if a woman kills your doctor and nurse and tries to stab you, shoot you and strangle you, only to be set on fire and come back three weeks later to shoot you again, she's probably your soulmate and you should totally go for her.
Mgs4 taught us to shit our pants in front of whoever you're attracted to.MGSV taught me that if a woman kills your doctor and nurse and tries to stab you, shoot you and strangle you, only to be set on fire and come back three weeks later to shoot you again, she's probably your soulmate and you should totally go for her.
Mgs4 taught us to shit our pants in front of whoever you're attracted to.
Kojima must have an eclectic porn collection.
MGS1 taught me that if you enter and exit a ventilation duct enough times, you will get a girl to take her clothes off.
MGSV taught me that if a woman kills your doctor and nurse and tries to stab you, shoot you and strangle you, only to be set on fire and come back three weeks later to shoot you again, she's probably your soulmate and you should totally go for her.
MGS3 taught me to always intensely stare at a women's boobs no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT.
What do you mean by that?
Give her a punk dyed hairstyle and she's the western zombie apocalypse craving nerd's ideal girlfriend.
The more I think about it, the more I like Ground Zeroes.
Camp Omega has a more elaborate, thoughtful and interesting base design than pretty much anything in Phantom Pain. Only the Russian base camp in Afghanistan kinda comes close... but not really.
i'm thinking about restarting a new file and setting some new artificial challenges or parameters... still trying to think up what all to do though.
No Markers for sure, I did that the first time. I think I want to remove Crosshairs this time, too, to make laser sight more important for over the shoulder firing and also making ADS more important.
I now really love venom Snake as a character and it just makes me mad that he was with the boss til the fucking end and big boss essentially fucks him over in metal gear
I think one should be careful of taking the discussion in this thread as too representative of feelings about the game as a whole.
Personally, I think MGSV's story fails at just about everything it attempts. I think the characters are flat, and feel very disconnected from the movement of the plot. I think most of what they introduce doesn't feel fitting for the game's universe, crazy as it is, and I feel like all the events in the game that tie into future titles do so in ways that don't feel meaningful to me at all.
Deep down Big Boss would never say "Kaz, I'm already a demon."
Fuck you Big Boss.
Quiet is some teen romance twilight shit for guys. Reverse the genders of Quiet and Venom and I bet people who say she's a well written character would change their tune drastically. Quiet is Edward with tits.
She is the ideal girlfriend for lonely military otaku nerds. Give her a punk dyed hairstyle and she's the western zombie apocalypse craving nerd's ideal girlfriend.
Wasn't Saladin a historic Kurd warrior who liberated regions near to where sniper wolf was found. Thought it was a basic comparison from sniper wolfs viewpoint of big boss.
The funny thing about that is that despite its lewdness, it actually did have story significance (Eva manipulating Snake).